On The Road Again

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I grunted, and groaned, as I used all my strength to push the clothes into my suitcase. As Billy casually shuffled into my bedroom, he couldn't hold back laughter, as he watched me jump on my bed, and plop my behind on the suitcase. I bounced up and down, flattening out the clothes enough to be able to zip it shut. Billy inched closer to me, arms carelessly crossed behind his back. I continued to bounce, paying no mind to Billy's humorous laughter. "Can I help you?" I asked, with an annoyed glare, and little breath.
"No, I'm just...observing." Billy smiled. "What are you trying to do, exactly?"
"I'm trying to get this stupid thing to zip." I scoffed, as I reached underneath my legs and pulled the zipper around the other half.
"Do you really need this much?"
"Well, if you guys would've have stuck with your original 'few days' schedule, I wouldn't have, but now, it's turned into a week long trip. So, yeah, I need this much."
"Yeah, sorry about that. For some reason, Zak thought we needed more time." Billy shrugged. The mention of Zak's name caused me to pop my head up. I climbed carefully of the suitcase, and sat at the edge of my bed, looking up at Billy.
"Did you tell him that I was joining?"
"Yeah, I called him yesterday. That's when he extended the trip, actually." I placed both hands over my eyes, and rapidly shook my head, as I released a loud sigh.
"No, wonder."
"Zak extended the trip because he wants to be around me longer." I said, as I stood to face Billy, who was still looking at me with a narrowed brow, as if the light bulb hadn't flashed on in his head yet. "Billy, he's going to try something. To get me back."
"No, he said he would back off. I don't think he's that stupid."
"Well, I'm telling you, right now, if he does try something, swift kick in the nuts will have a whole new meaning."
"What does that even mean?"
"I don't know, exactly, but it'll be painful." I grinned. Billy laughed, as he lifted my heavy suitcase off the bed. It nearly pulled Billy to the floor with it.
"Holy shit, did you pack a body?"
"You never know, Zak could be in there." I winked, and bent down to pull out the hidden handle. I giggled, as I rolled it out of the room. "These new fancy bags got wheels right on 'em!" I yelled to Billy, with my best Larry the cable guy impersonation.
"You are a very special person."
Billy and I did a walk through of the house, making sure all windows and doors were locked, everything using electricity was shut off. Billy locked the door behind us, as we walked outside, and as he turned to look at me, he couldn't help but notice the fidgeting of my nervous hands. Tugging on the loose thread at the bottom of my tank top, and wrapping it around my fingertip, until it turned into a nice shade of purple. I felt Billy's hand brush up my back. "Now, now, the tough Addilyn Rose wouldn't be scared would she?" Billy lifted a brow.
            "No, I'll be fine around Zak."
            "I was referring to the lockdown, but good to know what you're thinking about." Billy grinned. Suddenly, we heard the loud growl of the RV engine, as it drove up the drive. Of course, the first face I see is Zak's in the passenger seat. Just breathe, Addy. The funny thing was, I wasn't afraid of the lockdown. I was actually quite excited for that part. It was the being around Zak part that had me trembling.
            Billy and I pulled our suitcases behind us, as we walked to the RV. The large door popped open, and an excited Aaron ran down the flight of steps, wearing an ecstatic grin. "What up? I'm so ready to get back to investigating!" He high fived Billy and then picked me off the pavement, causing me to let out an unexpected laugh. Jay quickly followed after, but with no where near the enthusiasm Aaron presented. Then there was Bacon. Of course, the first thing he does is reach into his pocket for a cigarette. Zak stayed planted in the passenger seat, eyes steady on his cell screen.
            "Is he going to act like this the entire time?" Billy asked, already annoyed by Zak's distance.
            "Well, in his defense, he was told to back off, remember? No offense, Addy." Aaron grinned at me, and goofily gave me two thumbs up.
            "Hey, it doesn't matter to me. The further away he stays the better. Let him act like a damn robot." I scowled at the back of Zak's head, as Billy lead me inside. The RV was way bigger than I expected. There was a bedroom in the back, with a nice queen sized bed. Which, of course, was reserved for his highness. There were four bunks in the hall too, which seemed to be comfortable. If only I didn't suffer from claustrophobia.
            Outside, Bacon took a few more drags of his cigarette, as Aaron and Jay kept him company. Aaron curled his lip, as he watched Bacon look above his head into the windows repeatedly. "Bro, what are you looking at?" Aaron asked, curiously.
            "I'm trying to see Addy." Bacon replied.
            "Um, because she's fucking hot, and I figured since Zak was out of the picture I could, ya know...." Bacon was rudely interrupted by the enormous laughter erupting from Aaron and Jay. "What the hells so funny?"
            "Dude, you honestly think that you would swoop in and she would go for it?" Jay asked.
            "You never know. I'm telling you, she digs the beard." Bacon grinned, as he twirled his beard hair between his fingers, using the other hand to take another toke.
            "Okay, only three things could happen in that situation. One, Addy laughs in your face, kind of like we did. Two, Addy actually goes for it, which will fucking shock all of us. And three, Zak fucking kills you." Aaron said.
            "I'm going to go with options one, and three. Cause either way, Zak finds out you're hitting on her, he really will kill you."
            "Hitting on who?" Zak asked, as he stepped down to the pavement. The three of them turned quickly, anxious to see if he had been eavesdropping the entire time.
            "Ah, don't worry about it, man." Bacon nervously laughed it off and threw his burnt filter to the ground, giving it a stomp, before he returned to his drivers seat. Zak turned to Aaron and Jay, staring deep into their eyes, trying to suck the answer out of them.
            "Who was he talking about?"
            "Huh? What?" Aaron pursed his lips, and cupped around his ear like a deaf grandpa, pretending to not hear a word.
            "He's talking about Addy, isn't he?" Aaron and Jay looked down to the concrete, patiently waiting for Zak to burst and go into a rage, but to their surprise, Zak let out a loud laugh. "Oh, my god, what a tool." Zak placed his hand on his belly, as if he felt the pain from his over exaggerated laughter. "You guys ready to go? Let's do this!"
            To my amazement, I was actually enjoying myself. Zak was keeping his promise. He stayed in the passenger seat, as I sat at the table and played cards with Aaron. Jay and Billy were sitting on the couch, enjoying the big screen, and the Xbox. Although, I'd be lying if I said the silence from Zak didn't pain me. We went from being so close, to not even speaking. I knew that was my doing, but I wished I could've just rewound to the good days and forget about everything. I wanted nothing more than to just be happy with Zak again.
            "What do you got?" Aaron asked again, trying to break me from my trance. I shook out of my thought and got my head back in the game. I sighed, as I looked down at my worthless hand.
            "Fold." I said, as I tossed the cards to the table. Aaron laughed and flipped his cards for me to see.
            "Full house, baby."
            "That's the third game you've won, I think I'm done playing." I giggled, as we gathered the cards and placed them in a stack.
            "That's what happens when you play with the big boys, Addy." Aaron winked.
            "I'll kick your ass any day of the week, Goodwin." Zak smirked, as he turned to look at us. I turned my smile into a frown, as our eyes met.
            "Just come fucking try, bro." Aaron challenged. Zak put his cell in his pocket, as he stood and walked towards the table. He stopped and looked down at the table, avoiding further eye contact.
            "Is that alright with you?" He asked, quietly. I stood from the booth, and walked up front to take the passenger seat Zak had left vacant. Zak bit his bottom lip, as I walked past him. The aroma of my perfume invaded his senses, and he tightly gripped his jeans, fighting the urge to follow me. With a deep sigh, he took the seat across Aaron. "She really fucking hates me."
            "Just give it some time, bro. I'm sure it'll all work out." Aaron assured, but Zak was slowly losing the little faith he had left.
            I tried to keep my eyes steady on the open road, but as I continued to feel Bacons eyes on me, I had no choice but to turn and stare right back. Bacon smiled when our eyes met, but quickly turned his attention back to the road. "Bacon?" I asked.
            "Would you like to ask me something?"
            "Um, no. I like being alive."
            "Uh, okay?" I gave the awkward silence a few more minutes, before I decided it was time to remove myself from the uncomfortable cloud. "Okay, well, I'm going to go lay down." I said, as I walked towards the back. I stopped between the couch, and the table, avoiding looking down at Zak. "Which bunk is mine?"
            "Whichever one you want." Billy said.
            "Okay, I think I'll take a nap."
            "You can use my bed if you want. Those bunks are kind of small, and I know you hate small spaces." Zak said. I wanted to scream at him for even talking to me, but I was more curious of how he knew about my fear.
            "How do you know?"
            "You told me, remember? The first week you moved in. That one night, we stayed up til like three in the morning, watching old episodes. I turned on the one where I get in the locker of the morgue, and you told me you could never do that 'cause you're claustrophobic." Zak's eyes remained on his cards, and I stared in complete shock.
            "I can't believe you remembered that."
            "I remember everything you tell me." Zak said. Aaron discreetly looked at Billy and smiled. "You can have my bed."
            "No, I'm fine." I said harshly, immediately snapping myself out of my flattering moment.
            "Jesus, Addy, just take my bed. I'm trying to be nice here." Zak urged. I opened my mouth to turn down his offer once more, but I was quickly interrupted by Billy.
            "Addilyn..." Billy said, softly.
            "Fine. I'll use the damn bed." I huffed, as I made my way to the back, and slid the thin curtain door shut. I rested my head on the memory foam pillow, and looked up at the blue sky through the large sunroof. The clouds zoomed by as we drove further down the road. I was almost at peace, until it occurred to me, I had absolutely no idea where we were traveling to. "Billy?" I yelled out. Billy slid the door open and smiled.
            "What's up?" He asked.
            "What's the location?"
            "Oh, we're going back to a special place."
            "Tell me."
            "It's a surprise..."

On The Edge Of Falling Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora