Part 01

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Let us reverence the Awareness and let us consider the free will, because infinite are the paths for their application. Nonetheless, the free will has consequences. Although it seems contradictory and in spite of not being common deceiving is not freedom. The daily man is as free as a sheep in the herd. Because there are no excellent models to emulate in the everyday it is necessary to go beyond or to stay behind of it. While it implicates the middling and the piddling the everyday stays mediocre. Whence the urgency of a context where there is the "paragon", an excellence model to emulate. The paragon has a high level of being and awareness. Not in what refers to the relative norms from time and place, the small context, but to the omnipresent values of the Great Context and its Superior Order. It is possible to tread an effective path if we follow the instructions of the paragon, the agent of the intention, but the accomplishment of the Impersonal Intent is reached only by the presence, with pertinent actions and in relentless disposition. However, the relentlessness is "persona non grata" in the everyday, the kingdom of indulgence and surrender. Now is the moment to gather agents, but before there is to know who has time and disposition to learn. The "agon", the king of the indulgence, always imagines itself capable but never finishes what it begins and it never learns. After all, it is a "king". Whence the proofs that eliminate it from the path before we lost a precious time. Although here nothing is pending, this moment is urgent!

Affirming that the everyday stays mediocre is just an imprecise way of referring to the matter. There is not how being different since as a part one cannot intend the everyday to be everything. At most one can hope the part belongs to the whole. The everyday is called "Dominant System" because it forces the observer to see it as the only one existent. It obstructs the perception of other systems not related to its procedures, pointing that any subsystem has by force to start from it. For that imperative, it is also called "Omnibus Pattern". However, we do not want to implicate here that its destiny is itself, or gone back to itself necessarily. In fact, the everyday is omnibus, but it is not omnipresent. Let us look for becoming aware of what is omnipresent here and now, because that allows us to go beyond the everyday or to stay behind it. In order to realize it, a specific teaching exists: "Pertinent actions attract from the Great Context the ideal dispositions of the Unapparent Order". Pertinent actions? What one means by that specifically? Actions that, despite its possible apparent absurdity according to the daily perception, they have internal coherence with the established goal in a conscious way and is fully identifiable in the context. The apparent absurdity itself, or as we call it here, the "absurt", it can be ideal to attract from the Great Context the Impersonal Intent, the aforementioned ideal dispositions of the Unapparent Order. Let us look for the "non-method"!

There is to separate the small contexts from the Great Context. Even though those exist inside this, they refer only to the relative circumstances of a certain event or observer, while the last one refers to the transcendent substratum of all circumstances anywhere and at any moment. The patterns and the daily norms are too many in the small contexts. It is right that everybody has to use them. Most will do it in an unconscious and inconsequent way, but that is not important and either pertinent. Being in any context, the observer that can align his or her intention with the Impersonal Intent according to the Superior Order will accept the present with consciousness, or it will be conscious of the present. That is all that matters since ever in the Path. Only to the "paragon", the free awareness, it is given to know the Principle's Intent, because the "agon", the conditioned awareness, is dreaming fascinated about a fantasy world and is creating universes without cohesion and uniformity of perception. In those chains of illusion there exists no Intent, just contradictory and ineffective intentions that overrule one another. Over there the prisoners are gods, the lords of the castle, that can do anything inside the invisible walls of their ivory towers. Do you want to be free? Then go to the top of your tower and rush into the abyss, because here on that ground we are no gods, we are no one and we can do nothing besides comply with the Principle's Order. Behold the universe of the Intent!

The awareness that aspires to the highest order and notices that the everyday is mediocre is the peregrine that walks free, contemplating the sun of the awakened awareness above the horizon. The highest order is the Superior Order of the Principle. Let us seek it, because the contexts of the daily life do not allow us to go beyond them. All the daily accomplishments are empty and without sense, except as a medium to reach the end. However, that does not mean that the Order of the Principle is at another place besides Here or at another moment except Now. Ultimately, the sun, the awareness, the horizon and the peregrine are only formal aspects, or appearances, of the Superior Order. Pertinent actions attract from the Great Context the ideal dispositions of the Unapparent Order. Yes, and in that excellent teaching it is the method to abstract the General Law of the Context. Here it is pertinent to observe impartially the ideal dispositions so that they transform the seekers in excellent observers now. However, in the daily level of awareness that is not possible, because in that case the ideal dispositions would be seen just as relative when they are not less than absolute. It is necessary to "stay behind" or to "go beyond the everyday" to see them as they ideally are. Through the pertinent actions, the peregrine notices that those dispositions are ideal indeed and they lead to the Intention accomplishment that is always created by the Unapparent Order. The Principle's Order and the Ideal Path excel here and now!

Once and for all the "paragons" are the highest manifestation of the Superior Order. In fact, they choose themselves every moment as the predestined creators, the supporters and the transformers of all the presents of the Great Context. This way they become the proper Agents of the Superior Order, the ones that establish its foundation and build its outline here and now. Although a great technological evolution exists today, there is also a lack of the pertinent values from the true presence. If we see the abundance of the nullity and insignificance that exist everywhere, then we will understand that they are just a small sample of the everyday. As peregrines in the excellence path, we have to believe that we can do some difference, even if for such we need "not doing". The term "paragon" really means the statement of the conscious creativity. Thereby, it has the power to give life to the pertinent idea. If we recognize its origin as coming from the Principle's Impersonal Intent and accept that term in the context as meaning an "ideal excellence model", then we will know that the paragon is at the same time the Principle's revelation in us and the goal of our existence, because we are peregrines in the returning path to the Principle. The term paragon surely is the statement of the conscious creativity. If you become aware of what the word "excellence" stands for , that can give you a very pertinent idea of what we mean. Be creative!

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