What Are Friends For

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            Weeks had passed since the cook out and Zak and I were getting closer and closer, as each day went by. I truly considered him to be my best friend. Sure, he was strict when he was my boss. He had a system that he followed. When he wanted something done, he wanted it done correctly. Zak didn't go easy on me just because we were friends. Last week, I forgot to set up his dentist appointment and I had to endure lectures that entire day. But when the evenings came, and he wasn't my boss, he was the best friend I ever had. Zak would cook us dinner and we would have Ghost Adventures marathons. We would take Gracie to the park, and go on hikes. Sometimes, I would have to hold myself back from jumping in his arms, and pressing my lips against his. Forgetting that it was strictly a professional relationship.
            Today was Sunday. My day off. No stress, no responsibility. Just my day to do whatever I wanted. Sometimes, I would spend it with Zak anyways, but today I had the strong need to be on my own. I cleaned all of my camera lenses. They were a little dingy from not being used in a while. I wanted to get back out there and do what I loved to do. As I packed everything into my camera bag, I walked downstairs. Before I could turn the handle, I heard a loud whistle. As I turned my attention to the back door, I saw Zak waving me down from the pool. "What's up?" I asked, as I watched Zak float and splash around in the pool water.
            "Where you going?" Zak asked.
            "Just out. I want to take some photos."
            "And I'm not invited?"
            "No offense, but I just need some alone time. I see you every morning, afternoon, and night." I said, through a concerned grin, hoping I didn't offend him. Zak's laughter told me he wasn't insulted at all. He paddled his way to the concrete steps, and he looked like a Greek god, as he stepped out of the pool. Every inch of him was soaked, and his trunks were suctioned to his legs, leaving a clear outline of all his glory. I tried my hardest to look away, but it was like there was a ghost controlling my eyes, forcing me to look. I've been watching too much Ghost Adventures.
            "So, you're getting sick of me, huh?" Zak smiled, as he walked towards me. The water ran down his body and I felt the drops hit my feet.
            "No, I just...I don't know, want to be alone with my thoughts."
            "Try not to think about me too much." Zak winked, as he toweled himself off. "Oops, I seem to have dropped my towel..." Zak playfully tossed his towel behind him. I laughed out loud, as he bent over in front of me, showing off his plump behind. As he was bent over, he turned his head to me. "You like what you see?"
            "Knock it off." I said, as I gently kicked a cheek. "Well, it's been a while since you've flirted. You're not having unholy thoughts again, are you?" I raised a brow, as Zak straightened out.
            "What's wrong with a few games of boss and the naughty secretary every now and then?"
            "Sorry, boss. It's my day off." I smiled, and walked towards the gate. As I climbed into my car, and rolled the window down, I saw Aaron pull into the driveway. He pulled up beside me, waving like a goofball.
            "How's the worlds cutest assistant doing?" Aaron asked, as he walked to my window.
            "Doing good. Just going to do a little nature shoot. How 'bout you?"
            "Good. I got some good news I need to share with Zak."
            "What's the good news?"
            "I found him a date." Aaron grinned and walked inside. I sat in the driveway, looking up towards the sky through my open sunroof. I know, it's my fault that nothing more has happened with Zak, but I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to keep my promise. How was I not going to get jealous when I see these rude bimbos come into my home with the man I have feelings for? Zak hadn't been with any woman since the last one that he kicked out in front of me. I even asked him if he was planning on dating and he continued to tell me he wasn't interested. Was it wrong for that to make me happy?
I tried to shake off my jealousy. I knew that a day by myself, doing what I loved the most, would take my mind off things. Although, deep down, I was praying Zak would turn down Aaron's offer. I put my car in drive, and enjoyed the warm summer air flowing through my open windows. The bright sun shown down on me, making me feel as much peace as my mind would allow.
Meanwhile, Zak and Aaron lounged by the pool. The sound of the flowing waterfall almost caused Zak to fall asleep in his chair, until Aaron opened his mouth and interrupted his tranquility. "Bro, I almost forgot. I got some good news." Aaron grinned.
"What's up?"
"Do you remember that waitress who served us the other day? Lindsey."
"Yeah, what about her?"
"Well, I went back in there today for lunch, and she totally wants your number, dude."
"Not interested."
"Well, too bad. I already gave it to her, and I took hers to give to you. She's expecting your call." Aaron said, as Zak sat up in his seat, eyes widened in shock.
"Why would you just give my number out like that, Aaron? I don't want to go out with her."
"Why the hell not, bro? She's cute and you haven't been with anyone in like a month. I was just trying to help you out."
"I appreciate that, but I don't want to date right now."
"You mean, you don't want to date anyone if they're not Addy." Aaron said. Zak turned away, not ready to acknowledge that Aaron was right. "Bro, you have to move on. Addy doesn't see you that way. She's made that really clear. Lindsey, on the other hand, is crazy about you. She's smart and funny. Give her a chance." Zak rested his head in his hands, contemplating his next move.
             "Give me her number." Zak sighed, as Aaron took his phone out and listed off the digits. Zak was hesitant to type them in, but ultimately saved it.
            "I gotta go to the bathroom, but seriously, call her. Like now." Aaron said, as he stood and walked inside. Zak stood from his chair and stared at his phone, as he dipped his feet in the cool pool water. He hated that he was so nervous. What happened to the calm and confident Zak? He tapped the call button and shook, as he heard ring after ring. He wasn't nervous about Lindsey, but terrified of losing Addy.
            "Hello?" A sweet voice said.
            "Lindsey, it's Zak Bagans."
            "Oh, my god, I didn't know if you were going to call me. How are you?"
            "I'm fine and you?"
            "I'm actually kind of embarrassed, I'm just such a huge fan and I feel like I acted obnoxious when I drooled over you the other day." Lindsey laughed. Zak even managed to crack a smile.
            "Oh, don't worry about it. So, would you...um..." Zak was having a hard time spitting out the words and it didn't help that Aaron was standing beside him, grinning like a buffoon. He was waving Zak along, trying to push him to ask her out.
             "Zak? You there?" Lindsey asked.
             "Yeah...I was just going to ask if you would like to go out some time."
             "Yes, of course! I'd love to!"
             "Alright, how does Friday night at eight sound?"
             "Sounds amazing."
             "Alright, I'll see you then." Zak said, as he hung up the phone. Aaron sat beside him and patted his back.
            "Nice. You excited?" Aaron asked.
            "Yeah, I guess." Zak shrugged.
            I stood on the Vegas strip, camera clutched tightly in my hands. The strap hanging around my neck. I snapped photo after photo of the many creative people who skipped down the sidewalk. The tall buildings, and the bright neon lights. I was capturing good moments, but something was still causing a frown. Thinking about Zak with another woman was driving me crazy. I couldn't even enjoy my day, so I ultimately decided to call it quits and drive back home.
             As I pulled into the drive, I noticed that Aaron's car was gone. Everything was done. He told Zak about the girl, and they would fall madly in love, and I would always just be the assistant. Hell, I'd probably be the damn wedding planner.
            Zak was sprawled out on the couch, with Gracie resting by his feet, as I walked inside. I was trying to play out how this conversation would go, in my head. I couldn't just flat out ask him if he was going on a date. I had to warm up to it. Zak opened his eyes and looked over the couch at me. The warmth of his smile greeted me, as I sat in the lazy boy across him. "Hey." Zak said.
            "How was your alone time?"
            "Good, kind of uneventful, honestly."
            "See, you should've invited me." Zak grinned. Yeah, you're right. Then maybe Aaron wouldn't have told you about a date and I could sleep easy tonight.
            "Yeah, I guess so. How was your day?"
            "Just hung out by the pool with Aaron."
            "Oh, Aaron was here?" I asked, acting completely oblivious. "Anything interesting happen?"
             "Well, he did set me up." My heart sank. He actually did it.
             "Oh, really? Who with?" I asked, quietly. Trying to breath through my anxiousness.
             "Her name is Lindsey. She's the waitress we met the other day."
             "That blonde girl? That's who you're going out with?" My jealousy was full blast now. I was with Aaron and Zak that day. That girl was absolutely lovely. She was beautiful and sweet. I had no chance now.
             "Yeah. Why? Is there something wrong with her?" Zak asked, remembering that I had agreed to keep my snap judgements to myself.
             "No, of course not."
             "Good. I'm going to bed." Zak said, with a tiring yawn. As he stood and walked towards his room, his hand brushed my arm. "Thanks for being cool with this."
             "What are friends for?" I smiled back. My happy expression was only a mask covering my misery. How could I tell Zak my true feelings after all the times I already rejected him. I couldn't be selfish. If I can't have you, no one can. What kind of friend would I be? But nothing could shake this pain I was enduring. My heart was broken.

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