Piercing and...i can sing?

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I ran downstairs after I knew Matt was gone. I can't believe I thought of kissing my step-brother!

" Are you okay?"

"Yes Dad, just thinking about where I wanna go to get my piercings."

"Let me guess; Hot Topic?"


We hopped in the car and I turned on the radio. I screamed the lyrics at the top of my lungs, not caring what I sounded like to those who could hear me.

We got to Hot Topic, and I see Jenn. She wasn't paying attention, so I hid myself to where she couldn't see me, but Andy scared the shit out of me, giving me away.

"No fair!"

" I got you good, admit it," Andy said.

" Yea, yea. But I was trying to sneak attack Jen," I laughed.

"Hey kiddo," Jen said. "How's the new family?"

I almost lost them from one incident, if they found out.

" Good! I love them all so much already."

"That's good."

"What's this I hear about our innocent child getting a piercing," Andy asked Dad.

"She's wanted one, but no one would take her. She's a teenager, leave her alone," he said right as he got a phone call. He looked at it with hate.

" Unfortunately, I have to take this sweetheart. Andy, take her to get her piercings."

~Time Skip~

"You're a trooper, you know that," Andy said as we came back from getting my snake bites.

"It doesn't hurt. Just a light pinch and you're done." Dad finally got off the phone.

" Hey sweetheart, we kind of have to hurry cause I have to go to the studio."

"Okay. Can I grab a few things?"

" You have time for a few things and then school supplies."

I grabbed the few things I wanted from there and then headed to Walmart for school supplies. I grabbed what I needed and then packed it in the trunk, meeting Dad at the car.

"That was fast. Here's some frozen yogurt and pizza," he said handing me food. " Oh, and I got you a drink. But I'll just put it in the cup holder," he said seeing that my hands were full.

We raced to Dad's studio. Andy caught up with us and I just sat to the side listening. I knew all their songs, and softly screamed the lyrics as Dad sang.

"Okay y'all, five minutes and then we'll talk warped tour." I stayed in the studio room while Dad got us drinks and a snack. I closed the door and started playing 'Everything Has Changed' by Taylor Swift. I did my best, showing off what I could do because I was alone. Or so I thought.

"That was amazing," Vic yelled. "Ronnie, get--" I cut him off by covering his mouth. "No, please don't!" I whispered, scared.

"What's up Vic? And why is she covering your mouth?"

My Note



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