Part 12

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What was One in the Principle differentiated Itself in various parts according to the Superior Order, but the intent of every part remained whole as to guide it through its round and to gather it with its counterparts opportunely. All the manifested being's parts maintain their focus during a round, in order to finally reunite in a new totality and under another order towards the Primordial Origin. Although not the same anymore it is even more perfect. The parts intent and their relative positions change in a continuous game in agreement with the round in a progression since always defined and forever singular in conformity with the Previous Order. The Intent is in everything or one can say that every natural thing has its inherent intent. It can be seen in every manifestation of nature. One can also say that the nature of things is full of its own intent. Each being's nature has an intrinsic intent that agrees with the Principle's Intent, because it is through this intent that it comes to be and has becoming. Developing is the inherent intent of everything that is conscious. Serving to all beings evolution is to be tuned with the Superior Order and at the same time in agreement with one's own nature. Actually only what is unnatural does not carry the Intent expression, but unnatural or vile is not what inconveniences somebody's idiosyncrasy according to the time and the place, but it is what abominates the Superior Order and the Immanent Nature and foments the addiction and the chaos.

The excellent observers acknowledge several focuses of the Intent, for they have as priority to explore all their perceptive possibilities. Doing so or "not doing" they demand as theirs the presence, the inexorability and the excellence that propitiate rectitude and realization in the path, when the perception focuses fill out the Context. The peregrines notice opportunely that each focus in their vibrations field corresponds to a Context focus, evidencing that way the analogy between the immediate and what goes beyond or otherwise stays behind it. Each focus position is a specific awareness state accessible to the excellent observer. Applying the path procedures to one's goal with inexorability is to look for it in a way far beyond any daily considerations in favor or against it. Then the peregrines become invincible, for they are behind or besides the victory and defeat in the terms of the world. Each focus is a manifestation of what is: an established context. What represents the magic action in each stage of the life theater is the Occult Being that plays in each character the game of hiding and revealing Itself. The singularity is the essence of various forms, because the original truth is the Absolute Unit. Revealing Itself as a part is a learning and a game, for ultimately each part is but an aspect or an appearance of the Unit. Thereby every beings seek their original purpose, that is the Intent of the Principle for them, and therefore they accomplish their ultimate purpose on time.

It would be arbitrary separating the Impersonal Intent from its focuses. Each focus is nothing more than a modulation of the Intent. It is what defines all the apparently limitless possibilities of each focus. Every probable universe already exists potentially in the Principle. Everything that happens is an updating of the existent possibilities. What was not possible, a viable seed, certainly would not come to be, it would not sprout now nor it would bloom here. In the same way, the Great Context is only one in all its focuses. However, that does not force us to notice each focus in the same way. Cohesion and perception uniformity, or just "conformity", is necessary for us to notice it in an objective way. Objectivity is an art. It is also a science in the sense of knowledge and consciousness, but it is first an art for it is more of an attitude than a thought. The movement of the "perceptive focus" allows the awareness of the various possible focuses. If the Context is the set of all Principle's vibrations in its separate zones and it is still an aspect of the same whole that works for its Intent, moving the focus, or to "absurt", it is the process that allows tuning in those vibratory zones, separating the different realities that combine in chains of probabilities. At the same time, it allows the understanding that all possibilities integrate the totality and they embrace all imaginable awareness anywhere or here, and at every moment or now, and therefore all realities already conceived or yet for conceiving.

Such realities can be experienced at any moment and in any context that admits it as a possibility for the excellent "paragon", or for some relentless peregrine, through the power of the movement that reorders the Context with the manifestations of the focuses action. The movement power is the Intent power transported to the most pertinent act in the Context: "absurting.". This is the procedure, or better, the "non procedure", that can reorder it so that its Order is always more excellent now and here. There are no limits for the ordainment nor for the excellence possible. The manifestation of the focuses action is pure "absurt", or what in everyday context one could call magic theater. Though, that theater does not have the primary intent of entertaining an audience or amusing some spectator, except maybe the Spirit Itself, but it has only the intention of serving to the evolution of the immediate context through a realignment that can allow new possibilities of perception, of understanding and of realization. That realignment is spread in expansion waves more and more including for the updating of each circle in a kind of chain of reactions, although conscious, that carries the perception to the Great Context boundaries and to the Superior Order of the Principle. The agents of that Order are always putting themselves in alternating circles of influence in order they accomplish their intent with excellence, as to they can be again one with and the same as the Impersonal Intent.

The Intent Rounds produce a new ordainment that leads to the conscious creativity. The Impersonal Intent and its Rounds are the proper expression of the Principle's Creativity. It is what orders all of the strips of existent vibrations in cycles of pertinent actions so that they are conserved according to the Superior Order and they are never perverted, allowing the establishment and the maintenance of the Great Context. From their advanced positions and in their rounds through the inconceivable fields of the Context the peregrines observe the action of the Impersonal Intent and emulate it, sharing with their pairs in first hand by the force of the "conformity", or cohesion and uniformity of perception, the awareness they realize. Conformity is the origin of the perception objectivity and the sharing of internal experiences. It also allows the capacity to apprehend the scope of the Principle's First Law intuitively, the Unit, in agreement with other impartial observers and with the effective order, or in other words the context they share. Such process of emulation of the Intent actions leads the peregrines towards the conscious creativity, since they can easily observe that the Presence, the Creativity and the Consciousness are the three primary aspects of the Principle transmitted by its Intent and applied to its Context. The set of all scenes and acts of that plot are as a personification game in which the Principle is at the same time the player, the context of the game and the pertinent play.

Arcalibro 1 - InvitationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora