Career Take Off (Part Two)

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At Home


As soon as I got home, I went to my room and locked the door. Then I texted Gee.

A: Gee, I need you to call me when you can.

G: Can't til tomorrow. But I can text real quick, I'm at lunch with my parents.

A: You still live by yourself, right?

G: yea, why?

A: I'm moving out. Want a roommate?

"Open this door Anastasia!" It was Dad.

G: YESS!!!

A: Cool, thanks. I'll be moving there, soon. There a key some where?

G: Top of the door screen

A: Thanks hun!

I turned my music on blast, playing Knives and Pens as I grabbed a small suitcase and just started packing essentials: clothes, money, shoes, jackets, etc...

I didn't care. I wanted out of here. This wasn't working for me. Why was I even adopted? I turned eighteen the day I met Amy. I never should have gone through with it.

I finished packing and the banging and shouted stopped. I heard the front door slam and both of my "parents" go somewhere. In the opposite direction of where I was going, yes!

I walked out the back and walked the two blocks to where Matt's friend Mason was letting keep the motorcycle I had bought from him.

I put my suitcase on my back and hopped on, all the way to Gee's.

This was a new life for me.

It's my life.

Not his.


Again, sorry they're short. The next chapter is the last. But, I'll be doing a sequel!!


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