Running away 2 (lasercorn bsm)

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Your eyes opened and all you could see was blue. Your forehead felt extremely cold so you Sat up.

A ice pack came tumbling off your head and onto your lap.

"She's awake!" You heard someone yell.

You turned your head and saw your brother's friend Mari staring at you in hope.

What happened? What was going on and why was Mari staring at you?

"Where's David?" You asked as you slowly remembered what had happened.

"I'll go get him." Mari said as she exited the room quickly

Your brother was fast to come into the room and crush you in a bone shattering bear hug.

He told you how worried he was about you and how you almost game him a heart attack.

"(Y/N) what the hell were you doing on the street in the middle of the night?" Lasercorn asked as he held onto your shoulders.

You told him about how hard mum and dad have been on you and that you thought if you ran away and lived with him you would be happier.

Lasercorn said he missed you too and that he understood.
He said that he would talk to your parents about you living with him and you were so excited.

"Now it's time for bed bug." He laughed as he ruffled your hair.

You said goodnight and fell asleep on the couch. Having dreams about your new life with your big brother.

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