Family Night Part 4 - I don't wanna relive that

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"Sorry Dolphin, not this time. It's free for all tonight."

"Damn," I pout.

"What game do you wanna play,Matt," Dad asked.

"Game Of Life," he screams.

I grab the game and put it on the coffee table. While Mom set up, I turned the radio on. Out came blasting 'Fashionably Late'. Me and Dad looked at each other and started singing the lyrics.

It's nine o'clock
On the dot
At the spot
Hanging with your friends again

I don't wanna be that guy
That makes you sad
Makes you very again
Without a doubt
Sorry about kissing all your friends

"Watch it mister, or you'll sleep on the couch tonight," Mom smirked.

"Ready to play," he laughed.



I picked the purple car and spun the spinner. My number was eight.

"I'll be back. Hey Matt, come with me?"

"Uhh, sure."

We went upstairs into my room so or parents couldn't hear us.

"Everything okay," he asked.

"Yea," I say hugging him.

"Then what's the hug for?"

"Being there for me. I love you Matt."

"I love you, too."

We go back downstairs and see what Mom and Dad are drinking and I panic so I grab Matt's hand.

"You okay," he whispers.

"Y-yea. Just- I don't feel so well. I think I'm gonna turn myself in. Goodnight."

I don't want to know what they're like when drunk. That's how I lost my biological family and I don't wanna relive that.

My Note



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