Part 21

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The daily man has been looking for knowing the truth in many different ways. Actually so many it gets to be a tiresome subject, uninteresting for a lot of people. The West does not have an established tradition regarding the search for the unapparent truth, at present dominated by the science and beforehand almost entirely controlled by the patriarchal religions, centralized in the idea of a single personal and authoritarian god. Maybe for this reason that subject is still considered new and stimulant for some people, but only as a pastime or a vogue in general, because the "capitalist mind" does not have an appropriate notion of the time and it does not know how to hold the perception in a pertinent way. That mentality is so impregnated in the West that it is not strange even to the local religious institutions, given its relationship with the idea of property. The Christian world view, for instance, still takes their followers to interpret the truth according to the hypocrisy and the restrictions of the Medium Age in several aspects. The other western religions are no better. Their obtuse dogmas compel to an obscure and morbid interpretation of the reality that takes them to the numbness of the spirit. No religion is necessary, although some of them can be mildly useful for the daily men. Therefore, although they try to reveal the truth, they also tend to conceal it due to the conditioning of the awareness.

All searches are enrolled in the records of the inconceivable, though the peregrine's progress cannot happen without the proper understanding of the path. Yes. All the searches are valid, but they do not guarantee the evolution of the consciousness. Actions not directed to the foreseen goal, although registered in the inconceivable, they do not approximate the walker to the objective. The efforts have to be unified through the relentless intent and the pertinent path. That demands a valid strategy, an appropriate battlefield, and even opponents and allies. It is not easy to get them in the chaos of the daily life, because it has other purposes, almost always conflicting and impertinent. Although the interior paths seem to start at the world and have some level related with the interaction that occurs in it, or a secular aspect, they are not really aimed towards it, but only pass thru it. Although we found passages for other possibilities in the daily life many times they are not direct, but true mazes. The warlike peregrines face them as challenges, like they do with everything else, but they do not gladly renounce preparing themselves, dressing their armors, carrying their shields and wielding their swords. They know that the opponent is lurking and that any inattention can be fatal in that battlefield. Understanding the path is noticing everything that there is to be noticed in their context and acting accordingly. Thus, the peregrines progress in the path and they reach the Superior Order on time.

The peregrines' excellence is where they develop the conscious attention through the relentless intent. The conscious attention has three main interpretation levels. That happens because that attention is just an aspect of the immediate, the mediate or the superior context. Regarding the first two levels, actually, this perspective is inverse: they are the aspects of that attention. However that is not exact and it does not intend to be an explanation, but it requires the direct perception. Explaining it would be restricting oneself to the theory without reaching any practical result, because it would not be useful to develop such attention. We are more interested in putting our perception in the ideal procedures as means of increasing the awareness. The ideal procedures are mainly "observing", "absurting" and "abstracting", because these are the peregrine's special methods to allocate, to reallocate and to move the perception focus. They can be conducted differently than how we do, but, as we perceive, those three techniques only work ideally if used together, since they are "non methods" to deal with the three dispositions of the Intent: non action, pertinent action and promptness. For such, there is to use the master key of the peregrine's path. This is the "abspiration", or the conscious breathing. Everything the ideal peregrines do or "do not" is done or "not done" while they maintain their thoughts or any other alterations of their consciousness in constant observation. For such they use the breathing as a plummet and a probe.

However, those that put their attention only in the daily tasks are immersed in ignorance and in illusion. It is possible to build some context, or several ones, through the daily tasks. Although, those contexts are not useful to the peregrine, except as secondary paths, and just in the case of peregrines that do not integrate an "ordainment circle". The paragon, while an ideal peregrine, never bothers with the construction or the maintenance of smaller contexts in the real world, but they can play with that possibility, among many others. The several random contexts that coexist around them were not built and are not maintained by themselves, at least not as a goal in itself, just as a means more or less convenient to reach the ultimate goal. Even if they seem involved with the mundane context for the casual observer due to the intensity and the attention they put in each action, the paragons in fact stay behind the daily life, involved entirely with the Impersonal Intent and the net of the harmonic vibrations of the Larger Context. The daily men, to the opposite, try to find sense becoming involved with the world and putting their intention automatically and unconsciously in the search for mundane attainments and ephemeral goods. Thus, they delude themselves and go astray from the path, and sooner or later they fall down into the abyss of the ignorance. They do not see the Superior Order and the Great Context Omnipresence and for it they are completely blind.

That the movement of the perceptive focus directs the peregrines to their aims and to the goal of their path! Yes. And that is already happening here and now. Even the daily men can be guided by the movement of the focus, but it usually does not lead them to the goal of any path. For such the context that could give an ideal sense to their walking is missing. Without that, they just wander around, probably in circles, as if they were tied to some wheel. So, the peregrines are in charge of creating ideal contexts not just for themselves, but for those who know how to employ them. Some persons consider them as mere "storytellers", as the old bards were. And this persons do not notice they are much more than that. Actually, they are contexts creators. The daily men do not understand that the Intent is not in the adaptation to the worldly truth, but it is beyond and behind the daily context. So those who did not understand the ideal truth in the Little Herald's Tales and accused him of skipping the truth. What truth? What importance has the immovable truth for the traveller? Which is its purpose except maintaining the conscience imprisoned in the daily life? It is wise allowing the Spirit to move the perceptive focus for the peregrine to understand what is beyond the mundane context. For such, the moldy truths of the daily life will not help. As peregrines we have to believe the contexts that possess intent and creativity are the ideal portals to the Superior Order of the Great Context.

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