Just One Time

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I shamefully watched, as Zak climbed out of my bed and slipped his boxers back on. He bent down to retrieve his jeans and t-shirt. A bright sun had risen this morning and the rays were beaming through the cracks of my curtains, leaving a lovely glow on the hardwood floor. In the back of my mind, I knew I should've been ashamed of myself, but in all honesty, I enjoyed being with him. Too much, I think. Before Zak walked to the door, he turned to look me in the eyes. "So, what happens now?" He asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, what happens now?" He asked again, as if I already knew the answer.
"You're my boss, I'm your assistant. I continue working for you like normal and..."
"...And we sweep it under the rug like nothing ever happened?"
"Yes." I replied. Zak nodded, and narrowed his eyes, as the sunlight met his face. "It was just one time, Zak."
"Just one time." Zak said, as he removed himself from the room. With a deep sigh, I flopped back into my pillows. Which, were now marked with the scent of his cologne. I couldn't believe the harsh words that came out of my mouth. Just one time? I felt like I wasn't even myself. This wasn't the type of person I was, I didn't just sleep with men and then dump them aside. I was vulnerable last night, I must've been out of my mind, but as he walked into my room and wrapped his strong arms around me, I couldn't hold myself back.
His confidence wasn't exaggerated. Zak really was that amazing. He touched me in a way that I had never been touched before. He kissed me in a way that I've never been kissed before. He was one with my body, and my mind. Never in my life have I felt so much passion between myself and another. If he was that amazing with every other woman, I felt sorry for those he's tossed aside himself.
The shower in my bathroom was amazing. Large enough for me to invite the entire crew to join me, which of course, I would never do. I might've gotten out of hand last night, but I wasn't that crazy. I smiled, as I saw the already bought shampoo and conditioner, and wonderfully scented female body wash. The more and more I spent with Zak, the more I saw his true colors shining through.
Zak's car tires screeched, as he sped into Aaron's driveway, and slammed on his breaks. As he rushed up the front steps, his finger tapped the doorbell repeatedly, as his other hand banged on the door. Suddenly, Aaron swung the door open, nearly spilling every last bit of hot coffee onto his bare chest. Sporting only boxers, Zak looked at him with wide eyes. "Bro, can you get dressed?" Zak asked, as he rolled his eyes, and let himself in.
"Um, I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting guests this early in the morning." Aaron replied, as he swung his front door shut. "What are you doing here?"
"I fucked her."
"Okay, Zak, you're going to have to be a little more specific."
"Addy! I had sex with her!"
"Well, no shit, we all knew that was bound to happen sooner or later." Aaron said, as he sipped his coffee and made his way to his kitchen table. Zak sat across from him, hands still jittery from his awkward morning. "So, how'd it happen?"
"She was sad and I was trying to comfort her, one thing lead to another and she literally asked me to do it."
"And? How was it?"
"It was...I don't know, absolutely indescribable." Zak said, as he smiled down at the table, covered in new toys for Aaron's masterpieces. "I just, I really have no words."
"Whoa, I've never seen you so worked up over some girl."
"Yeah, well, it doesn't mean shit now."
"It was a one time thing. She doesn't want it happening again. She wants our relationship to stay completely platonic."
"Dude, seriously?" Aaron gasped. Zak nodded, waiting for some comforting words from his friend. "A chick turned you down?" Aaron said, not containing his laughter. Zak glared at him with narrowed eyes.
"Are you really laughing at me?"
"Man, I'm sorry, I just never thought I'd see the day when Zak Bagans got turned down."
"Technically, she didn't turn me down. I slept with her didn't I?"
"Touché." Aaron said, as he lifted his mug to Zak. He stood up to pour some more brew into his cup.
"How am I supposed to work with her, and live with her after what happened?"
"Well, you can't fire her. That would really make you the biggest douche bag on the planet, but honestly, just move on. If she doesn't want to be with you, let it go."
             Zak had returned home and as soon as he walked through the door, I tried to greet him like a respectful employee, but the awkward tension filled the room. My smile vanished, as Zak frowned and walked right past me, towards the kitchen. Sweet Gracie followed him out to the pool. As I walked into the kitchen, I watched Zak through the glass door. He stripped his shirt off and laid out on a lounge chair, next to his rock wall waterfall. I grunted and made my way out to him, I wasn't going to stand for our relationship turning to this. "Zak." I said loudly, as he popped his eyes open and glared at me. "Is this how this is going to be now? If it is, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking last night."
             "You were upset. It's not unusual for people to need to feel wanted when they're sad." Zak replied, as he shut his eyes again, listening to the peaceful sound of water flowing.
            "Zak, I don't want you to act this way around me. I want this experience to be an enjoyable one."
            "The only way I can be sure we can go back to normal is if you swear to me that you don't want more from me." Zak said, as he stood to face me. His bare chest only inches away from me and I wanted nothing more than to just reach out and grab him.
             "I don't want more."
             "So, you won't ever get upset if I bring another woman home?" Zak said, with a raise of his brow, knowing that I would be absolutely furious to see him give his attention to another, but I had to be professional, no matter how difficult it was going to be.
             "No, you're a single man and this is your home. You're allowed to do what you want." Zak frowned, as if he was disappointed in my calm response. Maybe, he was expecting me to reach out for him and tell him I couldn't live without him. "It was one time, Zak."
            "Good." Zak replied, as he returned to his chair.
            "Yeah, I have a date tonight."
            "Oh, well, then great. I hope you have a good time." I said, through my false grin. "What do you need me to do today?"
            "I have a lot of Haunted Museum merchandise that needs to be sorted through, and packaged. They're in the office."
            "Yes, Mr. Bagans."
            "Hey, what did I tell you? We're friends, you can call me Zak."
            "You're not my friend. You're my boss." I scoffed, as I forcefully shut the glass door behind me. How the hell could he have a date already? Unless, I really was just another one night stand. I suppose it was my fault for not being honest with him. I did want more from him. A lot more, but I thought I was doing the right thing. Now I know I am. Considering he's already moving on to the next bimbo.
            I had gotten about half way through the orders when my stomach started to growl. I completely skipped lunch, and worked straight through. I walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Not much in here but numerous bottles of Fiji water. I sighed, as I lifted my head back up. "Hungry?" Zak asked, causing me to jump.
            "Kind of."
            "Sorry, I don't have much food."
            "I can see that."
            "I can leave you some money. You can order something, if you want." Zak slapped money on the counter top. He was sporting his black pants and tight black t-shirt. A silver chain crucifix hung around his neck and his hair gelled into a perfect fin. The smell of his cologne invaded my senses and my jealousy was growing, as I watched him head for the door. I quickly followed.
            "You don't have to leave me money."
            "Well, I could always bring you left overs from the date."
            "I'll order some Chinese." I grinned. No way was I taking him and his dates tainted leftovers. Zak turned and opened the front door. "Hey..." Zak took another look at me before he walked out. "...Have a good time." I said, with a genuine smile. Zak didn't return my enthusiasm. Instead, he wore an unenthusiastic frown.
            "Yeah, just get those orders done." The door slammed behind him.

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