New Friend

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I was looking for my dad when I spotted him at the booth. He called me over.

"Hey sweets," he said smiling.

I rolled my eyes. "Are the guys doing anything tonight? I need something to do besides be in my bunk writing 16 year old fanatsies," I laughed.

Vic walked up and hugged me from behind, scaring the crap outta me.

"What's up buttercup," he laughed.

"Nothing monkey butt," I said sticking my tongue out.

"Are you guys doing anything tonight? I'M BORED OUTTA MY FUCKING MIND."

"He laughed. We're having a bbq. Wanna come?"

I gave my dad puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, you can go. Your mom will be there, too. She and Amy are catching up."

"Thanks Daddy," I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you."


I waited for Mom to get me. I'm so excited! She visits with the twins when she can, but sometimes, it's hard. But, I get it, which is why I'm always excited to spend time with them.

I heard a knock on the door, and yanked it open.

"Hey," Naomi said. "Mom's running late cause of the boys.

"Oh, okay."

I got in the car and drowned out everything with 'Our Scars/Future Hearts'.

The car came to a stop and Naomi tapped me.

"Mom and twins are here," she said pointing towards where mom and Amy were.


I saw two teenage girls and walked towards them.

One got up and gave me a huge hug, I couldn't breathe.

"I'm not sure you remember me," the girl said. She looked familiar, but her hair color was different.

"It's Gee," she said.

"Oh," I said blatantly. She was annoying when we were little.

"Hi, I'm Anastasia," the other girl said.

"Anakakia," I whispered.

"What language is that," she asked with curiosity in her voice.

"Hawaiian," I told her. My birth mom is Hawaiian.

"Cool," she exclaimed.


Gee and I were talking, but I couldn't help to notice Kalani's small tummy. I wanted to ask some questions, which she figured out herself.

"Yes, babydaddy is in the picture, I live with my older sister, Ren Michaels is my biodad, my mom visits from Hawaii with my foster brothers when she can, I'm 7 weeks along, I'm hoping for a boy and a girl. I don't care which, honestly," she said, answering all my questions.

"Thanks," I said awkwardly.

I thought of when I was about her age. I had a baby of my own...but I lost him due to my foster parents beating me when I was her age. I looked down as I thought of my miscarried son.

She took me aside to where the trees were.

"You look sad," she said. "What's wrong?"

I just spilled it all out to her. Everything, including my miscarriage.

"Thats awful," she said, on the verge of tears.

She gave me a hug. "You're a very strong person to have gone through all of that. I wish I was as strong as you."

I smiled. "Thanks."

We walked back over to where the group was. I could tell she felt awkward.


"What's wrong?"

I pointed to Ren. "We...don't have the best father-daughter relationship," I said.

"Why," she asked.

"Reason I went to foster care," I said.

She went pale while, then dark red. I could tel she was pissed.

"Please don't say anything," I whispered. "We're trying to work it all out."

She opened her mouth, then closed it and clenched her jaw.

"Thank you," I said, hugging her.

I knew then, I had made a new best friend.


This new girl was hugging all over my crush, and I did NOT like it. I pulled her aside.

"Look, I don't know who you think you are, but back off," I yelled.

"Woah! I didn't mean to--"

"Just, stop trying to move in on her."

I walked off. Ana is mine, no one elses.

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