Part 25

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The Impersonal Intent orders the Human Vibratory Band, or "Protoparagon", relating it with the field of the Bands of the Principle's Vibrations. The Human Band of Vibrations is the Great Context group of the vibrations that refer to the human beings directly, and for that it is called "Protoparagon", the primordial human mold, the original Poemandres inspiration. It is the creative flow that gives them their singular characteristics among those of all types of beings. Each species has an ideal vibrational pattern established from the Beginning. That pattern is not static in the sense of not admitting the change of the characteristics. Even if it admits mainly the changes foreseen in the Plan, although mutations may happen due to dissonant factors. The I Ching, the notable Book of the Mutations from the old Chinese, is a pertinent symbolic outline of such changes or probabilities. Today a strange correlation is admitted between the hexagrams of the book and the human genome, but in the daily life that is just considered an intriguing coincidence. It may be a coincidence, but not in the sense this term is usually used in the everyday: as a mere chance. It is something that really "co-incides", or that has a direct significant relationship with some other thing in the context. The symbols and its relations are a representative outline of the so-called "Previous Order", that it is not mundane although its interpretation may be. The syntony of the Human Band with the field of all other vibrational bands is what characterizes the Superior Order.

The walker that cannot reach the excellent understanding of the eternal and limitless Principle's Intent is private of the largest accomplishments of the path. In order to reach such understanding there has to be an alternative context, for the daily context does not provide it. To the opposite, it interposes obstacles to that possibility as well as to any other that questions the pertinence of the "agon", the agent infiltrated in each individual's heart, in any of its "subcontext". That is an automatic regulatory mechanism, reason why that context is dominant. It is inclusive and it does not allow the competition of other systems in a same level, compelling by the force of its domain any other possible system to be a subsystem. What gives to the peregrine the opportunity to go beyond or to stay behind of the everyday, the Dominant Context, is exactly the Principle's Intent, because this is not limited by that. To the opposite, it disposes since always all the possible contexts, current or potential, according to the Superior Order. However, that is not the explicit or apparent order, although it can reflect it. It is the implicit, implicated or unapparent order, and to notice it there is to understand the excellence of the Intent. The excellent peregrines, strategy masters and builders of contexts, search to stay behind the daily life imposing conscious limits to themselves according to the procedures and the "non-procedures" of the Path. Doing or "not doing" so. the searchers reach the excellent understanding of the Impersonal Intent.

The ideal peregrines, for whom the possibilities of the Context are accessible, notice that the daily life is limited and see that it represents the totality only for those that consider the reality as the only sensible possibility. Although, several other possibilities are accessible to all peregrines in principle. The Spirit takes charge of presenting chances for each one of them at least once along their life. Not everybody notices and many do not accept them, what is much worse, because if other opportunities will certainly occur in the first case, the non acceptance of the present in the second usually impedes that they are noticed again. According to the perception in the Path, the daily life is limited because it is the primary field of operation of the General Law. In this sense everything in it is determined and the free will is just a non accomplished possibility, not matting how much it might be decanted and valued. Naturally, it is only possible to go beyond or to stay behind starting from the daily life itself, but that is not something simple because such context is not an efficient shield to deviate or to block the blows of the "antagon", its agent, aimed to heading the persons to consider the daily life as being everything that exists. Therefore, the observer does not see another possibility and is limited to the mediate context. On the other hand, the peregrines go beyond or stay behind of such limits and guide themselves by the Special Law, aimed to those seekers that really accomplished the free will.

The Superior Order is coming. Truly the observer can notice in the circle the expression of the Principle's Intent and, with that, the Path can be traveled. In their best aspect, the peregrines on the way are the rays of the circle, although they may not be that and still being on the way... That was discussed before, when it was said there was other means of evolving in the context. The Intent of the Principle is limitless and has infinite ways to express itself, all excellent ones. Why then to give oneself the work of implementing a circle, since that is not so simple? Because in the context that is the more effective way to express the Impersonal Intent and to travel the Path. Although there are stand-alone peregrines that can be excellent in their silence and circumspection, they almost always prefer to hold themselves as a circle of the Principle's Agents due to the reinforcement of the intent and the catalysis of the perception. The statement "the Superior Order is coming" does not have the intention of determining a time or a place in a real sense. It has the intent of establishing an ideal ordainment that may occur at any place and at any moment. It is up to the circle rays to propitiate the coming of the intent and find the means for its application. That is their path, their special method. For such, they observe the movements of the perception focus with the aim of establish and enlarge the conscience so that they can develop satisfactorily towards the established goal, the Absolute Principle and the Superior Order.

When the conscience reaches the amplitude of perception of the evolutionary circles and contemplates the daily life as a stage, and not only as a movement delimited by a vicious circle, it is possible to tread the evolutionary path to the Principle. Par excellence, there is to be the intent of the evolution. The conscience obliterated by the conditionings and that does not look for eliminating or going beyond them does not give itself the minimal chance to fly. It remains limited to crawl entirely involved with the survival mechanisms and the maintenance of the supports and structures of the "agon". However, these structures are not fundamental given that the agon is an arbitrary construction nor aimed to the conscience evolution, but to the perpetuation of the narrow limits of the daily life. Expansion circles are being established for the builders of a new context with the objective of being steps to the Superior Order. The daily life is delimited by the recurring conditions, in other words, it is a circle that perpetuates himself. To interrupt that closed circuit it is necessary to transform it in a turning of the evolutionary spiral. Although that movement continues turning, it does not close itself in the same level. Through the goal of the evolution, the expansion of conscience for larger perception levels, the closed circle is transformed in an open spiral without beginning nor end and in a way of returning to the Origin. So the peregrines seek the Ultimate Purpose of their path, that it is the first goal of Returning to the Principle.

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