Career Take Off! (Part One)

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After Last Concert


"That was amazing," someone said as he came up to me.

"Um, thanks. Music has always been a big part of my life."

I walked off to find my dad, but the guy was still following. That was his mistake.

"Wow, hey! I'm a producer." Dad put him back down and nodded for him to speak.

"I want to help your daughter here take off with her career."

"She's not old enough, yet," Dad grunted.

"Dad!! I'm old enough to make my own decisions! I'm eighteen for gods sakes!"

"You still live under my roof. You have to follow my rules."

I was furious. But I knew one move.

"Then I'm moving out."

Sorry guys, I'll go back and fix all the notes so they're all the same. Anyways, sorry this was short, but so are the next two chapter, which will conclude our story that we created together.

Love you guys.


Adopted by Amy Lee?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora