Welcome To Our Dysfunctional Family

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I sat on the edge of the bed in the guest bedroom. Still utterly baffled by what Zak had offered me. A place to live? I was scared enough of being his assistant, but to move in with a man that looks at me like a piece of meat? Now, that idea completely terrified me. It wasn't him I was afraid of, but myself. I already found him insanely attractive, so was being around him all the time going to push stronger feelings? He drove me completely mad, but there was still something about him that...I know it sounds cliche but, go weak in the knees.
I heard a gentle knock to my door. Billy stood in the doorway, wearing a understanding expression. He chuckled warmly, as I returned a petrified frown. "You're still thinking about it, huh?" Billy asked, sensing I was unsure about Zak.
"I hate him, Billy." I replied.
"You don't hate him, Addy. Maybe, doing this will bring you guys closer."
"Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of." I sighed and stood to retrieve my cell from the dresser. "What am I going to do? I've lost everything. My job, my home. All I have is my camera, and the clothes in that suitcase."
"You have new friends. That should count for something, right?" I returned a smile and Billy sat on the bed. He patted the empty spot next to him, inviting me over. As I sat beside him, his hand casually slipped over mine and he gripped around my fingers. "Addy, I've only known you for four days, but I feel like you're already an amazing friend. I've had a blast with you. You need to let Zak see that."
"So, you think I should move in?"
"I think you should at least try."
"What if he's a dick?"
"I'm sure he will be." Billy and I shared a laugh. "But then he'll have to deal with me and the guys." Billy said, with a wink.
Unexpectedly, Zak peaked his head in the doorway, wearing that same cocky grin. I rolled my eyes, wondering how I could ever be attracted to a man so overly confident, but then again, look at my ex boyfriend. "You and the guys will deal with me, huh? See, you're not the only one who can eavesdrop around here." Zak grinned. Billy released my hand, and walked out, leaving me alone with Don Juan. He inched into the bedroom, creeping towards my open suitcase on the bed behind me. "So, you made a decision yet?"
"Tell me again, why I need to move in?"
"Because I have a lot of work that needs to get done and I'd rather have you close to me. Keep an eye on ya. Plus, you need a new home and I'm much more fun than Billy." I turned to Zak biting his lip and raising a brow. With another roll of my disgusted eye, I turned away. "Ooo la la, and by the looks of these, you're pretty fun yourself." Zak rounded the corner of the bed and used two fingers to stretch my lacy red thong.
"Zak, put them back." I said, as I stood and tried to snatch them from his grip. Zak playfully waved them above my head, so short little me wasn't able to reach. I jumped repeatedly to try and retrieve my panties, but Zak giggled, as he continued to dodge me. "Zak! Give me my thong!" I demanded. His smile remained, as he slowly lowered them to my level. I quickly grasped them and tossed them back into my suitcase.
"Man, you are so uptight."
"I am not uptight. I just don't like perverts touching my underwear."
"Why did you pack those if you didn't want anyone to see them?"
"Maybe, I did plan on hooking up, but definitely not with you."
"I don't know why you won't admit it."
"Admit what?"
"You want me, babe."
"Oh, yeah, because being with someone who said they didn't give a shit about me is on the top of my to do list!" The room quickly filled with silence, as Zak's smile faded away.
"I apologized for that, Addy."
"Let's get one thing straight, okay? I don't have romantic or sexual feelings for you. I in no way, shape, or form want to be with you in any way, and I swear to god, if you hit on me after I move in, I will quit on the spot. Do I make myself clear?"
"You're moving in with me?" Zak asked, completely ignoring my demands. I stood with my arms crossed, waiting for a response. "Yes, you make yourself crystal clear. I promise, I won't hit on you again."
I gathered my small amount of belongings and slipped my suitcase into Zak's car. Aaron and Billy stood in the driveway. I was overjoyed, as Billy reached the GAC mug, that I've become pretty fond of, out to me. "Here, my gift to someone who's lost everything else." Billy smiled. I didn't know how to respond. I reached out and slipped my fingers into the handle. Even though, it was a small one, it was the sweetest gesture.
"Thank you, Billy."
"Welcome to our dysfunctional family."
My smile was turned into a scowl, when I heard Zak's loud clear of his throat. I slowly turned and saw him standing by the open passenger door, tapping his imaginary wrist watch. "Are we ready to go, or are you guys going to make out now?" Zak asked. I walked towards him and got a firm pinch on his cheek.
"Aww is someone jealous?" I winked and climbed into the car. I had barely buckled my seatbelt, before Zak firmly shut my door. I waved at Billy through the tinted window, as the car shifted when Zak climbed in. My heart beat was rapid, as Billy's house faded in the distance, the further away we drove. The new chapter of my life was about to start. "So, what will I be doing first?"
"I have a lot of autographs that need to be mailed out. That'll be your first assignment." I nodded, feeling like that would be relatively simple. I mean, how many fans could he possibly have? "By the way, you will call me Mr. Bagans."
"You've got to be kidding me." I replied, with a giggle, my mouth dropped to the floor. Zak showed no sign of humor, and looked quite offended by my laughter.
"I'm not kidding. You will address me as Mr. Bagans. Not Zak, not sir, Mr. Bagans."
"Why not sir?"
"Because it makes me feel old."
"How old are you?"
"Shut up."
"Come on, tell me." I said, while giving his shoulder a light slap.
"Well, how old are you?" Zak asked defensively.
"How old do you think I am?"
"Thirty? Thirty-two at the most?" I said, genuinely believing that he couldn't be a day older. Zak grinned and nodded his head.
"I just turned 38." My eyes widened in shock. This man was like a fine wine, he aged very well.
"You seem to be upset with that number. What's wrong with being 38?"
"Nothing, just wish I could turn back time, some times."
"Okay, Cher." I joked.
"Oh, right, sorry. Mr. Bagans."
"Hearing you say that was so damn sexy." Zak said, sporting an excited smirk.
"Hey, what were the rules?"
"My bad."
His house was beautiful. I was surprised by how clean everything was. As we walked through the door suddenly, a fluffy white dog ran as fast as she could to Zak. "Hey, baby girl!" Zak said, as he knelt down to her level. I smiled, witnessing the sweet side of Mr. Bagans. "Addy, meet Gracie. Gracie, Addy." Gracie welcomed me with few licks to my hand. I gave her a gentle pet behind the ear. "Alright, you ready to mail out some signed photos?"
Zak lead me into his office and I expected to to see one small box filled with autographs. I was shocked when Zak pointed at three boxes stacked on top of one another. "Those are the photos that need to be sealed, and mailed out. I expect it to be finished by tonight." Zak patted my back and smiled. "Happy first day."
"Yes, s....Mr. Bagans."

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