The Neck Pillow Girl

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For the sake of confusion, I'm using the international ages because it's easier for the majority of us who aren't Korean. ENJOY!!!

Oppa- Used by females when talking to their older brother. Also used when regarding a male they trust or a boyfriend. Korean honorific.
Kun- Used mainly for males of close familiarity. Japanese honorific.
San- Basic level of politeness. Used when addressing strangers but can also be used as "Mr." or "Mrs" etc. Japanese honorific.


I was confused when Yoongi woke me up from Hoseok-ah's bed. It was his turn to sacrifice his sleep so he was on the couch. He smiled as I reluctantly got up and went through my morning routine.
"Since I don't know whether she moved or not, can we call in on her parents first?" He asked. I nodded.

We had a bite to eat, leftovers from last night's dinner, and headed out. At first, we sat on the porch, waiting for the neck pillow girl's parents to pick up. After the first missed call, they picked up.
"Yeoboseyo," Mrs Park answered,
"Yeoboseyo aunty, it's me Min Yoongi. Is Eui at home? I need to talk to her", he said calmly.
"in case you didn't know, she ran away somewhere. My guess is that she's somewhere in Seoul, but anyways, why would you want her? You've neglected her for the past few years so why talk now?" She was taunting him.
"Sorry aunty, but I need to go. Could you possibly tell me her number?"
She sighed and told him the number, which I made a note of and we dialled next. The ringer felt agonizing. I could see the normally collected Suga was biting his lip out of nervousness. The receiver picked up.
"Yeoboseyo?" The girl on the other end answered.
"Eui? It's me, Min Yoongi," He replied softly.
"Oppa-Kun?" The neck pillow girl, Eui, gasped. Yoongi asked for her address, After some catching up, she told us, I was surprised when Yoongi pointed to the building next to the dorm. Yoongi looked to the building next to us and smirked.
"Okay. I have someone I'd like you to meet so be ready for new people... OK... No... Don't worry... Ok... Bye" he ended the call and got let's go get some Japanese food. She's half Japanese and it'll be a good way to surprise her." We headed to the nearest take-out restaurant and got enough for the three of us. After we got the food out, I checked the time and made sure we had enough so that Yoongi will be able to get to their rehearsals on time.
Yoongi knocked on the door and an elderly woman out, her tone of voice screaming a warm and motherly aura.
"May I help you?" She asked politely.
"Is there anyone called Eui living here?" Yoongi asked I could sense the hint I'd nervousness in his voice.
"Yes, would you like me to call her down?"
"Actually, I'd like to surprise her. Is it possible if you could drop us to her door?"
"Just follow me, dear" she led the way to a smaller apartment upstairs. Yoongi hesitantly knocked on the oak rectangle and it creaked quietly as a medium-short girl emerged from inside.
"Yes?" She said, in the middle of opening the door.
"Hello, I am your next door neighbour and we'd like to share this food with you", Yoongi said casually.
It was only after a few moments she looked up and had a proper look at her visitors "Yoongi-kun? Oppa-kun, is it really you?" Yoongi smirked and nodded. The girl, Eui, took a step forward as he held out his arms. They closed the distance and embraced warmly. I found it so sweet to see both of them glassy-eyed.
After the pulled apart, Yoongi spoke up first, "Kid, there's someone I want you to get to know. This is Mi-Hi. Her brother and boyfriend are both parts of the same group as me", He introduced me to the girl, who immediately bowed, her covering her face.
"Hajimemashite*" She greeted in her native language.
"Hai, watashi mo genki desu**! Eui-san wa***?" I replied in Japanese, surprising her.
"You speak Japanese?" She asked, her beautiful brown pools flooded with curiosity.
"And English. I love learning languages?" I asked.
"Uh, why don't you come in first? Sorry, my apartments a bit messy. Things have been hectic lately so I haven't found the time to clean up properly... Anyways, would you like anything to drink?" I shook my head smiling, and Yoongi replied immediately asking for his 'usual'.
"So? How have you been surviving in Seoul? We called aunty first to ask about you but she said something about running away?" Yoongi started off.
"I didn't run away, I simply left with nothing but my camera and my purse without telling anyone a single clue about where I'm going." She was hiding something but he didn't pressurize her.
"So, are you in school? College?" He asked her, changing the subject.
"I work in an art gallery." She replied from the kitchen.
"You do a full-time job and you're still only 18! Explain yourself, kid!" Yoongi raised his voice. I could clearly see the girl flinching in her kitchen. I got up and walked into the cosy room.
"Hey, would you like help?" I asked, easing the glass out of her hands. She smiled at me and nodded.
"I didn't have the best life when I was back in Daegu. It was hard at first but I had it planned out. I had been saving up since I was sixteen for something like this so I had plenty of money to help me. I didn't want to go to school because I was never good at it anyway and a single part-time job wouldn't help me pay rent or survive. It was an internship at first but I was eventually hired as a photographer If it wasn't that obvious," She explained to me, gesturing to all the frames and photos stuck on the walls.
"Hey, at least you now know that you have two friends to help you out if things get rough. And a third one too, once you meet her... OMO CHO'S GONNA KILL ME!"
I quickly grabbed my phone and texted her an apology, telling her to meet me later outside the dorm. She replied with knife emojis...
"Who's Cho?" Eui asked, setting a pissed off Yoongi's glass in front of him. She flopped down next to him and started to poke the corners of his mouth into a smile.
"She's my one and only friend, apart from you and Yoongi that is."
"Oh. Can I meet her too Oppa-kun?" She asked Yoongi.
"Why do you need to ask?" He replied.
"You know why..."
"Kid, if you don't learn some confidence then I'll hide your cameras", Yoongi said playfully.
"And if you touch my cameras I'll Kill your neck pillow. I was the one who found it for you after all".

*It means how are you?

** It means I'm good.

*** It means And how about you, Eui?

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