Part 20

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When the Principle Vibrations are accepted as an awareness related to the "perceptive focus" movement and the observer no longer has doubts, then the illusion is removed, for the closed mind is transcended and the Context awareness in fact is. When that happens the "no-mind" truly is, and one has reached the non attainment and the "non being". The no-mind is the conscience of the "paragon". When it is, no doubts are possible anymore. For the paragons see everything in their path and notice that the vibrations are the awareness of several focuses. They are synchronous with the movement and the stabilization of the focus. Every classification, interpretation or theory regarding what is noticed, or in other words, the world and its diversity, is no more than a game the observer, the Spirit in us, decided to play. The problem begins when the "agon", the conscience conditioning, sets apart the perception and the observers forget who are they, imagining they are separated from the Origin that is everything. Then there is a turning point in the game and the player becomes a pawn moved by the hand of destiny. There are those who affirm that it is all right, but one has to remind there are distinct laws for different positions in the Context. The General Law, the one that moves all and everything in a relentless way according to the Principle Intent; and the Exception Law, that lets the responsible agent to participate willingly in the evolutionary process, or the excellent peregrine to become the "paragon".

The creativity is always accompanied by the vital pulse that moves the creator's hand, or by the focus movement that drives the Intent Action, which produces the fruits of its vitality when finding the appropriate context. In fact that means the Intent and the vital pulse are simultaneous, since they happen now and are always here. Therefore we never refer to the "Creator" as something or somebody that created whatever, anytime. We only refer to the creativity that happens all the time here and now, creating itself and everything else continuously in a tireless way. Then what unfolds it, whoever or whatever, is now the creator. That is the relationship between the creativity and the vital pulse. The focus movement is the intent and the result of this pulse. It allows the perception of the Real, because it is no more than a position of the perception focus. If the focus movement were not, there would be no parameters or conceivable relations. One can properly say that reality, any reality, is a perceptive focus, but to realize a focus there is to notice its movement. In principle what moves the focus is the Impersonal Intent, and its movement is noticed as the effect of the Vital Pulse that leads the action of the personal intent to its purpose, to the goal of the Impersonal Intent and that of the Principle. The fundamental difference between the daily man and the peregrine on the path is that the last one knows that ultimately everything adds to the Intent of the Principle.

The peregrines who take the responsibility for the construction of the Context should accept in their spirit the priority of the Impersonal Intent. Without such acceptance there is no pertinent responsibility, just that of the daily man. It is only nominal and actually it is confused with the incapacity of doing different, in other words, something from which one cannot escape unpunished. Almost all the time, The daily men are responsible not for a conscious option, but for being made accountable as a result of their actions by the human law. However, according to the law of cause and effect or action and consequence, an aspect of the General Law of the Principle, one way or another people cannot escape from the consequences of their actions, even if the human law does not reach them. That is a fact applicable to every conscious being that has reached the free will level. On principle any action has a consequence linked to it and to its actor, the conscience. Be it evident or completely invisible from outside, anyway the consequence of the impertinent action is always the conscience conditioning, the "agon". However, the peregrines on the way, the context builders, accept in spirit the priority of the Impersonal Intent, so that the actions they drive are no longer their own actions. That is a basic difference among the daily beings and the "non-being". The daily being's actions depart from oneself, the agon. The non-being does not have oneself, or agon, and the actions that seem to come from it actually come from the Impersonal Intent.

The intent of reunion with the Superior Order is the substratum of the Path. The Superior Order is here and now. Let us take the responsibility for it. Therefore, it is possible receiving the provision and accepting the challenge of uniting to the evolution of the Great Context. That is the contrary process of that provided and instituted by the Antagon. The last is the involutional process, the one which conscience separates itself and moves away from the Principle. This term is quite appropriate to indicate the sense in question, the deviation and the fall of the conscience from its original source onward. However, we do not mean that this process is improper or wrong in some way. There are those who experience it and we are not here to judge these beings' pertinence to do it anyway, what does not fit at all, but only to deal with those who are in the same general path of us, the evolutionary path. Although it seems otherwise, the very terms "evolutional" and "involutional", have no absolute valor, positive or negative, and they are only used here as complementary opposites. Obviously, due to the inherent conflict of the battlefield and according to the context, those who walk through the other path are our enemies, or "antagons". Yet the Principle's Order is to reintegrate all the opposites opportunely. The positive protagon and the seemingly negative antagon have to be reinstated in the balance that is besides both, the impartial paragon. That "complementation" is what makes possible the ascension to the Superior Order, the "sublimation".

The ideal moment to become conscious of the Intent of the Principle is right now. One does not have to wait until being reached by it, because nothing is pending. Everything is already here and all indications to the contrary are just elusive appearances. Nevertheless, any things the peregrines do to reach their goals on time is pertinent, at least as a simple game, or at most as the great game in which he plays willingly to learn and having fun. They put in this game all the intention of flowing with the Impersonal Intent. That is as pertinent for them as is pertinent for Buddhist monks retiring to a monastery and meditating for forty years to reach illumination, although they know well there is nothing to be reached. For a peregrine, actually, being on the way here and now wherever it be, is even more pertinent and satisfactory. As ideal warriors, they consider any place as the current battlefield. There is no reason to leave here and seeking another place. They simply stay behind the daily life and another places appear for them exactly here. There is no why to look for another moment. They just let it be, then other moments come to them in the simple process of breathing. Doing nothing extraordinary, only breathing in a conscious way, or "abspiring", as that "non procedure" is named in their path, the peregrines reach a new perceptive focus. It allows them the awareness of the Principle's Superior Order and the ascension to it in a skillful time.

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