Part 02

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When your steps go back to the Principle then you will understand the Excellence of the Superior Order. Returning to the Principle is one of the two "real" possibilities of the Path. Evolution and involution are the two arms of the Spiral of the Context. In those interlaced arms we walk and who defines if we are on one path or the other are ourselves. Conceive the Path as the possibility of a new awareness. Not in the sense of never being before, but in the sense of being always present here and now. The Presence establishes the omniscience of the Spirit, the Superior Order guarantees the omnipresence of the Context and the Impersonal Intent affirms the omnipotence of the Principle. Omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence are the three attributes of the Absolute Principle, of the Indefinable Spirit and of the Great Context that actually are one and the same Principle. Accept the Intent of the Principle as the manifestation of the True Presence. When you all learn to accept what is ordered by the Principle then you will find the true clarity. That premise is always revealed to the peregrines, but when the understanding reaches them their enemies, ignorance, illusion and addiction, they all appear. The General Law and its determination relative to the inertia cannot be underrated. They govern all and everything in the everyday, but behind and beyond the daily life there is the Superior Order that frees from those and establishes the Special Law for the awareness that is ready to wake up. Peregrines, be prompt and aware!

In the Path, everything contributes to self-development in the circles and currents of the evolution. Building an alternative system or ordering a practicable context is what we mean with "Path". Contributing in context refers to the awareness of contributing, or to build actively for your path in agreement with the Intent of the Principle and the common goal. That is the task of everyone that takes responsibility for being Here, this magnificent place, and Now, this extraordinary moment, forming circles of influence and currents of effectiveness, the threads and the plots of the Superior Order, the very subtle fabric of the extraordinary reality which the enlarged awareness leads to. That coordinates a real direction with an ideal attitude. Or a "real direction" with an "ideal positioning". Real is what exists in the horizontal sense, it implicates observable consequences, and it is linked to known events or otherwise by the observer. It is evident to the observers that it is linked to the General Law and particularly to the law of retribution. Everything that is in the vertical sense and therefore does not implicate observable consequences and it is not linked necessarily to past events it is called ideal. Thereby, it is obvious the Ideal is under the Special Law aegis and therefore it does not pay tribute to the everyday. Thus, to coordinate the two "positions" of the Path means to synchronize the influence circles and the currents of effectiveness, or to maintain the intention to improve the subtle form, awareness. Let us intent!

The conscious evolution drives the creative intent to the new accomplishments in the contexts of the Path. Those accomplishments are generated by the simultaneous movement of the "perceptive focus" that creates cohesion and perception uniformity, or "conformity", an alternative perceptive context. The ideal circle is a model from a functional alternative system which purposes it is destined: to be an alternative to the everyday, the dominant system, for the peregrine on the path. Various interactions are simulated and put in action in that circle, in order to turn the common goal closer of being reached by the integrated awareness. The whole range of the infinite perceptive possibilities is comprehended by the Context and they never extrapolate it, for inexhaustible that they seem. To go beyond or to stay behind of the everyday is necessary to jump into the abyss and to cross the discontinuity. The disorder is massive when contrary intentions lead to the Evolutionary Path deviation. Because then it drives to the form improvement and therefore to the consciousness development, but it can also be detour when time is not favorable and there is a lack of presence and readiness, remaining only the daily life. This is a time of disorder because the evolutionary process is partially obstructed and in part deviated. Then it is unlikely that the peregrines find the Path and travel it without swerving and obstruction. Because at that moment it is not a stimulating challenge what they see in obstacles, but unavoidable blockades due to the time impropriety.

Only when the Awareness of the Great Context goes properly developed it will be possible to improve the smaller contexts significantly. Those contexts are any circumstances related to certain event or observer. Working on behalf of the improvement of such circumstances but remaining unconscious of the Larger Context is a vain and impertinent work. The smaller context is not more than one aspect of the Absolute. Being in disaccord with the Whole cannot lead to excellence since excellent is the harmonic relationship between the circumstances and the Context. Without referring to the Absolute Principle, that obviously is not a part but the whole in itself, we can affirm with trust that the existence is manifested before the very understanding. However, the current forms are in many stages and at various levels of awareness. Before understanding, the observer has to experiment. Therefore the existence is manifested before the awareness. When we say that the current forms are in many stages we explicitly affirm the evolution of the form. However, we are not referring to the original form and either to the physical form of something, but to the subtle form, awareness, the peregrine that evolves through the Evolutionary Path. All beings have a subtle form that persists until they become other beings. As we see, even if certain things seem inanimate and "unconscious", that is the formal process of the Universal Awareness Evolution!

There are so many stages in the Great Context as many awareness levels exist. And there are countless awareness levels, at least so many as conscious beings. All living beings are conscious at some level. However, for the end intended here, it can be said there are four classes or main levels where we can group most living beings. Among the old Gnostics and Stoics these levels were called "eikasia", "pistis", "dianoia" and "nous". Or deep unconsciousness, the animal or brutes' level; fascination, the daily or social level; self-observation, the individual or truth seekers' level; and awakened awareness, the transpersonal or accomplished beings' level. Even though these levels exist in the Great Context, only at the last level the paragons are fully conscious of it. Although already at the third level the seekers are relatively conscious of the Context. It is so true that they can be pretty effective in the Path terms, although not being paragons yet. As we see it, all beings are interrelated. Yes, everything is part of the Great Context, even if each being just perceives a small separate context. In fact, all things are interlinked and are reciprocally attracted, because ultimately everything contributes to the Principle's Order since everything is dipped in its Creativity Ocean. Image and reflex are point and counterpoint in the Creative One play. Being conscious of those perceptions here and now is participating in the plan, the game that counts. Let us look for Awareness!

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