Crossed For Five Minutes

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January 12th, 2015

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January 12th, 2015

"Morning Jess," I said passing by one of the nurses on my way out with a huge cup of coffee, I was getting addicted again but was in denial.

Jess was one of the top five and she was more to her own and the most competent than us all and she wasn't in with Harlan, who was doing everything he could to psych us out.

"Good morning Stella."

"Yes it is um I had two already," I shoved the last piece of donut into my mouth.

"My God where do you fit it all?" Jess joked about my enormous appetite.

"I think I'll donate my body to science, and here's the last two," I laughed and gave her the last two donuts so Harlan and his clique wouldn't since they had been stealing my food.

"Thanks you're my angel," she went into the coffee room to eat the donut and get tea, she drank earl grey like it was water. "So how is it going with Dr. Iceberg?"

"Well he hasn't stolen my parking spot lately so I say that's an improvement."

"Yeah sure Home Depot would be proud."

"I gotta go organize papers, see you later Jess," I said starting another day at the hospital.

It had been a hell of a start with my fellow competitors, and I was battling with the health records trying to organize it for the doctors, this had neutralized any overall feelings on my new job since paperwork was not my passion.

A couple days back I began to suspect the disappearance of my lunches had to do with Harlan and his two close allies from "the five". I thought they'd get tired of it but it seemed they liked getting on my nerves a little too much and well I wasn't going to just lie down and take it. But how much longer would they keep this elementary school bullying?

"What are you looking for cc?" Harlan asked as I looked for my lunch in the fridge.

"Cc? I thought it was quota filler?"

"Well we preferred the abbreviation of charity case."

"Your lack of imagination for nicknames is really disappointing for someone who went to a better college than I did," I closed the fridge and looked back at him.

"Cc talks!" Harlan said as I had remained unaffected every other time but this rock in my shoe was getting on my last nerves.

"Who's cc?" Dr. Herzberg, or as Harlan and others called him Dr. Iceberg, walked in and they all stopped laughing.

"Oh good afternoon Dr. Herzberg, how are you?" Harlan in a second turned into the ass kisser he was.

"I believed I asked a question," Dr. Herzberg continued putting the fear of God into Harlan by walking up to his face and staying there.

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