Part 09

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The Larger Context is uncreated and so Existence. The idea that a creator exists is anthropocentric and it aims at the consciousness manipulation. For the old wise Chinese, the so called "immortal masters", Tao was not some creator but the very creative process in itself. Its creativity is continuous here and now since forever. And so it is the Great Context. It was not created in some moment in the past, but it is always recreated right now and just here. The Context, while an aspect of the One Consciousness, participates in its constant becoming. How could be that what is without form be separated from Consciousness? If the Context does not have form, then how it could stop being? It is constant change, transformation. That is the appearance of its creativity. When the consciousness returns once again to accept the Principle as the origin of everything, then it will understand the Superior Order. Notwithstanding this is a very subtle understanding. It is required living a whole life to assimilate it properly. Our relationship with the Superior Order is governed by the position of the perceptive focus, therefore in order to reach it is necessary to delimit its movement in a conscious way to the ideal area with a deliberate intent and not just in a passive or automatic way. All the possible interior techniques are relevant as much as they lead to this experiment. Otherwise they are just useless baggage. When the peregrines reach the ideal focus they observe that the Principle is in fact the origin of everything that exists manifested!

The peregrine does not see the "perceptive focus" as an abstract concept. Such focus is the more characteristic understanding of the Ideal Path. In no other anyone got to notice, or at least to sense, an aspect so essential and practical for the understanding of the total being's dynamics and its evolution in the Context. The very conception of the focus in the terms of the path gives to the peregrines the practical capacity to work directly with the perception as the power to apprehend of the Principle Vibrations that have consciousness and purpose. Not merely as static impressions from an external reality regarding which the observer has to adapt into without the possibility of intervening in its purpose or becoming. Under certain perspective those vibrations are the apprehensible elements of the total energy system, the Great Context, of which we are dynamic and functional subsystems not so different, or small contexts involved in a more or less conscious way with its intent and becoming. If the peregrine can consider the vibrations accordingly they are seem under that focus he or she will be amazed with the consequences. What the daily men notice from the Principle Vibrations is just its appearance. Seeing them directly is noticing that they are conscious and have intent. Everything that is, indeed is alive and conscious go deliberately in favor of the evolutionary flow or resist to it. If not in its appearance, by the vibrations that constitute its essence. Perceiving the Plot, the Net threads that the Intent weaves every moment is to understand the Game that counts and its Context.

As the free vibrations so the conditioned ones will also reach a conclusion: the purpose of its intent. Observing the vibrations and noticing its intent is to propitiate it. It allows that the observer works actively for his or her own evolution and not just follows passively the context evolution or resists and walks to the opposite direction, what would be more unfavorable yet. Not that one can resist forever to the Natural Order, but one can postpone one's own adhesion to it for an indefinite time. That time has less to do with duration than with a quality of being that interferes with the conclusion idea exposed here. This idea refers to reach the intention purpose of something, its completeness or totality in agreement with the Order. Everything returns to its origin. Then, in order to be excellent, let you all look for totality. Evolutionary is the return to the Origin while the departure from it is involution. Everyone whose consciousness did not yet realized the free will returns incontinent to the Origin when one's existence reach the end. Just the beings conscious at the level of the free will can stand back of their origin for an unclear amount of time in a cycle that matches the intention of their search. Though it is "involutional" from the observers' perspective, the departure is also an element of the Order, as well as everything else, and opportunely it will lead to the other part, to the closing of the circle, the consciousness return to the Origin. For ultimately everything contributes to the Principle's Intent here and now.

Principal for the peregrine in the excellence path it is to move the perceptive focus for new positions and to reach other perspectives while it is time. Without that everything is vain philosophy or mere sophism and in fact nothing is transformed before the big leveler, death, interrupts the process. One can talk about everything, certainly, but what one lives is the same everyday. It does not matter with as much adorn one decorates the daily being it is still the same "agon"! The great work, the one that really makes sense, is in fact the alchemic work, but that has nothing to do with transforming lead into gold literally. It has to do with elaborating in the crucible of the everyday, the real field of the human vibrations, a wide contextualized purpose, here the syntony between the arrested vibrations and the free ones. For such it is required one to align with the Impersonal Intent. The "connection bridge with the Intent" many times referred in the Path it is not any other then the proper human intent, but intent is not just the daily man's intention, it is also the conscious intention, relentless, addressed for a contextualized purpose. In everyday it was spoken for a long time in faith as the vehicle for such objective, but today that is just traditionally associated with the western religion, for this lost its original sense of connection with the Spirit, the "religare", becoming just another gear of the dominant system. "Intent", a term entirely new in its ideal sense, is a more pertinent vehicle to the Path context. Let us intent!

It is true! If we apply the human intent to the flow of the Impersonal Intent the Superior Order shall sign and this will be no illusion, but an Instruction of the Principle. Since ever the signs are everywhere, but to understand them there is to seek convergence moving the perception focus in conformity and enlarging the consciousness. The human beings are the receivers and the agents of the Intention of their specific strip of vibrations, as other beings are the same in relation to their own vibrational strips. This way, the man has the great responsibility, although voluntary, and also the prerogative of accomplishing the purpose established for him by the Principle. However, it is not for that purpose being established this way that the men do not have free will, an attribute of the consciousness. Understanding the game essence with its rules and practicing them is indeed becoming the paragon, an excellent player in the Great Game of Intention. We affirm that Appearance is the illusion origin and that its veil hides what in fact is. That is true by one side, but Appearance is not responsible for the interpretation that is done of it. The peregrine is a true observer, but the daily men are so obsessed by their interpretations of the reality that in their ignorance and illusion they attribute to Nature their addictions and lack of consciousness, but Nature is beyond all attribution that are not those from the poised heart. It is up to the excellent observers aspiring to the full understanding and the expansion of their own consciousness.

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