Chapter 12

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Jack and I stand in my bedroom, the others in the doorway. 

"What do you have to tell us?" North asks.

"Uh... Well,..." I looked at the ground and blushed. "There's a reason why girls don't do this, Jack."

"Oh, right. Well..." Jack leaned on his staff, laughing nervously. "I may or may not have kissed Y/N." 

I looked up at their shocked faces, while they looked from Jack to me to Jack to me to Jack, and so on. 

"Heh, and we're a couple now." I say nervously. They stare ahead, not at us, but just at thin air.  A few seconds later, I waved my hand in front of their faces. "Uh, guys? You still there?"

They didn't respond, still in a state of shock. I turned to Jack.

"Could we just... close the door?" I ask. 

He shrugged back. "I don't see the point in not trying..." 

I get up and close the door easily. 

"Well, looks like we're staying in here for the rest of our lives."

"That can't be so bad, can it? I mean, you have your computer and phone, don't you?"

My eyes widened. Slowly, I turned back to the door. "I left them in the living room....." 

"Welp, we're screwed."

-- Time Skip, 5 hours later --

I let a loud groan. "I miss my computer!" 

"Maybe we could sneak out and get your stuff." He says, before his stomach growls. "A-And maybe some food, too."

"Hmmmmm, ok."

"BUT..... you have to promise we stick together."

I thought it over for a second. 


We silently stood, walking out the door. The others were no where in sight, thank the Oreo gods. Together, we snuck to the couch and grabbed my electronics. Next, to the kitchen. We made it to the fridge and pantry. I grabbed a large groceries bag and stuffed food into it, include (favorite junk food). 

"Got everything?" I whisper to Jack. 

"Yeah, let's go."

We began to sneak back to my room, only to get stopped by the Guardians in the living room. North and Bunny grabbed Jack and lifted him off the ground. Tooth and Sandy circled around me. Jack looked at me in shock.

"Y/N! Help me!"

I glanced at Tooth and Sandy. 

"Yeah, heh, no. You're on your own for now."

And with that, I bolted to my room, and closed the door on them. Baby Tooth appeared next to me, and I glared at the adorable fairy.

"Don't you dare." 

Baby Tooth snickered, and flew to the door, unlocking it. It blasted open, an a very serious Tooth and Sandy came in. I picked up a pillow and threw it at Sandy, which he deflected with sand. Yellow-ness lifted me from the ground, and I pouted. Folding my arms across my chest, I created an emo corner as I was carried from my bedroom to the living room. Now all I need is mushrooms...

I was dropped next to a very uncomfortable Jack Frost on the couch. Only one word was said.

"Details." orders Tooth.

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