Part 05

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When the awareness is attracted to deceiving illusions and it strives for a moment of disregard it ignores the First Instruction of the Principle: attention! Everything that is positive and has consequences for the goal of the path is attention or a specific aspect of it. Disregard is the origin of all ignorance, that together with illusion and addiction, they conform the three faces of Hecate, the "Antagom". Its agents abound in the everyday and its performance can be seen clearly thru the small foibles and the unconscious habits of mundane people. Let the peregrine accomplishes now the instruction of the Principle. Attention can inconvenience one who does not want to comprehend. A truth seeker can wonder why somebody would prefer the shadow (being under the shadow of some other, living in the shadow) to the light (being the protagonist of one's own story) and to take responsibility for one's destiny, but some prefer it for sure. That has something to do with the nature or the quality of the observer's viewing. It is not that somebody has born to darkness, as some others may consider. For this certainly does not exist and it is no more than illusion and ignorance. The fact is, for some or any other irrelevant reason in appearance, but ultimately because it wishes to survive at any cost, the "agon" does not want the understanding. It prefers to tread the obscure path for what it believes as being "another principle". Silliness! The Absolute Principle is omnipresent, but each one is free to deceive oneself at will. This is the truth.

As it is indicated in the Peregrine's Path the Principle's Superior Order sometimes seems an illusion or hallucination for the daily people. For sure! A lot of times it is easier to have faith in what we see, like San Tome. But what we see does not appear that orderly and much less superior. At least in what daily men do or produce. We have to look beyond in order to see the reflex of that magnificent order. We have to look the sky on a clear night, far away from the city pollution. The starry sky is the most direct and touching reflex of the Superior Order. If you just look down to your navel, how would you see the sky and the stars? However, mundane people interpret what they see in a very personal way. That is the reason for the confusion. Because of that nobody understands each other. Only when there is "conformity" or in the context uniformity and perception cohesion, we can truly share internal experiences and be one in perception. However, the majority fears to face the truth as it implicates to face oneself and see everything that the "agon" intended to hide. That a person can be silly, although educated. That a man can be weak, despite his arrogance. That somebody can be useless, despite the presumption. Just as "paragons", ideal warriors, it is possible to face the last challenge, because they do not care if they win or lose one battle, therefore they are invincible. Peregrines! Look for the goal of your path, emulating the ideal warrior's excellence!

The daily man will not stop inventing fantasies and will not cease carrying superfluous baggage. It is a fact. Fantasies are everywhere. There is to abandon the illusion or we will not find the path. People carry so much baggage that they get lost from it. There must be lightness to walk or will not be enough disposition. The "agon" is the more needless baggage excess that exists and at the same time, it is the largest fantasy. It is nothing indeed, although the faith in it is a heavy baggage to carry through the path, even if one considers it the soul or the spirit. That is not reasonable. There is to drop it and go ahead or give up and surrender. The awareness drags a lot of baggage and then the difficulty to ascend to the Superior Order. Fixation in the past and anxiety for the future are heavy baggage, but the agon considers them essential for its survival. The idea of oneself as an agon, subject to what passed or destined to what will come, is the largest baggage. There are several other things the peregrine considers baggage and they all stuff the awareness with superfluous items. For the awareness ascension to the Superior Order, it is indispensable an immediate ordination and a thorough cleansing. For that, one can begin by "absterging", "absurting", and "abstracting", as it is instructed in the Peregrine's Path. This is available for whom wants and knows how to walk through it. Doing so is a fundamental decision that depends only on staying behind the daily life, where the Path is.

A new arrangement of the context through the Creative Intent will provide the evolution. Yes, but what is a new arrangement of the context? Everything that we knew was settled a long time ago, or at least it has roots in that distant past. It is old and outdated. In our context rearranging is to invent a new adjustment through the creativity. And the conscious evolution will follow its course. Not mechanically, but impelled by the intent. However, the everyday dominates the personalities tied to it before the thought of a new arrangement of the context because the old habit is ingrained. It became an addiction. It is sensible to pull it off as to the essential can grow up. And what really matters except the awareness? The old, obsolete forms fascinate and so all traditions arise. They attract what is also obsolete and old since the alike ones attract one another. The "agon" is old and obsolete and it intends to maintain itself at the cost of the whole being. It does not care about living a half-life, or a "quasi-life" as above all the agon does not want to die. It does not have another perspective, so any questioning, any opposition, is an opposition or a questioning to "me". There is really something essential in question here, but make no mistake because it is not your self-image. Whilst you defend it, you forget it is a mortal game and what is being aimed. That is the Peregrine's Path test: is the agon alive and does it think it is somebody? Then you are not welcome here. Dive into the abyss and die. Be nobody.

If the teaching is considered as conducive to the Path objective then it will be effective, because an increased awareness will lead to the wisdom awakening. "Being considered" is the point. Observing it puts the responsibility in the proper place, or closer to whom considers. In general, there are two opposite ways to see the world: as being liquid and right, in which case the observer has to mold itself to it; or as being something surprising and mysterious, when the observer can flow with the limitless Principle's creativity. Everything is susceptible to be molded by the Creativity. In the course itself, the route can be adjusted. Although, one has to be attentive to the internal compass. The Whole is driven by the Impersonal Intent and ultimately everything contributes to the Principle's Order. If anything increases the conscience, that thing is justified for being here and now. The everyday conditions do not leave the peregrine to aspire to the Superior Order. The everyday is the dominant system or at least its direct manifestation. It is dominant in the sense that usually, it does not allow the appearance of other systems to compete with it. Any other has to come up under its domain necessarily, except for what goes beyond or stays behind it. So everything else is nothing more than everyday subsystems that contribute to it in an explicit or even surreptitious way. The Superior Order is at the same time what stays behind and what goes beyond the dominant system. Let us look for the portals to the Superior Order!

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