The Love Doctor

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            A few months had passed by and Zak and I were still going...well, somewhat strong. I found myself growing more attached to him, but Zak seemed to be drifting further and further away. Him and the guys were on the road a lot, so I hardly saw him, and when I did see him, he was distant, and cold. Not to mention, my photography studio was growing more popular by the day. He was starting to lose interest. I could see it in his hollow eyes. This was what I was afraid of, rushing into something we weren't really sure of. Was our love real, or was it just something we thought we wanted? Regardless, I didn't want to let it die so easily. I wanted to fight with all I had to keep our fire from burning out. My mother always lived with regret after letting my father go, and I wasn't going to live like that.
            Zak was away today. Of course, he was working yet again, on the Haunted Museum. I tried not to whine, or complain because I knew that this project was very important to him, and picking my battles was something I tried to focus on. I made my way through the house, picking up dirty laundry, and Gracie's toys that lay spread everywhere. As I entered our bedroom, I was overcome with sadness. What was once a room filled with love and passion, was now simply a room. The bed hadn't seen any kind of romance in weeks, and I was becoming unbearably starved for his love.
            Determined on getting the spark back, I picked up my phone and dialed the only friend I had that I knew would be there for me. Billy always had great advice when it came to my happiness, and honestly, I didn't have any female friends to help me with this sort of thing. After numerous rings, Billy finally answered the call. "Billy, thank god. I need you to come over, please."
"Why? Are you okay?" Billy asked in a panic.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I just really need some advice."
"This isn't something we could discuss over the phone?"
"I'd rather have you here. Why? Don't you want to see me? We haven't hung out in so long."
"There's a reason for that."
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing, I'll be over in a few."
I heard the hesitation in his tone, but I ignored his troubles. I sounded completely selfish, but all I was worried about was Zak and I. I excitingly rushed to the door, as I heard the bell echo through the house. As I opened the door, my smile stretched further then it had in a while, but it slowly diminished, as I looked upon Billy. He was unusually scruffy, showing that he hadn't trimmed his facial hair in easily a month. The bags under his eyes presented his lack of sleep, and his entire manner seemed to be sad, and lonely. "Billy? What..." I gasped, as he let himself in.
"What's wrong?"
"I should be asking you the same thing. What happened to you? You look like shit."
"Well, thank you. It's nice to see you too." Billy scoffed. I wrapped my arms around him, but was insulted as he immediately pulled away from me. "What did you need, Addy?"
"What is wrong with you?"
"Nothing is wrong with me."
"No, this is not the Billy I remember. My Billy would've been happy to see me, and would've greeted me with open arms."
"I'm not your Billy."
"Billy, you're my best friend. Tell me what's going on with you?" I urged, as I followed him into the kitchen. Billy helped himself to the fridge and pulled out a cold bottle of water. He sighed, as he took a seat at the kitchen island. "Please, Billy, talk to me. You have always been there for me, it's my turn to be there for you."
"Addy, I'm fine, I promise. I've just been really tired for a few weeks. Probably just from a lockdown, or something."
"Maybe, you need to see a doctor."
"A doctor wouldn't be able to help me." Billy chuckled. "Now, what did you need? I'm here for you, not to talk about me."
"But you're..."
"Addy, I'm fine."
"Alright, well, I think Zak and I are on the verge of breaking up." I sighed. Shamefully, Billy wanted to cry with joy, but he didn't show any emotion, in the fear of revealing his secret.
"Why do you think that?"
"He's just so far away from me. He hardly looks at me anymore, let alone kiss me, or tell me he loves me. I mean, I understand that he's busy with the show, and the museum, but he wanted to be with me so bad and now he barely knows I exist."
"He's probably just over worked, and stressed. I wouldn't take it personally."
"That's not all." I sighed, as I took another sip of my iced coffee. "We haven', had sex for almost a month." Billy nodded his head, and took another long swig of his cool water. I continued, not aware of how uncomfortable I was making him. "I try. I really do. I'll reach for him in bed, and kiss his neck, and he shows absolutely no interest. He always says he's tired and he falls asleep, and I'm left alone trying to please myself in the same bed. Do you know how horrible it is to have to touch yourself, when your boyfriend is laying right next to you?" Suddenly, Billy choked, and nearly spit the water out onto the counter top.
"Wow, Addy, maybe it's not the best idea to talk about that with me."
"Oh, grow up, Billy. Everyone does it."
"Maybe, you should talk about that with Zak. That might do the trick."
"I've tried! Hell, I've woke him up in the middle of the night and showed him, but he rolls back over like he didn't see anything! I mean, come on Billy. Is there something wrong with me? Am I hideous? Have I gained weight? Like, what am I doing wrong?"
"You're not hideous. You're beautiful, Addy. That can't possibly be the issue."
"Then what?" I said, my voice cracking, trying to fight away the tears. Having someone you thought loved you turn you down, makes a person feel absolutely worthless. Billy saw the sadness in my eyes, and couldn't bear seeing me like that. He had to push his feelings aside, and concentrate on helping his friend.
"Maybe, you need to find something that's going to entice him."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, like, do something that you know he won't be able to resist. Something sexy that you know he's into."
"Well, I know he does like..."
"No, please, I don't need details." Billy said, while waving his hands. My eyes widened, as my mind hatched a clever idea.
"Oh, I have an idea! Come with me!" I smiled, as I pulled Billy away from the kitchen. I lead him up to our bedroom, where Gracie was taking a cat nap on our bed. Billy of course, walked to Gracie and gave her a gentle pet, and she wagged her tail with joy. I steadily searched through the clothes in Zak's closet, I had to go to the back to find a dress shirt. I found the perfect pinstriped button up and rushed into the bathroom.
            "What are you doing?" Billy asked.
            "I'll show you!" I yelled from the bathroom. Billy sighed, and looked around the room. He frowned, as he spotted the photo of me and Zak on the nightstand. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened, and I stepped out. Wearing nothing, but a black pair of panties and Zak's opened shirt. Billy's jaw dropped to the floor, as he laid eyes on me.
            "What do you think?"
            "I...what...Addy, you shouldn't be showing me this." Billy said, as he quickly turned to face the wall behind him.
            "Why not? We're friends, aren't we?"
            "I'm not your gay friend, Addy. You can't just model stuff like that. Especially stuff so revealing."
            "I just wanted to see if you'd think this would work on Zak. God, don't be such a prude, Billy."
            "Fine." Billy sighed, and turned to face me once more. "It's nice." He shrugged, making my confidence grow lower, and lower.
            "That's it? Nice?"
            "Yeah, I, it' look..."
            "You look incredibly sexy, okay? Jesus."
            "Billy, why are you getting so worked up?" I yelled.
            "Because my best friends girlfriend is standing in front of me half naked!" Billy yelled back. I looked down at myself, the sides of my breasts peeking out of the opened shirt, and I suddenly realized how inappropriate I was actually being. I pulled the shirt closed, and my cheeks flushed with red.
            "I'm sorry, Billy. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I was just so worried about making Zak happy...I'm so embarrassed."
           "Don't be embarrassed, Addy. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled like that. Look, you really do look amazing. Zak would have to be crazy to ignore something like that."
            "Thank you." I smiled.
            "The love doctor at your service."
            "I really do appreciate it."
            "Yeah, I have to go, but I hope it works. You deserve to be happy." Billy walked to me, and gave me a kiss on my cheek. He walked out before even giving me a chance to respond. Now, all that was left was waiting for Zak to come home.
            The sun had set. The bright moon was now lighting up the nights sky. My heart pounded, as I waited patiently for Zak to walk through that door. The pounding stopped, and I became breathless, as I heard the footsteps growing closer, and closer. Finally, Zak stepped in. "Hey, I'm home...." Zak lost all words, as he looked at me lying on the bed in his shirt, surrounded by rose petals. The light was shut off and my thriving body was illuminated by the many burning candles. I was filled with joy, as I saw Zak wearing a smile. "Babe, what is all this?"
            "I want you." I smiled, as I sat up and balanced on my knees. With a single curl of my finger, I gestured Zak to come to me. I reeled him in like a fish, as he wasted no time stepping over the rose petals that were also spread across the floor.
            "You're gorgeous." Zak said. I pressed my finger against his lips, while breathing a subtle shush.
            "Don't say anything. Just take me." I ran my hand up his torso, underneath his shirt and he helped swiftly tear it off. Mine quickly joined his on the floor, along with the rest of our clothing. The passion was definitely back, as our bodies moved perfectly together. I felt like it was our first night together, all over again. I was expecting it to go by quickly, but it lasted forever. Zak made sure to take his time, and love me the way he used to.
            As we laid together, hand in hand, Zak looked over at me, sporting a satisfied grin. "Well, that was unexpected." He laughed. "What came over you?"
            "Are you kidding?"
            "What?" Zak asked, as he sat up in bed. I sat up with him, both of us now leaning against the headboard.
            "Zak, you haven't touched me in three weeks. I thought you weren't attracted to me anymore."
            "I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean to ignore you, or make you feel bad. I've been so busy with filming, and trying to get the museum ready..."
            "I understand, Zak, and I would never try to take you away from your work, but I exist too. I'm here, every night, waiting for you to notice me, and most of the time, you just act like I'm not even here."
            "I just get tired, Addy. That's it."
            "You still love me?"
            "Of course, I love you." Zak smiled. Suddenly, he reached over to his nightstand and grasped his phone. He opened his camera and flipped on the front facing, holding it up above our faces.
            "What are you doing?" I asked, as I covered my bare chest with the bed sheets.
            "Let's take a selfie."
            "Zak, seriously? We are naked in bed."
            "Well, you aren't going to post it are you?" I asked, concerned that all of his female fans would cause an uproar over seeing another woman in Zak's bed.
            "So, what if I do? You're the woman I love. I'm not allowed to share that with people?"
            "Well, yeah, but maybe, when we're both clothed and we didn't just have sex."
            "Oh, stop. Come on, smile." Zak urged, as he held the phone up again. Instead of smiling, I closed my eyes and placed my head on his shoulder. Zak kissed my forehead, as he snapped the photo. "See, you're beautiful." Zak said, as I opened my eyes and looked at the picture.
            "Cute couple."
            "Time to share." Zak laughed. I grasped his hand, trying to prevent him from clicking on that Twitter icon.
            "Zak, that is a bad idea."
            "Why? I want people to know."
            "Some of your fans are crazy! They will tear you, and me apart!"
            "Well, then I'll block them." Zak shrugged. I sighed, and tried to remove myself from the bed. Zak quickly grasped my hip and pulled me back towards him. "Babe, I want to show you off. If my fans can't accept the fact that I'm happy, then they aren't real fans."
            "Fine, post it, if you want." I sighed. I watched Zak open his twitter profile, and upload the photo. His caption was enough to cause his fans to go crazy with jealous rage.

Just laying in bed with her is the best part of my day. Love you, Addy. Forever & Always. 🖤 #futurewife

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