Part 16

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The ignorance is the first adversary of the peregrine on the path. Ignoring is not a problem when somebody takes responsibility and looks for the knowledge. Only when not knowing is overestimated and transformed in "not wanting to know" it becomes a problem. If we do not take responsibility for not knowing, we are held responsible to the same extent as our omissions and the mistakes we commit. The illusion is so pernicious as the ignorance of the irresponsible one. Sometimes even more, since the ignorant person has at least the possibility to recognize him or herself as such, whereas by definition, in order to recognize the illusion, it is necessary to be out of it. The deluded ones believe they already know enough and therefore they do not take any attitude to change. And naturally they do not accept the responsibility at all for what they do not recognize. In this case, it is necessary to reach the Order or to be reached by it. This is the way to return to the Principle. The presumption is the most certain companion of the illusion. The deluded ones fantasy they know more and better, becoming therefore presumptuous about what the other ones experience. They want to be the rule and the measure that is applied to everything and so they will despise what they do not understand, since it is always better that the established order checks this case, as well as all the cases the conceited ones do not manage to check for themselves. In this way them feel rightly supported by the established authority. That exempts them of corroborating and looking for the "conformity" that allows the shared experience and the substantiation of the perception.

Our messenger will say: "Everything is already leading to the expansion of the conscience and ultimately everything contributes to the Intent of the Principle". Yes! And even if for an indeterminate amount of time it seems there is no way, and that a retreat is taking place, that is relative and this movement is inserted in the greater process that flows according to the Superior Order and the Impersonal Intent. Though one does not manage to see the evolution and not even in which way the things are fitted in an omnibus scheme, that does not mean there is no Implicit Order as the Context basis. The Order is to expand the conscience, and in a way or another every one carry it out. All that exists in the Context is tied to the Principle of everything by the threads of its Intent. The personal intention is a local and particular aspect of the Impersonal Intent and to it is tied in a greater or lesser degree, so being more or less connected to its round and to its becoming. These threads are the vibrations that maintain the Context and every things that it wraps at their places and in accordance with the Intent since the Principle, or from its Origin up to its Finality. This is the recognition of the Superior Order in all levels of conscience and in all domains of the Infinite Context. However, we do not intend to explain the unfathomable, but just alluding to a process that can be better understood if it is seen as a game we can play and amuse ourselves with, instead of a serious and formal teaching that must be understood in a dogmatic way.

The Impersonal Intent is excellent and also it is our intention, which essence is the same. The difference is in range and in capacity, but not in nature or in finality. The personal intention is nothing but a modulation or local application of the other one. It is directly related to the observer's capacity of conscientization and is as effective as this capacity allows it to be. A high level of conscientization, and therefore an high conscience level, they make the observer's intention as invincible relatively as it is insurmountable the Impersonal Intent in an absolute sense. Considering such proportions, it is possible to affirm with property that as well as the Impersonal Intent is relentless, also the human intention is unrelenting. Nevertheless, this high conscience level results only in the same proportion of the suppression of the agon. This uses the conscience itself as the object of its conditioning so that the latter is not free to flow with the Impersonal Intent, and not even to direct the personal intention for the perceived and contextualized objectives according to the Superior Order of the Principle. The "protagon" that is conscious of the Context will say: the hour is now and here is the place, and all conceived or yet to conceive ideals bring me near to the goal of the Path. This hour that is now belongs to the Superior Order. It demands the presence. Therefore we say the moment urges, but nothing is pending. What is not now and is not here, it is not the ideal we conceive. That has no reality for us, because it is out of context.

There are those who consider an idea like the Great Context something really terrifying. That seems to them some type of sink where the "souls" lose its identity, absorbed by an amorphous and devouring emptiness. Such an image is characteristic of the lack of understanding and interior direction, common to the absence of some invigorating ideal or a bigger purpose. For us the idea of the Great Context does not frighten, since we take the Superior Order as the biggest purpose and the excellence as the invigorating ideal. Though always present, these reasons are new because of its relation with the modality of the time that reveals them through its agents to a new conscience, born of a new time. To each cycle, other facets are shown and through these aspects other contexts are created. Wherefore in the context of the circles and the vibrations, the threads of the Woof of the Principle, it is said that the Superior Order is already established. Everything the worldly persons dream about is Utopian, it is nowhere except in their fantasy. Even when it is the question of conscious dreams that aim at the conception of another reality, this is still not the construction we seek for. There is no doubt such dreams can be used to reach other contexts far beyond it imagines the daily man, limited by the idea of one only possible reality. However, becoming attached to them is to walk unconsciously into a trap, like cattle to the slaughterhouse. We affirm the Ideal of freedom from the Path.

An unlimited evolutive current flows from the End to the Principle of all things and non-things, but there is an involutional countercurrent that is also infinite and is part of the Great Order. They flow and recede in accordance with the waves of the Impersonal Intent. To reach the Superior Order is to flow with the evolutive current towards the Principle. Therefore, it is necessary to be driven by the Context. The illusion makes the observer blind for that and excludes him from the evolutive current, but nobody can stand in the middle of the way. If we do not evolve we are dragged by the involutional current far away from the Principle. Intention is not necessary to fall down, only to stand up. The walker has to seek the Context or he can wallow in the illusion, imagining he goes very well while the descending current deviates him for an indeterminate amount of time from the Path and from the Goal. It is difficult to predict if it will take place, since we do not know how the searcher will use his prerogatives and his free will. We just carry out the Order and instruct without hoping the instruction will be properly appreciated. Doing it would be to have expectations and to lose perspective. We simply act in a relevant way, or according to the Intent of the Principle. Meanwhile, there are those who go against the Order for some reason or another. They are the agents of the Antagon. As we said already, they carry out some other Order of the Principle and act according to any other aspect of its Law, even if they know nothing about it and imagine they subvert the Order. This is the very point that distinguish them from the evolutive agents.

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