You get hurt (parent preference)

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It was so sudden.

The driver didn't see you.

He didn't have time to hit the brakes.

When the car collided with your body, you were thrown quite a few feet back. You tumbled into some rock and broken glass causing cuts to be ripped up your arms and legs.

The driver was terrified. He didn't know what to do. He had just hit a kid no more than 16 years old with his car and now they laid on the ground in front of him unresponsive.

The driver kept out of the car stumbling over his feet. He sighed and shook his head as he began to sob.

As he whimpered heavily he could smell the strong liquor off his breath. It was mixture of vodka and whiskey along with another fruity drink he had consumed at the pub no longer than 10 minutes ago.

He reached for his phone and dialled the emergency services immediately and pled to the operator to get someone out here quickly.

As you laid on the ground you could hear the man sobbing but you couldn't move.

Although he had hit you causing you so much pain you wanting I comfort and soothe the man.

He didn't expect for you to walk out into the middle of the road. He was probably on his way home from work late today since it was Saturday night. You thought.

You tried to use as much strength and move your body but you wouldn't budge.

Soon you felt yourself being lifted onto what you assumed was a gurney and someone telling you that you were going to be just fine.

With what little strength you had left you whispered to the parametric sat beside you in the ambulance.


(Part 2?)

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