My Boyfriend And His Girlfriend

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            The traffic downtown was particularly packed today. The sweat beads rolled down my forehead on this hot summer day. Of course, it was just my luck that my air conditioner would go out in my car on the hottest day of the year. My car was in a dead stop in the road, as the St. Louis police department detained the driver who caused a three car pile up. I grunted and groaned, knowing how long the cleanup was going to take.
            I pulled my cell out of the side pocket of my bag, and dialed Jake. Jake, being my deadbeat boyfriend, who I let live in my apartment for free, as he helped himself to free food and enjoyed a live in maid. Jake was the kind of man who won everyone over by his good looks and confident charm. I guess in the end, that's all I was really attracted to as well. There wasn't much love between us anymore. Now, looking in his eyes was like looking into a brick wall. No passion; no lust; nothing.
            As the phone rang and rang, with no answer, I wondered what Jake could possibly be doing. Him spending his time doing anything other than sitting on the couch, playing video games, absolutely baffled me. The cars in front of me let off their brakes and started to cruise forward. I was finally able to turn down my desired street and head for my apartment complex.
             I rolled my eyes at the scattered clothes across the living room floor, as I walked through the door. The television was still on, presenting one of his game characters ready to get back to fighting. I began picking up his filthy pants, and t-shirts, but as my boot brushed against a lacy, hot pink fabric I was overcome with a stupendous rage. I turned to discover the finishing trail of women's garments leading to my bedroom, in the hallway. The nauseating sound of loud moans soared from under the door. I creaked it open and they didn't even react to me being in the same room. The large breasted blonde had her hands tightly gripped on his flexed chest, as she rode him like a mechanical bull. "Oh, my god, baby. You're going to make me...."
            "Going to make you what, Jake?" I finished his sentence with my hands crossed under my chest, wearing an aggravated grin. The blonde went flying off the bed, as Jake jolted and flipped her right off of him. At that moment, I couldn't tell if I was more angry that he cheated, or that this nasty slut was naked in bed sheets that I paid for.
            "Addy! You said you were going to work!" Jake shrieked, as he covered his hard member with the comforter. The blonde stood from the floor, still nude and sweaty.
            "Oh, I'm sorry, for interrupting!"
            "Addy, I was going to tell you...I..."
            "What do you mean you were going to? How long has this been going on?"
            "Only for a couple months..."
            "You son of a bitch!" I yelled, as I stomped towards the bed with my fists clenched. The blonde braced herself, thinking I was coming for her. Jake lifted his hands in surrender and gave me his big puppy dog eyes.
            "Addilyn, please, let me explain. I'm so sorry, I cheated, but I do still love you, baby."
            "Hey!" The blonde said, completely offended by the phrase. He had been telling her the same thing for months. That he would leave me and they would spend a long happy life together. Which, in his eyes, meant she would work and wait on him hand and foot.
            "Do you think I'm mad because you want to be with someone else?"
            "Aren't you?"
            "No! I'm mad because I've been paying for you and your whores place to fuck and eat! Get the fuck out of my house and take this stupid bitch with you!" The blonde came towards me, thinking she was tough enough to handle me. On a day like today? She had to be out of her mind. She only got a couple of words in, before my tightened fists smashed into her nose. I could feel it crack beneath my fingers and the blood splattered onto my white carpet. "You have something you want to say, bitch?"
             "What the hell is your problem?" Jake yelled, as he climbed out of bed, now very limp. I pushed him with all my force, as he tried picking his girl off the floor.
            "What are you still doing here? I said get the fuck out!" They both rushed towards the front door, picking up every piece of clothing on the way. Preventing another punch, the blonde slipped on her jeans as quickly as possible and rushed out into the hall. Jake followed, but turned to me one last time.
            "Addy, please, let me ask you one thing."
            "Can I have my xbox?"
             With a whip of my hand, I slammed the door in his face. I went back to my bedroom to rip the bedsheets, and comforter off the bed. They had tainted it with their foul sex. Washing it wouldn't do the trick, I had to burn it. Suddenly, I heard shouting from a distance. I walked through my living room and opened the French doors to the balcony. There was Jake. Screaming at me from the lawn, like you'd see in an 80's teen flick. "Addilyn, please! I love you, baby!"
             "Give me one second..."
             "Okay, baby, whatever you want!" I walked back to the bedroom and yanked open the dresser drawers that held his clothes. I gathered them and the ones in the closet. Jake was still planted on the lawn, waiting for me to return with kind words, and beg for him to return to me, but when I dumped the armfuls of clothes onto his head, I only fueled the fire. "Fine, you stupid bitch! It's over! You're not good enough for me anyways! And give me my damn Xbox!"
             Through my roaring laughter, one by one, I tossed each video game down at his head, and I continued to giggle, as he tried to dodge every one. I finished him off with the too lime green controllers, perfectly fitting for his childish demeanor. Then of course, I couldn't forget the console. I yanked the cord out of the wall outlet, and with a strong heave, I tossed it over the railing. Jake looked up, with wide eyes, as the console came flying towards him. "Oh, shit..." A loud crash pierced my ears, as it shattered against the concrete sidewalk in front of him. Needless to say, I never saw Jake again.
            I sighed, as I realized I still had to go to work after the long, exhausting morning I already had. I worried about Jake returning, but then remembered I never made him a copy of my key. He never left the place, so why would he need one? I tossed the hefty bag of bed sheets into the large dumpster outside, and traveled to work.
            I worked for a local newspaper. I was always fond of photography, so I decided to turn it into a career. As I looked through that viewfinder, everything was right in the world. My only care, was my camera and my focus on my target. My boss was never fond of my style. I liked taking dark, and edgy photos. He would assign me a job at the zoo, for fun and happy family photos and I would snap the lion tearing into its bloody feast. He thought I would be more comforting on a set of a horror film, but as long as I got that paycheck, I would continue to shoot what I enjoyed.
             Everyone greeted me with a smile, as I walked through the glass doors and made my way to my small corner cubicle. My work was good, but apparently not good enough to have my own office. I settled into my desk and scanned through the thousands of shots I took of the arch just days before. The photos were all beautifully done, and it was particularly difficult for me to choose my favorites, but before I could even decide, my phone rang. "Hello? Oh, Mr. Tate...yes...yes, I'll be right there." Due to the urgency of his tone, I knew my boss had an important issue to discuss.
            I was receiving many sympathetic expressions from my colleagues, as I walked towards my bosses office. His assistant walked out and held the door for me. "Oh, Addy, I'm so sorry." She cried, as she held me tight.
            "For what?" She quickly scurried away, and I was left with the harsh eyes of Mr. Tate staring back at me. "You wanted to see me?"
            "Addilyn, shut the door and please, have a seat." I complied with his wishes and sat on his cool black leather chair in front of his large desk. Mr. Tate was a large, intimidating man. Just his sunken brown eyes were enough to make a grown man quiver. "Addilyn, you have been here for a year now and..."
            "Two years."
            "Excuse me?"
            "Well, I've been here for two years, sir."
            "Right, however, we've been receiving many complaints about your photos lately."
            "Complaints, sir?"
            "Yes, well, it seems the photos you posted of last months zombie walk didn't sit well with an eighty year old woman."
            "How so, sir?" I asked, as I swallowed the large nervous lump in my throat. Mr. Tate rounded his table and sat at the corner of his desk. His pot belly hung over his tight brown slacks.
            "They were utterly terrifying, Ms. Reilly."
"With all due respect, sir, it was a zombie walk. It was supposed to be scary."
"No, it was supposed to display happy zombies walking down the street for charity. Not brain hungry zombies snarling at the camera and ripping fake limbs off one another."
"That's what zombies do..."
"You gave her a heart attack, Addilyn!" My head bowed, feeling enormous amounts of guilt, as I learned I caused a sweet old woman to have a heart attack.
"Is she alright?"
"She is in the hospital recovering, but that's not the point. I continuously have to remind you to take bright, fun, happy photos and you continue to bring me dark, and haunting! That is not what this paper is about. We need joyful spirits for our readers."
"I can be joyful, sir, I swear I can be."
"Please, Mr. Tate, give me another chance." I stood to face him, begging him not to let me go. I knew exactly where this conversation was heading. He shook his head repeatedly.
"Ms. Reilly, I have given you chance after chance and unfortunately, this time it is out of my hands. I'm sorry, Addilyn, I have to let you go."
"No, sir, please, not today. I just..."
"Addylin, don't make me call security."
Mr. Tate directed his attention to the ringing phone, and gestured to me to leave his office. Feeling utterly defeated, I shamefully walked back to my cubicle. Collecting every item that belonged to me. All eyes watched, as I went for the elevator. I clinched my jaw, and used every fiber of my being to keep the tears from falling from my eyes.
I remained strong, that was until I reached my car. I cried a river of sadness, and couldn't control my heavy sobbing. As I weaved through traffic, I managed to spew every curse word known in the dictionary. As I walked into my apartment, I was surprisingly saddened by the quiet. No video game music, no sound of Jake crunching on his potato chips, or yelling into his headset. I was completely alone. "What do I do?"

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