The Wedding

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I pulled Mom's hands from my eyes to see almost every single band I loved in front of me.

"Welcome home sweetheart," Jake said as he tried to hug me. I jumped from the slight touch, so he jumped back. He looked at Mom with a concerned look.

"She'll tell you when she's ready."

"Okay," he said.

"Your room is all set up except for the details," Jen said. "Wanna go look?"

"Yes!" I said running upstairs. I walked into a room that was dark. I looked around, slightly confused. Nothing I picked was here.

"That's not your room, goofball," Kellin giggled. "It's over here. I think Vic is still in there." I ran inside to see Vic hanging a banner; Welcome Home Dolphin. I set the remainder of my stuff on my bed so I could hug Vic and Kellin and look around. I would do some rearranging later. I saw some black spray paint and made a note to ask about that later.

"Wow, this looks amazing!"

"It's all for you, kid," I hear Ollie say from behind me.

"Ollie," I fangirl. I turn around to see him in my doorway. I give him a fist bump.

"Everyone has gifts for you downstairs."

We head downstairs where everyone else is at, and I see Falling In Reverse had shown up. I first give Jake a hug because I feel bad about earlier. I just have to initiate touch is all. Then I jump on Ronnie's back and he giggles.

"This must be Dolphin."

"Yes it is," I say climbing down.

"Nice to meet you," he says turning to face me."

"Dolphin, come sit in the middle so everyone can give you their gifts," Am-Mom said.

I dragged Ronnie to the circle and sat in the middle of everyone.

" Mom will go last, but who wants to go first?"

"Me!" Chris Motionless yells.

"Okay," I giggle as he hands me a bag. I take out all the packing paper to reveal a shirt. I take it out and unfold it. It's a plain black t-shirt. I look at him confused.

"It goes with your next gift," Ryan said as he pushes his towards me. It's a shirt designer.

"Nice!" I yell as I hug them both.

"Ricky couldn't make it, but here's his," Chris said.
I pulled out stencils and paint.

"Tell him thanks."

"Devin and Vinny couldn't either, nor had time to get a gift. But they welcome you."

"Tell them I said thanks."

As I opened up more gifts, the room got crowded and I got closterphobic.

"Can everyone back up,please," I asked. They all backed up and I pushed all my presents further from me so that I could open more. I had noticed that Ronnie looked impatient and kept looking back between me and Mom. What was going on?

I opened my last gift; a blanket with two angels on it with the words," we are the fallen angels," written on it.

"This is awesome!"

"It's from all of us at Black Veil Brides and my wife," Andy said.

"Okay, well there is one last present,"Ronnie said. He nudged Mom with his elbow. She covered my eyes again and led me to the back patio. Quickly, she blindfolded me and undressed and redressed me right there. I was quietly protesting the entire time she was doing my hair.

When I opened my eyes, in front of me was everyone except Mom and Matthew, Ronnie's kid I later learned.

I turned around to face Mom. "What's going on?" I asked. She smiled at me.

"Well, me and Ronnie have been dating and he proposed the same day I learned about you. When I told him about adopting you, we decided that would be our wedding day."

My mouth dropped open. "Seriously? But ho-"

"That doesn't matter right now. That can be explained at a later date. Let's get this marriage finaled."

I walked down the aisle and threw flowers as Mom walked slowly behind me. I took my place and watched as two strangers became my parents, and another became my brother.

My Note

Guys, I'm sorry it took me so long to publish, I get busy reading others and then with other stuff and have writers block til about 2am. But there you go, hope you enjoyed.



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