Part 13

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The boost of the Impersonal Intent is what moves the "perceptive focus". No matter how much a peregrine can get ready for that, without that boost nothing happens except perhaps an useless trip. One can think without any "conformity" base that he or she is ready and prepared for such, but that is no more than an illusion. One cannot deceive the Spirit, however people are free to deceive themselves as much as they want. The true readiness is without thought, expectations or regret. It is simply to be at will and attentive now and here. The creativity of the Intent is what allows the adjustment of the focus and the conception of new possibilities, so they come to be united and unified in a complete understanding in the three contextual levels. Everything is comprised by these levels, the mediate, the immediate and the integral context and nothing can be separated from the Great Context they conform. Because it is here and now, but it is also becoming even better and more ordered in a continuous reconstruction. Nobody is forced to become an agent of such construction or becoming responsible for that. This is an option that has to do with the intent of few and not with the intention of the majority. The majority goes on satisfied in its ignorance and is not willing to be deprived of its illusion, and less still of its addictions. The Impersonal Intent is what dislodges some people from ignorance and prevents them from wander around. That is not a mere chance, but a message from the Superior Order that can or cannot be captured by the receiver.

Long time ago it was said that death is in forgetfulness. Only for the incessant recalling one can walk towards the goal. Even in silence the Context continues its movement. There is no ceasing as the daily man fantasizes with. An invisible process does not stop being an evolutional or "involutional" process. When someone thinks about attaching to one's perceptions we advise: move the perception! The more the better. The movement of the focus will tune in other focuses. Where all the forces are summoned the Intention is inevitable. The Order is one in the Context as a whole. The challenges not faced are the failure precursors, but what summons the peregrine's whole intent into the way acts as a creative boost. In the peregrine's path is said: "Do not avoid challenges. Where there is escape there is no evolution, just delay". The seekers that do not fear looking for the uncertain occult harmony can sincerely assume the ideal peregrines image. Their readiness and the pressure of the Intent will take them to the accomplishment of the Context. Yes, long ago it was said that death is in forgetfulness. Only when walking towards the goal the observers can maintain an incessant recalling. For such they use the procedures and non-procedures of the Path. The first procedure is walking with full attention and the first non-procedure is to use the fuel of breathing to navigate the ship of intention to cross the strait and going beyond the form.

Even recently it was said in the Path that everything is recall, in the sense of the impression we have about everything is only a recalling of the perception we just had. If we have an impression, it is said it is the recalling of the contact and not the contact itself. If we see something, what we noticed is the recall of a last impression. Actually we are always a step behind the real things. All this makes one notices the recalling priority in relation to the awareness process. Recalling is considered the main method in most of the inner knowledge paths. In the forgetfulness, in the behavior automation, it is the loss of the free perception and the awakened consciousness. Recalling is to maintain the attention focused in the several perception aspects and providing its continuity, its becoming. The peregrine has to be responsible for conserving and expanding consciousness. That is the only great purpose that is worth. Let us walk toward it. Everything that exists has a rhythm, an inherent movement akin to its nature. The same happens with the Great Context, that is not an immovable and unalterable backdrop in spite of what someone can think. It is an environment that by one side answers to the men's perception and their intent and by the other side it also answers to the Impersonal Intent, at the same time which it regulates everything it comprehends. It is always altering itself organically to reflect as much the personal intention as the Impersonal Intent. And so it is settled down the Equilibrium of the Superior Order.

Every minor context is inserted in the Great Context and in spite of having its own separate movement the small context, even if discordant in a limited base, it accompanies the Largest Context that underlies it. Therefore it is said that even the involution is inserted in the Principle's Order and that ultimately everything contributes to Its Intent. The simple idea of the final immobility of any process is a daily man illusion. That does not exist in the Context. Every process continues to beyond itself, integrating into other process and so forth. The daily men fear death because they imagine it is the end. Death is an end indeed, at least in one meaning of the term. It is the end of an illusion, in that case the illusion of existing under a separate form, but it is not the end of the whole process because nothing is. In fact death is the beginning of any other process, since no process ceases from having continuity in some other. An invisible process does not ceases from being an evolutional or an involutional process. The Context Revolution always continues, be it in the evolutionary spiral or in the involutional one. Opportunely, what is potential comes to be actual and vice-versa. What was occult is manifested and what was manifested becomes occult. That is the Spirit's game of hiding and seeking, the Great Game, or "Maha Lila", that we attempted to emulate with more or less success according to the awareness level each one reach now and here. The Principle's First Order is becoming aware of the Great Game and participating in it.

In the Context there are several levels of consciousness and perception. The highest level comprehends the lower ones, but these do not notice what is proper of the other. This way, if a process is subtler than some persons' capacity of perception they do not notice it and therefore they do not conceive it either. In their essential aspects the evolution and involution laws of the consciousness are not accessible to daily people in the everyday. These rules are part of the Great Context and as such they are only noticed or conceived as its elements. The daily men are absorbed by the mediate context and they ignore what is before or beyond it. It is necessary a functional blockade of the dominant system so there is a pause in the person's continuity of interpretation. This is indeed reached only through the overlap of the alternative system and its functional elements over the dominant system in the character's mediate and immediate contexts. There is an inertia that makes people tend to conserve their positions and perceptions, as if it was the case of accumulating them and with that maintaining certain status and maybe thereby becoming a great character. Attaching to a state or a condition is ignorance and also an illusion. On the contrary, the peregrines have to flow with new perceptions and not to hold on to anything in their path. The true seeker aims above all the freedom that begins with the liberation of perception. For that, the peregrines drop all their baggage, mainly the "agon".

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