Part 04

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The expansion of the awareness will lead to the net that connects all the Creative Forces of the Principle. That net is the very Context, the stage of the evolutionary process that leads the peregrines to the reintegration with the Principle of all things, after have being moved away from it and traveled to the boundaries of the Context, and this way completed their great journey. An allegory for that is the eagle devouring the serpent or the "individual" awareness. Actually, the Awareness is only one. Just for the "separate individuals" that still do not have it clear enough, the integration may seem to be the annihilation in the eagle beak. Despite the fright and the probable "faintness", it is obvious that such "individuals" are not reintegrated. They are spat out! The failure of an enterprise that has already updated much of the present is the result of the Intent priority denial. Accomplishments are projections of the personal intent in images. We mean that an image is like a template in which we insufflate the possibility to be through the injection of intent. That gives "life" to it, making possible its realization in the space-time continuum. Without intent, the image is no more than a possibility, an unrealized potential, but the personal intent is just an aspect of the Impersonal one, an invitation to it. In order to update the intention in an effective way it is necessary the Guest's Presence. Not being at home to receive it is the aforementioned denial of the Intent priority that leads to the enterprise failure. Stay present!

When presumption arrests the awareness inside of narrow limits and the "agon" becomes an idol, then the portals are closed. There is no path then, except for the ignorance, the illusion, and the addiction. The presumption is the most evident characteristic of the awareness conditioning in a vicious circle. That circular movement around oneself is what we have been calling agon. That is the idol the prudent ones should not adore, or they risk to lose the awareness. Every care is not enough. The warlike peregrine is always alert, but not to ambush the other in the daily life paths, but to stalk the insidious opponent in the internal battlefield. Let us watch with excellent attention! The agon becomes the reflex of the Impersonal Intent smile when it considers itself an inseparable part of what is. On the other hand, when the awareness notices itself as separate from what it is not, the "protagon" begin to tread the path because then he is being pertinent in the search for his goals. The smile of the Impersonal Intent is like the Cheshire cat's smile, nobody is there, only the smile. Then, the peregrines can exercise the intent of returning to what they were in the Origin, of noticing what is now, and of expressing what will always be, but about which they forgot. Therefore, to be a protagon is a game option to a peregrine in the Path context, but not for the walkers of any other paths. After all, not all of them can conceive that possibility, only those for whom the game instructs and amuses. Those choose to represent the myth.

The idea of the unsuitability of the intention to the objective is excluded of the evolutionary path records. Not fitted to the objective is all events that do not have intent. Well, if the path is evolutionary it has to have a clear and defined intent. Therefore such idea is promptly excluded of such path records. Those records are the body of knowledge relative to the accomplishments that, in a way or another, is passed through the pathfinders' generations. All knowledge paths have their own means of recording their progress. And here in our context, we intend to do the same. There is a great difference, however. Our records are not related on paper but in the plot wefts. They are ethereal "quipus". The ideal peregrines instruction regarding the Impersonal Intent establishes the most excellent conception of the ideal of the inexorability of the intention. That excellent instruction is that "ultimately everything contributes to the Principle's Intent". Everything returns to the Absolute in a way or another. There is no way to escape from what must be. What the Principle does not reintegrate, it does so by its own reasons regardless of what a walker does or does not for such. The warlike peregrines always act with inexorability and in the most excellent way possible. And they do so not as an investment, because there is no return warranty, but because they united the personal will to the Intent of the Principle. As for that, being relentless and excellent, they no longer have any alternative.

The old testaments assure the fire, that represents the Intent, after consuming all fuel available does not disappear. How would it be able to, if it is preserved in the records of the inconceivable? The old testaments just refer to them, though they are not the very records, since these are not old nor modern but omnipresent. Those are the testaments left behind by the walkers of the times gone by and these are the inventories of the awareness that are in agreement with the apparent order. However, what would the fuel of such fire (the Intent) be? All the Vibrations of the Principle that need to be "consumed" or "consummate" in order to feed the evolution of the Context. As it is said in the context of certain paths that the Origin "consumes" the awareness, we say in the Peregrine's Path that the Principle "consummates" it, because they are similar actions inside of the Scene of the Great Context. The Intent returns to its Origin and this is the ideal and not manifested Principle. Everything that is manifested here, and therefore is real in appearance, it will return opportunely to the ideal state, to its original aspect: the appearance of the Relentless Intention. That is the ideal term for the Universal Creative Intent, what we also know in the Path as the "Impersonal Intent". It always returns to the stage of the highest Creativity of the Principle, to the ideal and excellent aspect of the Unapparent Order. That is the Great Unified Law through which everything returns to its Origin. As this is the way the Superior Order manifests itself.

The Intent of the Principle is omnipresent. In all Context aspects, its Order is manifested. Yes, it is true! The Superior Order is the manifestation of the Principle's Intent now and here. Ultimately everything contributes to its purpose. Even the inferior manifestations can and opportunely will be reintegrated. The Great Context is the substratum which all the smaller contexts show themselves as separate and independent scenes from the "magical theater", the theater of life. Actually, such contexts are interdependent because although not perceived or intuited, the Order is as omnipresent as the Intent that, so to speak, aligns and gathers the smaller contexts in the frame of the Great Context. It is nonsense to deny the Omnipotent Intent of the Principle that penetrates all layers of the Context with its Superior Order, but the daily people frequently stand back before the sensible. Thereby they deviate themselves towards ignorance and vanity. These people have to be receptive to the Superior Order if they intend to flow with the Great Context. However, how doing so or intending it if they are involved in the small games of the everyday life? They are always extras in that show and not the protagonists of some meaningful scene as they imagine. In everyday theater, they do not make the proper connections. In short, such persons travel in a circus through no man's land without any identifiable destiny. Maybe it is possible for some people being happy this way... For these, the peregrines wish an enjoyable and instructive journey.

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