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2 weeks later


I awoke to the same white sheets that were now stale from my body residing in them for so long. My stomach was a bit larger and Chase had brought me a bigger tshirt to cover the growing belly. The black tshirt hung low on my shoulders and pooled around me like an oversized dress. My hair needed to be washed. My curls held that old worn smell and were a bit matted. 

I wanted to go home so damn bad but if i had to be honest; this wasnt that bad.

I had normal clean meals, usually food of my choice. I had my favorite dove body wash and I had to recently plead with Chase for conditioner. Since they were getting me virtually anything I wanted, I asked for diva curl conditioner. Why not splurge when it isnt your money?

Thankfully, my pregnancy symptoms seemed to level out. I wasnt throwing up every morning anymore and I didnt seem to have any mood swings. But that could have been the result of only being confined to myself. The light peaked through the crack in the ceiling like it always did at this time. I took a deep breath. Was my life going to end this way? Did Ben even want me? Its like my worse nightmare was coming true; a man i open every piece of myself to gets bored with me and leaves me barefoot and pregnant, literally.

but on the bright side, i hadnt seen allen since he tried forcing himself on me. 

The beeping on the other side of the door alerted me someone was coming. Staring at the door as it opened, I wanted to get a good view of the outside of the door. The intricate carvings and the relief of a lions head intrigued me. 

My mind diverted to the small evil woman now standing in front of me. She let her hair down and it just hit her shoulders. The platinum hair had a bit of a wave to it and her face was starting to loose the battle with gravity. Her piercing blue eyes were cold-the opposite of Bens warm ones. 

Its crazy how much he inherited from this woman-he looks exactly like her. The bridge of their nose, the shapes and colors of their eyes. I had seen pictures of Madeline in her younger days and she had the exact same shade of blonde hair Ben has too. Its just crazy how he is nothing like her, or is he? where is he right now?

"hello darling" she said menacing with not a crack of a smile to her face. i could tell she had hella botox done-her cheeks looked glued to her ears. She was starting to look like one of the real house wives. 

I didnt answer- i just kept staring at her. She rolled her eyes at me and starting tapping her foot. 

"look Tina. i dont want to hurt you, if I did I would have killed you by now." she said as if I should now kiss the ground she walks on. I rolled my eyes. I just wanted her out of here.

"i dont see how Benjamin deals with you- not obedient at all"

"a real man doesnt need a woman to submit to him" i spat at her.

"a real woman knows her place-especially a black one."

i wanted to claw her eyes out. but i took a deep breath-if i jumped on her she would defiantly figure out im pregnant. i couldnt put my baby's life in danger. 

"oh really madeline?"
"yes really.  i dont get my boys they both have this damn sweet tooth! plenty of gorgeous blonde babes out here to love and they choose...and they choose...blacks!"

"thank goodness they are nothing like you" i said trying to get her to shut up. i didnt want to hear her racist speel. i didnt really care what she thought about me. 

"oh shut up you bed wench! you black women are good for nothing but to sleeping with. your sex dolls."

"if thats so why do i have this ring on my finger?" i asked now playing with the ridiculously expensive piece of jewelry. 

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