Part 07

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The "agon" moving around itself represents the character that is dissociated of the Great Context. For we know it or not we are born in the Context and for it. The worst we can do is to dissociate us from it, because the Larger Context is the circumstance of the Evolutionary Path. Dissociating oneself of it is proceeding to the opposite side, by the involutional path, towards the domain of the "Antagom". That is neither useful or intelligent. The agon in our context is the circumstance of ignorance, illusion and addiction, the three faces of the opponent. However, agon is nowhere the same thing as ego, the center of personality of the Freudian psychology, or any other modern psychological concept, but what is defined traditionally and with various names in the several knowledge paths. In our path it is the introjected agent of the Antagon, the opponent. The conscience conditioned by the agon is like a nobleman governed by his servant. That do not corresponds to the Principle's Order at all. Though, due to the circumstances of the everyday it is common there to be various phases in human development where the agon can be useful to the mediate context. That does not mean it has to be maintained and worshiped as the last word in interior growth. According to the Superior Order a peregrine has to go beyond it. That is the work of every one who looks for the awakening of the consciousness. In an effective context it is only natural. In the daily context it is not. It is required a structure that holds it, an alternative path.

When Impersonal Intent contacts Consciousness the circumstances and the Context enter in syntony equalizing the conscious limitation with the limitless. Because the Intent moves the focus and that allows the perception of other possibilities. The circumstances are the observer's perceptive context besides which everything does not pass of a possibility among countless others. That is delimited by the context and whence the intention of enlarging it, be for itself or through the circle instituted by the ideal beings. The Great Context is the Course of the Intent that, without being personal, it takes care of the evolution of every smaller contexts in its journey of returning to the Principle. The syntony between the circumstances and the Context reestablishes the Ideal Order according to the Original Intent. Then, finite and infinite interpenetrate each other in Consciousness and there is no more separation. From the Beginning everything is One now and here over again. The person who prefers the excellence of the Path to the daily mediocrity and who acts with a relentless care understands the Superior Order. However, there are people who are satisfied with the mediocrity and therefore they do not have motivation to look for a path. Such people have to be fooled and pushed into the abyss so their conditioning will smash up. However it is not up to anyone to point out who should be fooled. Either it fits to anybody to come forward as a volunteer. Only the Spirit can appoint and reveal who is capable to trail the Path. Be available to the Principle!

Aspiring to the Superior Order it is entrusted to everyone, for the path is not for the elect ones but for all seekers who want to tread it without occupy themselves with the cult of the agon. Although, when the seeker surrenders himself and abandons the path for the conscious evolution his omission eventually will lead him into the subversion misdirection. Not always it is the armed and obvious rebellion. At times it is the passive and surreptitious resistance. There is to clean the field even of those small weeds so that the good seeds can grow up. Let the kinship law be affirmed and the fellow creatures meet as well as the complementary ones! Only then one can separate wheat from chaff and begins the next planting station. Only by the own will a seeker can become the conscious agent of the Context. Besides, there is to aspire to the connection with the Impersonal Intent. Once will and Intent are connected every action is pertinent to the Great Context. This underlies to every smaller context. The excellent peregrine can act pertinently to the eyes of the world without the world be the motivator of such pertinence. The Messenger of the Superior Order can be in any context without sounding out of tune, for it belongs to the Larger Context and therefore it understands the smaller ones. It is not possible for the daily man to recognize its emissaries with certainty, because he or she sees them through the filters of his or her limited perception, but emissaries recognize one another without difficulty and clearly notice those who are not like them.

The Relentless Intent will step down on the limited horizon to devastate what darkens the course of evolution. One position of those who look for the connection with the Impersonal Intent that is quite divergent from the daily man's position is that for them there is no god to appeal to. They take full responsibility for themselves. They have to do it since the Impersonal Intent does not move Itself at request and for that It is called "Relentless". Neither do it the Absolute Principle. The human intention can be connected to the Impersonal intent in order to flow with It and to become thereby so relentless, but everything that confronts the Intent yet not to follow its path, it will be devastated by its unshaken flow. The lever of the Impersonal Intent action reaffirmed as the union with the Superior Order will act as the Regenerative Intent. That is the pertinent aim here, for we have to notice the urgency of the regeneration now. In all contexts and in every way the propriety of time is affirmed, but those who reject the Superior Order will be under the yoke of inertia and retribution. Now is the hour and here is the place for we go back to the Superior Order and turn ourselves into Agents of the Impersonal Intent. Yes, it is time for we recover the ideal perception and renew the intention of returning to the Principle of all principles. To each peregrine is given the choice and the power to regenerate a small whole, a particle of the Absolute. Over here around us or inside ourselves right now.

Excellence while the exercise of consciousness, Creativity from the understanding of the Superior Order, and Inexorability as the direct procedure are the best methods for the conscious evolution to the Principle. For in order to be excellent the observer is required to be present, and to be excellent at each step is walking to the goal with free and awaken consciousness. The Principle's Order is to be creative now and here, for Creative it is the same Principle's Intent that originates all things forever. The direct procedure is the peregrines' method of holding their perceptions in the most economical way. Their inexorability is only the perception reflex of the Context Excellence and it does not base on any ethical or moral principle. The true Intention Agents are at first excellent, creative and relentless. With those attributes they favor the return of everything to the Principle of all principles, the Goal of all goals. Yes, the recurrent time and the unalterable Context can coincide. This time is now and that context is here. We must build over this foundation, but in order to do that there must be appropriate tools, appropriate material and also competent builders. That combination provides the best conscious plan of action for the purposes of the Path, but many plans of action exist. Some are more outlying and indirect and others are more central and effective, but that project is certainly the most efficient of all, for it gathers everything that is required for an excellent construction.

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