Meeting Amy Lee

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My 'friends' slowly drifted away after I got the C.I. They couldn't understand why I wanted it. I understood why they felt betrayed, so I wasn't surprised as I lost them one-by-one.

As I was losing my friends, I blamed myself. I had convinced myself that everything that was wrong in my life was my fault. So when I would think about it all, I would use the cool blade against my warn skin, letting the blood pool on my skin and fall in drips to the floor. What became my only escape and stopped me from cutting was listening to Evanescence. Amy Lee's voice just made everything seem okay and the stress melted away.

By age seventeen, I had listened to Evanescence on the daily for about six years. Callie, my social worker, knew of this and so took me to a concert for my eightteenth birthday.

I wasn't paying attention to anyone on the bus. It was just me and Amy Lee, having a mini concert without a care in the world. I was so into my mini concert on the bus, that if Callie hadn't come and gotten me, I would've missed our stop.

Callie pulled out a blind fold and tried putting it on me. I wouldn't let her 'til she told me why.

"Why do I need a blindfold?"

"So your surprise isn't ruined. Now come on."

She put the blindfold on, and led me through the crowds of people, until finally, we had reached out destination.

"You can take the blindfold off," she said when we came to a complete stop. I took off the blind fold and couldn't believe where I was.
"You got V.I.P. tickets?"

"Yes I did. Get you some merch and go mingle, I'll be back."

I grabbed a couple bracelets, a necklace, a couple T-shirts, and a sweater, then went and found a crowd to just chill with. I met some awesome people, and as a bonus, they looked even cringier than I did, but none of us cared. We were having a great time.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, but I ignored it at first. When I felt it again, I looked over my shoulder, having to do a double take. Yep. It was Jen. And she wanted to talk to me. I turned completely around and let my jaw drop open and just hang there as I tried not to scream.

"Close your mouth kid, you'll catch flies," she said with a chuckle. "Are you Anastasia?"

"Yea," I said quietly. "I go by Dolphin, though."

" How'd you get that nickname?"

I showed her the dolphin I wore around my neck.

" My dad gave me this for my sixth birthday. He said it was because when I was little, I always made dolphin noises and shouted the word at the top of my lungs."

I tried to choke back the sobbs, but the tears welled up in my eyes. I didn't wanna let anyone see me like that, so I ran to the nearest bathroom and locked myself in one of the stalls. I let everything flood out where noone could see me. I wanted my blade so bad, but I knew it wouldn't solve any of my problems.

Jen knocked on the door to the stall I was in. "Hey kid. You okay?"

"Yea," I lied. " I-I'm fine."

"I'm sorry, I didn't me-"

"No, it's not you." I cleaned myself up and stepped out the stall. "My parents died shortly after the necklace was given to me."

" You gonna be okay to come meet Amy? She's awaiting your arrival."

"Really? Why me?"

"You'll see soon enough. Now come on, must not keep her waiting."

We walked to the tent where the band hung out in before their concert. Amy Lee saw and met us at the entrance, and all I could do is stare.

My Note



Adopted by Amy Lee?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora