Chapter 42

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I had finally gotten both of the boys down to sleep and quickly crawled into bed next to my cute lil husband. I thought he was asleep so I tried to be as quiet as possible. Either he was asleep or I accidentally woke him up because he smiled when I climbed in next to him.

"They're down." I whispered, "For now."

He laughed and pulled me close to him, "Gracias mi amor." He yawned, "This is exhausting."

I nodded, "Very much so. Let's get some sleep while we can."

He smiled, "I like the way you think."

I closed my eyes and fell asleep almost immediately. Almost as fast as I fell asleep there was crying coming through the baby monitor, it sounded like Sebastian had woken up.

We brought the little babies home a few days after they were born, since they were twins the doctors wanted to make sure they were both eating properly and growing at the rate that was to be expected. Turns out Sebastian was exceeding expectations and Cruz was doing all right, he was a little below the average but nothing to be concerned about. Sebastian breast fed very well and it took Cruz just a little bit longer than his older twin, I had a feeling this was how it was going to be for the rest of their lives. Sebastian would just get things, life would be easy(ish) for him and things won't come as naturally for my second born. And that was just fine, I just felt bad for my boy.

The two had distinctly different cries but other than that they were very similar, which made it hellish to tell them apart. So we didn't mix them up we decided to paint one of Sebastian's toenails, it was a foolproof mechanism so that we didn't mix the two up.

I heard Lin groan and roll over, apparently trying to ignore the kid screaming on the other end. I sucked it up and lazily got out of bed, "I'll go get him." I murmured and shuffled to the boy's room. I looked in on Cruz and he was awake, not screaming but awake. Sebastian was the culprit of the screaming. I looked at the clock in their room and cringed when I saw that it read 3:06 am.

"Baby S, what's the matter with you?" I cooed and picked up the distraught newborn. I cuddled him into the crook of my neck and started bouncing him up and down. He wouldn't settle so I decided to try and see if he was hungry.

He ate pretty quickly and fell asleep in my arm, I grinned at the peaceful child... somewhat jealous of his life at the moment. I carefully set him down and checked on Cruz. I decided to let him try and eat since I was up. It was a success! He drank a ton, more than I had ever seen him drink. I set him back down in the crib and he swiftly closed his pretty eyes.

I sluggishly made my way back to bed and crawled in next to my sleepy husband, "Thanks hon." Lin said quietly.

"You know it." I smiled and quickly fell back asleep.


The boys woke up again at 6:30 AM. The both of us got up, with difficulty, and checked in on them. After playing, feeding and changing them for an hour I made breakfast for Lin. His favorite: bacon, eggs and toast.

"My lovely wife." He smiled, kissed me and sat down to eat. He had just gotten out of the shower, "Thank you."

"Of course! Excited to get back?" I asked referring to his first day back with Hamilton after taking a month off to help with the boys.

He game me a halfhearted smile, "I am. But I don't want to leave quite yet, I know most of the time I'll only be gone for the evening but I don't want to leave them yet. I don't want to leave you yet."

"We'll be okay. It might take some getting used to but we'll figure it out. Plus I've got Tibby to help me out."

"Are you sure? They're still so young and it can be difficult..."

"I promise you Lin-Manuel, we will be just fine. If not I'll give you a call, okay?"

"Okay." He smiled and finished up his plate, "I should get going then."

"Have a wonderful day Mr. Hamilton. Try not to fall too in love with those Schuyler sisters."

He grinned, "I promise!" He laughed and kissed me again, "Goodbye my beautiful wife!"

"Goodbye my weird husband!"

"Don't you forget it."

"I wouldn't even dream of it. Love you."

"Love you mi amor." He winked and headed for the front door, "I should be back around 11:30 tonight."

"Got it. Probably won't wait up."

He smiled and waved. Just like that he was already back to work. I had told him he needed to take some more time off but work called, as it always did. Life was funny in a way; we work so hard to make a living that we almost forget to make a life.

The day was a total struggle. I was still trying to get used to how to deal with a baby, nonetheless two babies. They slept a little bit here and there but most of the time they spent their time crying. I found it the easiest to sit in the rocking chair with both of them in my arms. They must have found solace in being cuddled up to me. I was truly and utterly exhausted for the first time in my life. Training for the Olympics or carrying the babies were exhausting but at this point at had felt depleted. But I still pushed through it for the little babies; they were truly my pride and joy.

I set the boys down and they fell asleep fairly quickly. I decided I would stay up and try and catch up on some work while they slept. I grabbed my laptop and sat at my desk just outside the boy's room. I made sure I had the monitor and started going to work.

Before I knew what was happening I was being shaken awake, "What?" I said absentmindedly while lifting my head up.

Lin smiled, "Looks like you fell asleep at your desk?"

I took in my surroundings and laughed, "I was trying to do work but it was so quiet, I must have fallen asleep right away."

"Come on my love." He stuck a hand out and I happily obliged.

"Thanks." I yawned.

"How were the boys?"

"Honestly?" I raised my eyebrows, "Pretty exhausting. But they're cute as hell so it's fine I suppose."

"I'm sorry Len." He kissed my cheek.

"All good." I smiled and hopped into bed, Lin followed, "How was work?"

"Great! They were excited to have me back."

"Of course they were. Who wouldn't be excited to see you?"

He smiled and pulled me close to him, "You're too sweet."

I grinned. As soon as I was going to kiss himSebastian started crying through the monitor. Both of us groaned before gettingup to tend to the crying child.    

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