29. Secret's Out

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While Maya's explaining the Laurcas plan to Farkle, Smackle, Zay, Callie and Violet, Riley is still in the living room with Lauren, Josh, Auggie and Ava.
Josh is talking to Auggie and Ava so Riley and Lauren who barely knows each other are sitting on each end of the couch in a really awkward silence.
"You and Maya are really cute together." Lauren says suddenly.
"Thanks, I know!" Riley says dreamingly as she giggles.
"You're welcome, by the way." Lauren says and smiles.
"For saying we're cute together?" Riley asks still smiling.
"No, I meant for helping Maya figure out she's bi." Lauren says still smiling.
"What do you mean?" Riley asks looking very confused.
"Well, she was so confused in Miami so then I kissed her cus I thought, you know, if she had kissed a girl maybe she'd be more sure she likes you." Lauren adds.
Riley starts looking more and more confused and hurt. Lauren quickly understands she didn't know that.
"But you know, I kissed her and she called me first thing in the morning to tell me she's in love with you and I was just trying to help her and I'm straight and I thought she told you already." Lauren starts rambling with an insanely worried look on her face. What she doesn't know is that Riley isn't listening cus her head is filled with thoughts from what Lauren just told her.
"We're done, let's go." Cory announces and he and Topanga brings Ava and Auggie with them as they leave the apartment.
"You're in charge." Cory says to Josh before he closes the door.
"So, what are you guys talking about?" Josh asks Lauren and Riley.

Maya's done explaining the plan to the 5 people who didn't know but who's still gonna participate on game night. Well, except Lauren and Lucas.
They all start walking out but suddenly Farkle drags Maya back into the room and shuts the door.
"Okay, I've got a girlfriend and so do you." Maya says.
Farkle reacts by furrowing his eyebrows.
"That was the first time you called her your girlfriend." He says.
"No, it was not." Maya lies.
"Yes, it was. She calls you that all the time but you've never called her your girlfriend. Did you speak the words before you thought them?" Farkle says.
"I don't know, but what do you want?" Maya asks.
"Are you sure this is what Lucas wants?" He asks.
"No. And that's why we're setting them up." She responds.
"Okay, are you sure that she is what he wants?" He asks.
"I mean, he's mad at her but I think deep down she's who he wants to be with." She answers.
"Really?" He asks.
"Okay, what's going on, Farkle?" She asks.
"I don't think I can tell you that." He answers.
"Cus I don't think you know."
Maya thinks for a second.
"But what if I do know what you know and you just don't know that I know what you know and then when you tell me what you know I won't act like I didn't know what you know cus I already know what you know." She then asks.
He looks at her squinting his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows.
"You can't outsmart a genius."
"No, but I can hurt one."
"Well, I know you. You wouldn't hurt this genius."
"You sure about that?"
Farkle stops to reconsider.
"Yeah, I am actually." He then responds.
"Fine, but I can destroy your science-y stuff." Maya then says.
Farkle looks at her seriously.
"You wouldn't dare." He says unconfidently.
"You sure about that? Maybe I've already planned it so I can destroy something in your room right now if I want to."
His eyes widen.
"Lucas came to Riley yesterday. He wanted them to get back together." Farkle says.
Maya's jaw clenches as she folds both her hands into fists.

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