Ill Keep Waiting

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            The next morning, Billy lounges by his pool, watching as the bright sun started to rise over the horizon. He took another long sip of his iced coffee and deeply inhaled, as the cool Fall breeze flowed to him. Suddenly, his moment of peace was broken by the clear of Zak's throat. Billy turned abruptly in his chair and met eyes with Zak. "Hey?" Billy said.
            "Hey." Zak replied.
            "What are you doing here?"
            "I just wanted to check in. Make sure you were okay." Zak said, as he walked over to the empty chair beside Billy.
            "I'm doing okay, I guess." Billy said, and then got a good look at the small bruise that lined Zak's jaw. "Sorry, again, about that."
            "It's no problem, bro. You gotta good right hook." Zak laughed. "I would've probably done the same thing."
            "I'm surprised you didn't hit me back."
            "Nah, I got to hit Aaron. It's all good." Zak and Billy shared a laugh, but Billy's quickly stopped, and he directed his attention back on the rising sun.
            "When Addy called you yesterday, was it her cell?" Billy asked.
            "No, actually, it was a random number. That's why I seemed so confused before I answered. Why?"
            "I called her last night. Her number was deactivated. So, now, I really have no way of talking to her." Billy sighed.
            "Maybe, that's the best thing...for now."
            "Yeah." Billy nodded. In the hopes of bringing some light back in his friends heart, Zak reached into his pocket and pulled out the folded piece of paper. At first, he wasn't sure about giving it to Billy, but now he knew, he needed something to hold onto. To keep his faith. Zak reached the paper out, and Billy slowly took it. "What's this?"
            "It's Addy's letter."
            "Why did you keep it?" Billy asked, as he unfolded the paper. He closed his eyes, as looking upon the contents again was too painful.
            "I'm not sure, honestly, but I'm glad I did. She wanted me to give it to you. She's going to come back for you, Billy. She loves you."
            "How do you know?"
            "Just a feeling." Zak smiled. "I don't know when, but she will, and you have to be here for her when she comes back. Waiting for her will prove that you really love her."
            "And what if it takes months? Years?"
            "Hey, she told you to move on in the letter." Zak joked.
            "No, I'll keep waiting."

6 Months Later

            "Jesus Christ! Leave me alone!" Zak yelled into the phone, before he hung up and threw it against the soft couch, preventing any serious damage. Billy looked up, as he and Aaron shared a laugh.
            "Let me guess? Mandy?" Billy laughed.
            "The bitch is crazy! She's literally crazy."
            "That's what you get for picking up a new slut in every state." Aaron laughed.
            "Dude, just break up with her." Billy urged. "Why do you even deal with it?"
            "I did break up with her! Yesterday! Damn, we only dated for two weeks, and I'd hardly call hooking up dating."
            "Sounds like Zak has a stalker." Aaron said, as he obnoxiously widened his eyes and made a chilling howl, causing Billy's laughter to grow harder. "Watch your back, bro!"
            "Shut up, fucking morons." Zak scoffed, and walked out of the room.
            "This is what you get for being a man whore!" Aaron yelled. He continued laughing with Billy. "You want to grab some lunch?"
            "Yeah, I guess I'll go invite the man whore." Billy laughed, as he walked up the stairs to Zak's bedroom. "You coming to eat?"
            "Yeah, I guess." Zak said, as he laid on his bed with his arm over his eyes.
            "You're not that upset over Mandy are you? We all knew that bitch was crazy."
            "No, I don't give a shit about her. I just miss it."
            "Miss what?"
            "Having a normal woman."
            "You mean you miss Addy?" Billy asked. Zak moved his arm and sat up to look at Billy.
            "No, I mean, yeah, I do miss her, but I just mean...I miss having that feeling, you know? Having a cool chick by my side."
            "Don't worry, I'm not trying to swoop in on your girl, Billy."
            "I wouldn't exactly call her my girl, anymore. It's been six months. I don't think she's coming back." Billy sighed.
            "You don't know that."
            "Get real, Zak. She probably moved to France and is now getting banged by some dude named Pierre"
            "She loves you. Just be patient."
            "Take your own advice."
            "What do you mean?"
            "You keep hooking up with these nasty chicks, looking for that next woman to settle down with, when in reality you should just be patient and let the right one come to you."
            "I'm pretty sure I'm going to die alone."
            "No, you won't. It'll happen, bro." Billy assured. "Come on, lets go get some food." Billy put his arm around Zak, as they walked out together.
            "Hey, you want me to bag you one of those road hoes?" Zak asked.
            "No, thanks. I'd rather use my hand, than get a STD." Billy laughed.
            Later that night, Zak lay sleeping in his comfortable bed. For the first time in a long time, he felt peaceful. Having to deal with weeks of Mandy's crazy emails, calls, and texts really stressed him out. He thought breaking up with her finally did the trick. He was about to learn that he thought wrong.
Gracie's ears perked up, as she heard the rattle of the glass patio door. She sat up on the bed, as Zak still peacefully slept. The noise grew louder, causing Gracie to growl. Finally, Zak opened his eyes and looked up at Gracie. "What's wrong, girl?" Zak sat up and heard the noise that was getting Gracie so worked up. "Shit..." The only thought that entered Zak's mind was Mandy was trying to break in.
Zak whipped his comforter off him, and retrieved the metal bat that he kept in his closet. He slowly crept into the hallway, and tiptoed down the stairs. As he approached the corner of the kitchen, he peaked past the wall and saw that his fear was correct. Mandy stood on his patio, by the pool, looking for the perfect way into his house. More aggravated than anything, Zak grunted as he made his way to the door. As he slid it open, Mandy braced herself and prepared to run, before she saw Zak staring back at her. "Hi, Zak! Surprise!" Mandy exclaimed.
"Mandy, what the fuck?" Zak said, as he walked outside. Gracie followed him, growling the entire time. "What are you doing?"
"I just wanted to see you."
"So, you thought breaking into my house was the best way to do that?"
"You blocked me on social media, you blocked my phone number! You won't answer my emails! What was I supposed to do?"
"Oh, I don't know, take the fucking hint and leave me alone!"
"But I love you."
"You were sending me death threats!"
"That's where my love takes me."
"Jesus, listen to me, Mandy. You're sexy as hell, okay?" Zak's words made her push a smile. "And you're amazing in bed, and before you went Norman Bates on me, you were a fun person to be around. So, take some advice, stop trying to force your love on people. It never works that way. Believe me, I've been there before. I don't love you, sweetheart, but there is someone out there who does."
"But if you could just..."
"No, I'm going to say one last thing, okay?" Mandy nodded, waiting for Zak's last piece of advice. "If you come near me again, I will have your ass arrested. Do you understand me?" Mandy slowly nodded.
"Maybe, I should go back to Colorado."
"Yeah, maybe, you should." Zak laughed. "Come on, I'll take you to the airport."
Zak looked through his windshield at the plane landing on the runway. He was suddenly reminded of the first day he met Addy. That obnoxious snoring from the cute girl beside him. Never in a million years would he have thought that she would change his and his friends life forever. Mandy smiled at Zak before she gripped the door handle. "Zak?" She asked innocently.
"Have you ever been in love?"
"Once. Well, I thought I was."
"What was her name?"
"Addilyn. She was awesome. Beautiful, funny, tough."
"What happened?"
"One day we realized we just weren't right for each other. She was in love with someone else."
"Is she with him now?"
"She should be." Zak smiled.
"Do you want to fall in love?"
"I don't know. Maybe, one day."
"Well, when you find her, she will definitely be the luckiest woman on the planet." Mandy smiled, and stepped out of the car.
Billy rang Zak's doorbell over and over, until Zak finally answered. His hair was ungelled, and sticking up in all different directions. The bags under his eyes were deep and heavy. "Damn, dude. You look like shit." Billy laughed.
"Thanks. I appreciate that." Zak said, as he opened the door further to let Billy walk in. "I was up all night."
"What kept you up?"
"An ex psycho girlfriend." Billy handed Zak a large coffee as he sipped on his own. "Mandy tried breaking in."
"Holy shit. Did you call the cops?"
"Nope, threatened her and then drove her to the airport. She went back to Colorado."
"You think she'll stay away this time?"
"Yeah, I think she will. Unless, I want another hot night with her and fly her back here." Zak winked.
"Man whore." Billy laughed. "You still need help at the museum today?"
"Yeah, let me get dressed. We can head over there." Zak took another long gulp of his coffee, before he left Billy alone in the kitchen. As he walked to the patio door, and looked out. He laughed as he saw the metal bat laying in the middle of the lawn.
"Such a man whore..."

*If y'all just bear with me, I promise this story will make sense. 😂😂*

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