Part 18

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Ignorant are all persons who create their world around the incomprehension in the moment of the decision between the daily life and a path. However, not only on that urgent moment, although in it is much easier to notice the silliness of not taking responsibility for an intelligent choice. Even if it is possible for some people wonder and ask if anyone would do it, how immense is the amount of them that do it all the time! The daily life, and each small plot that composes it, is largely based on incomprehension, as it is visible for any one that observes with a bit of attention. The incapacity of understanding the Superior Order is exactly the context of the everyday. Therefore, all persons that get to understand this Order go beyond or stay behind it. Only the ignoramuses remain involved in their tasks and routines on that moment. They do not notice that now is always the moment to decide between to stay tied or to go besides their bonds and free themselves. Then, for what end to build chains and deceiving themselves? — But if some people can ask such question in the daily life it is because they are not so involved in their routines and unconscious tasks. Somebody can be in the everyday without belonging to it, but in two ways: for having gone beyond already or having stayed behind it, and for still remain in it, but without totally submerging in its illusions. There are always the motivators and the possibility of being reached by one of them although in a limited way, even if amid the deep sleep.

While we sleep there is always the possibility of waking up and asking ourselves: What for the dreams and the illusions when all of the constructions collapse and the human goods cannot last?". However, there are constructions that do not collapse and goods that are not daily: the constructions of the conscience and the goods of the Path. We call "ignoramuses" all the persons who do not consider their perceptions, and others', as being possibly more than it looks. For them, the daily appearances are real and what they cannot see in fact does not exist. Someone's else experience is always subjective and imaginative, while theirs is the pattern of objectivity and common sense. They determine for themselves what is possible based only in what they get to conceive, and in that way they establish the limits of the reasonable either for the other people. Of course with that nothing was indeed established for who does not share the same premises. However, the individuals that do not share the daily premises are not reasonable according to the general opinion, because they do not seem to have common sense and therefore they are not part of the real world, or at least they do not count for them. They are much probably impostors, or maybe messed up people that in the "doctors' opinion" should be treating themselves in some health institution or then dressing strait-jackets. Though, there are more between sky and earth than supposes the "mere" philosophy, what to tell of what presupposes the "rude" ignorance.

One can always takes advantage of the fruit of the work on oneself because the expansion of the conscience does not have arbitrary limits. The Return to the Principle, while a process and not the ultimate goal, is an infinite enterprise, because the very Principle is forever expanding from a great perfection to another even larger. Then the so-called ultimate goal will possibly never be reached? — somebody could ask with propriety. What we conceive about it is that one always can reach a great perfection when there is a relentless purpose, but it still does not prevent the peregrine of looking for a perfection even larger. Of course such search is not compulsory and reaching the purpose at any point of the path maybe it is a quite valid intention. Actually, that is an intent which any words can refer only in a very superficial and deceiving way. Only an excellent position before the challenges of the path will reveal the peregrine's goal, the returning to the Principle. The very context will establish the Intent, because out of the context there is just the appearance of intentions not related to the larger purpose. For a peregrine there are no pertinent choices out of the context of the path. Several other purposes and possible goals exist, naturally, as well as contradictory intentions and useless choices in the most diverse contexts. It is up to the peregrine to address the intent for the goals proposed in the path, making the pertinent choices for the evolution of the conscience.

The peregrines look for the opportunity to build alternative contexts together with those who form the ideal circle. Other possibilities are not applied to their game, what do not mean however that they are not applied to other games. It is possible to take steps towards the proposed goal walking alone, but only a circle ordained according to the Intent will be the ideal bridge for the challenges of that path. That bridge is a medium, among others, that leads the peregrine to the "paragon", the ideal warrior. Actually it is a predestined bridge, but one should not suppose that "predestined" here means something which one do not need to look for. It is only predestined in the very sense of being the natural consequence of the evolution of the conscience. However the evolution is not guaranteed. There is still involution, and it is also part of the Principle's Plan. We did not intend to understand the Intent in such high levels of sense, but only in what it affects the part of the Larger Context that relates directly to us: our own context. However, that is not the same context thereof the daily men, because their context is just a fraction of ours. We know the daily life because we also witness it, but the daily men do not experience our context. They can think about it and can hear someone speak of beings that are behind the daily life. They can even be with them in the intersection of the paths without perceiving other than their own contexts. Ours is the path through which we can return truly amazed to the Principle.

The energy that travels the Context suffers several modulations according to the applied intent. It is plastic and conforms itself with the most different situations. There are not several different energies in it, only the energy of the Intent. For most ends one can say that the energy is the very Intent. However, this is not true in all levels of understanding. The Intent is what molds and directs the energy. Yet, as they are not really separated one can certainly say that they are only one. Therefore, the pertinence of the actions is directly proportional to the intent applied to them. That is appurtenant in all levels, but no one understands it below the level of apprehension of the Larger Context, except theoretically, put that everyone witnesses a multiplicity that is not easily solved in the unit. The peregrines on the path, although as yet without the perception of the Unit, do not stay limited to the daily perceptions. They look for "to absurt" in order to have access, even if momentary, to perceptions of a superior order. Without that it is unlikely to understand them. Ultimately only the Principle is. Therefore, the peregrines are not. However, that has at least two levels of understanding. The daily one, that does not recognize it whilst possibility and affirms without saying anything useful that only for being there it is patent that they are indeed. And the paragon's understanding, that does not affirm anything about that and only grasps it. If the Principle is absolute, then it is obvious that everything else is no more than an aspect of it, nothing but an appearance.

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