Part 23

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It would not be the case in the Great Context of being predetermined the annihilation of what is maintained united by the Creative and Transformative Unique Intent. What is maintained united by the Impersonal Intent is the Context Itself and Its Superior Order. The "paragons" affirm with wisdom that the Context is still developing from a great perfection to another one even greater. And where is it the daily life in it and what we can observe thereof? Any attentive observers can notice the disorder and the absurdity that reign in the its domains and they probable become perplexed that the mundane is also part of the Superior Order. It is required to have an impartial and impersonal vision to understand the daily life as an essential passage for the peregrines' improvement. Over there those who surrender and are subdued determine the rhythm and the direction of their path. Beings well conscious use such context as a trampoline from which they jump afar and faster towards the goal and the Principle. Daily beings do not use it, but they are used as to wander around and as to wallow in their meanders, being moved as pawns by the Right Hand of the Destiny, the General Law. The predetermination exists in the mundane context and it is the very manifestation of the Principle's Laws, both the General and the Special One, in different levels. However, that does not interfere with the peregrines' goal. They can adhere voluntarily to the destiny that is natural for them and to surpass the general destiny with elegance. Above all, they consider the free will.

The limitation of the perception darkens the apprehension and the understanding of the Context Focuses. Perception is focus and focus is perception. There is not how to separate a thing from the other. In fact it is the "perceptive focus" that freely moves the peregrines' will. The Impersonal Intent is what moves it. However, that does not mean that just for itself the focus movement determines the understanding of the Context Focuses. A good example of that, although a very limited and superficial one, is when we look at something without seeing or without registering the event consciously, its context, or both. Of course the impression remains registered somewhere in the unconscious mind and can be recovered and transformed under certain circumstances by special methods, but it is not part of the observers' conscious mind. For the objectives of the Path that is not pertinent at all. Peregrines, and the "paragon" is the ideal peregrine, have to "transform the impressions" and have to be the attention masters. The demand of their context is too big for that they feel the luxury of being inattentive to the point of looking for something in it without noticing. Their path is an arduous journey, even if entertaining, and in that trip a moment of inattention can be fatal. There is no time to be sorry about the mistakes, only to learn with them if they were inevitable and if the destiny has reserved some time for that. Also for that reason the peregrines look for the expansion of their perception. According to the Path, that is the pertinent way for them to reach new Focuses on the Context.

There are infinite possible focuses in the Great Context, but each smaller context limits the possibilities even if there are no limits for the number of contexts in any reality. Besides, the observers limit themselves even more, by excluding a series of possibilities because of their preferences and conditionings. One of the peregrines' excellences is to observe everything in their context. They have no preferences and do not allow the conditioning to limit them in their perception. They work incessantly to freeing themselves from the ties of the daily world. By one side the daily world is the biggest leveler of the conscience, bringing everything to the medium or even the mediocre, while there are many other possible realities waiting for being noticed and integrated into the awake awareness. The daily world levels the conscience of the mundane people through the conditioning to the common sense, to the trivial and the "Real" in counterpoint with what from its perspective is just unlikely, fantastic or maybe ideal. However, from the perspective of a larger conscience level the daily world has no intent whatsoever. Peregrines do not allow the mundane intentions to limit their search for the conscience evolution. They are not committed with the Real, with the common sense and even less with what is trivial. Maybe they do not know with certainty, but they have to believe that there are other possible focuses and that everything that they need to try these focuses is not to limit or to allow that the daily life limit their perception and their understanding.

The interpersonal conscience is lost when the references of the context is lacking. Such conscience is a common label for a larger conscience than the one of the person and possibly also the one of the individual. Although those two types belong to different conscience levels, both are behind the possibilities allowed by the union with the intent in their respective levels. For the person, the interpersonal conscience refers to the society and the social level of conscience that, of course, is larger than that of the person alone. A group of people can be more aware of its context than a single person, since his or her conscience level is not above the conscience level of the group. Regarding the conscience level of the individual the same happens, although in that case the group should have a invulgar configuration. It can only exists and to be effective in an alternative context. Especially because, without that context, such individuals would hardly join one another because of their intrinsic situation. They are already qualified to a certain point to notice effectively and to integrate their perception in a useful way without the needing of any mirroring. The point in question is the apprehension speed, and therefore the speed of the progress in the evolutionary path. Notwithstanding, as in relation with the grouping of people in the daily life as for the individuals' integration in the path, the peregrines have to attempt to the context to maintain their focuses in the goal. The intent has to be present in the union, or certainly the seekers would lose their senses, with the potential risk of the conscience loss.

The conscience builds contexts, but the destruction provoked by the "antagom" is big and it causes regression. The true Context Builder is the awaken awareness. That construction is akin with the Intent of the Principle and Its Superior Order. The evolutionary path is the peregrines' trail. The goal of the Path and its origin are in the wholeness of the circle. That is its vehicle, its Ship of Intention. The formation of the circle is the updating of the Intent on the Path. That vehicle allows the travelers' excellent navigation for the paths of the Context. The seekers that traverse them in their several levels and phases are the Agents of the Principle, or the peregrine of the Path. In their more including and excellent level that seekers are the same "paragons", but for everything that is ideal there is a counterpoint, a real counterpart waiting to be integrated. If an Agent of the Principle, a paragon, exists there is an antagon, the agent of the "antiprinciple" also exists as counterpoint, because that is determined by the Law of Equilibrium. Solely for that reason no imbalance is generated. It is part of the Principle's Plan. Only when the deviation of the original intent reaches the realm of disproportion the destruction is overwhelming and the regression happens. Whence the "Medium Age" with its obscurity and its fanaticism, or the "Kali Yuga" with its unconsciousness and perversions. The agent of "Antagon" is not any external enemy and much less some "alien mind", as the irresponsible ones suppose and defend, but it is the "agon" itself, the conscience conditioning.

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