Dinner and a movie-part two

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As we ate dinner, we chatted about the day. Mom and Matt ran into Chris and they hung out at the fro-yo place.

"Apparently, our daughter has a secret she doesn't want us knowing," Dad says.

Busted. Vic I swear if you told.

" Okay, well if she doesn't want us knowing, then she'll tell us when she's ready," Mom said.


I ate my pizza, still in Matt's lap. I got up to get me a drink.

" Hey Matt, pick your poison?"

"Root beer," he said.

I poured us both a glass, handing him his drink and sitting next to him. The storm was mostly gone and the movie was about to start.

As always, at the end of the movie, I cried. It always got to me how the kids respected the teacher for not giving up on them, for giving them a chance. Mom was in the kitchen, cooking something for the family.

Everybody smelled what Mom was making and smelled their way to the kitchen, seeing she had made apple pie.

"Y'all are just in time. The pie has cooled enough we can have some pie and vanilla ice cream."

We all grabbed bowls and me and Matt grabbed icecream first while our parents grabbed pie first. They looked at us weird.

" Don't judge," I stuck out my tongue. I grabbed my piece of pie and topped it with more icecream, strawberry sauce, and chocolate chips.

"YES," I heard Matt scream in my ear. "Another black sheep."

I looked at him confused. "Black sheep?"

" Dad's always thought I was weird for doing what you just did," he explained.

I just shook my head and followed Matt back to the couch. I layed my legs across his lap and he pushed them off.

"Whyyyy," I wined.

" Cause I'm eating," he said as he stuffed a mouthful in his mouth.

" I'm going upstairs, night."

"Night kiddo," my parents said.

I turned on my radio and flopped on my bed, finishing my ice cream. I set the bowl on my night stand and just layed there on my back and stared at the sealing listening to my music and slowly drifted off to sleep.

My Note



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