Part 11

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A syntony attracts another on the mutation and the movement of each "perceptive focus" in cohesion and perception uniformity. Syntony as to the imprisoned vibrations and the positions ordered in a circle, since both are the direct result of the movement of the perception focus in "conformity". At first it happens in two different contextual levels: the mediate context, or the eventual circumstances, and the immediate one, the imprisoned vibrations proper field. It also happens in an ideal way at the free vibrations level of the Great Context, what perfectly comprehends and integrates all things. These are the impersonal and interpersonal aspects of a same Intent, which is to expand conscience towards the Principle. Somebody could suppose the vibrations syntony would be a personal aspect of the Intent and not an impersonal one. That is not the case because it is not the person as a social being who can accomplish it in the context, at least not in an ideal way, but the "non being" in the parallel context or the "paragon" in our own context. Likewise, anybody could ask: If no longer are people who accomplish the syntony, what would justify the use of the term "interpersonal"? It is used as an expedient, because the term "interimpersonal" does not exist (and it is not justified). What interacts is not susceptible to any substantiated consideration in the daily life, for it is behind or besides the "agon", its agent. Therefore, one cannot consider it nearly anyway except in a negative manner for what it is not.

Regardless of its diverse appearance the everyday imprisons the perceptive focus to a unique and the same position of the vibrations field in the immediate context. The daily diversity did not contribute to an ideal variety, since it belongs to the same sterile and recurrent context. In what concerns to the perception, variety means moving the focus to other positions and perceiving new contexts from another perspective. The everyday inflexibility hinders the conscious evolution, for new possibilities are always passing unnoticed. Its exact nature is not important because each non random movement of the focus furthers a more comprehensive understanding or capacity to align other perceptions beyond or behind the everyday entropy zone. If we understand the width of the Context circles we will put intent in consciousness expansion and it will determine our path excellence. That is every ray purpose on each established circle. Therefore these rays experiment the possibilities and alternatives open with the perception focus movement and share them with the others in their circle and from it with the rays of all other circles of the Great Context. A circle is linked vertically to those that preceded it in the chain and the ones that come to succeed it, and it is linked horizontally to all other evolutionary chains by similarity of purpose. This is only one of the threads of the Great Net. Applying the personal intent to the construction of the Context is flowing with the Intent Manifested on the Construction.

The Impersonal Intent is the Will of the Principle in action. It is a tremendous force although subtle and inapprehensible. As an analogy it would be the vital force that circulates through the Great Context, the "Principle's Body", building and ordaining new structures always more perfect and harmonic with the filaments of its substance, the Free Vibrations. That is all there is. Free or imprisoned they are the same thing. We are also Vibrations fields from the Principle, or of the same original "substance" ordered according to Its Intent. Tuning our vibrations with the free ones is expanding our perception from the immediate context to the Great Context, the field that comprehends all the Principle's Vibrations. So we transport ourselves to the Superior Order. Yes! Consider the Impersonal Intent, the force that moves this universe as well as all other possible ones. At the same time, it is the Creator, the Maintainer and the Transformer of the Great Context. Uniting oneself to the flow of the Impersonal Intent is sharing its Presence, Consciousness and Excellence as much as possible, and becoming the perfect Principle Agent now and here. It is going in one step to the bottom of the unfathomable abyss and in the following step to heights otherwise unattainable in a flash, in one breathing interlude. However, that is just an allegory. Actually, nobody is going anywhere. Uniting oneself with the Impersonal Intent is simply returning the human intent to its origin and becoming in time an ideal peregrine, the "paragon".

That all peregrines intent to become aware of the great width of their vibrations! Moving the perception focus toward other positions is to address the intent in the sense of becoming aware of the vibrations that are so to speak the subtle filaments that interconnect the Centers of Consciousness. These centers are not just organic, as one could suppose from the daily perspective, but they transcend the nervous system and thus it is possible tuning the imprisoned vibrations with the free ones. The vibrations are already conscious of themselves and in the very process of moving the perception focus to another position a new understanding is granted. That is another possibility to transcend the limits imposed by the practically absolute domain of a reductionist interpretation of reality. The perceptive freedom that is reached through this procedure is fundamental as to one follows the deliberate path of the consciousness expansion. Without this expansion one can only follow in the world rhythm, the slow and suffered process governed by the General Law. Under that law there is evolution for sure, but it happens as far as the eye can see and along the eras and does not refer particularly to the individual but to the species as a whole. For the individual consciousness or the conscious individual it may be another law that goes beyond or stay behind the General Law, it is called Special or Exception Law. That Law allows the "nonagon", a wanderer lost in the world, finding the path to become a peregrine.

Actually the peregrine's conscience is enlarged by the Spirit and its Intent, and the Principle's Vibrations have no end. As we understand, the life purpose is the consciousness expansion. For such, in what it concerns to the conscious process and not only as a simple result of the universal evolution, there is to build a context that establishes and put consciousness forward and which its elements are actively involved in aiming that project inexorably. Of course that alternative context is to be built opportunely and does not exist yet, but it is already here and now potentially, based on other similar projects that existed already or only in the original prototype, the ideal model that is present here and now as always. For those who knows what they look for and how to realize it, it is clear that any context already existent can be used in a pertinent way for the purpose, but never with the same advantage of the one especially built for the procedure in question. In such context the peregrines are very attentive and ready to advance the most pertinent actions to approach the established goal while they exercise their creativity and perfect their style. The Spirit itself and its Intent are capital factors in the process, because as it was said somewhere it is the Spirit that moves the perception focus through the Intent and allows the consciousness transfers itself to the boundaries of the Context, whose infinite fields are conformed by the Vibrations of the Principle.

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