Just His Assistant

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            Late night, Zak was still on his date. Which meant one of two things. Either they went to her place, or they're having a really good time. I didn't want to think about either one. As selfish as it sounded, I didn't want him to have a good time with anyone else but me, and I really didn't want him sleeping with anyone else. I tried to keep my mind off things, as I dined on my delivered honey braised chicken and crab rangoon. I had already gotten all the Haunted Museum orders packaged and delivered, so the rest of my night was free. I decided to spend it stuffing my face and watching trashy reality shows.
            Suddenly, my cell began to ring. I looked at the screen to find that it was Zak calling. For a moment, I grew excited. Why would he be calling me while out with another woman? Unless, the date was going horrible. I smiled, as I answered the call. "Hey." My voice sounded upbeat.
            "Hey, I need you to do something for me." Zak said, I heard the urgency in his tone.
            "Sure, what is it?"
            "I need you to clean up my room."
            "Do I sound like I'm joking, Addy?"
            "I thought I was your assistant, not your maid." I grunted through the phone. By the quiet tone of his voice, I could tell he was trying to keep the conversation from his date.
            "Just do it, Addilyn." Zak demanded.
            "Fine." I agreed, knowing it wasn't worth  using my energy to argue with him. I hung up the call and walked up to his room. This was the first time I'd be seeing his bedroom, so I was kind of hesitant to see the mess. I turned the door handle and to my surprise, it wasn't messy at all. A few dirty boxers on the floor. "Lovely. Thanks, Zak." I groaned, as I carefully picked them up and tossed them into the hamper. The only thing left was his bed. I found it odd how all the sheets and pillows were out of place, considering he slept in my bed last night.
            By the time I was finished, his bedroom was spotless. I turned to see Gracie standing in the doorway, wagging her tail. "Hi, baby girl." I bent down, as she ran to me and I gave her a gentle scratch behind her ears. I gasped, as she ran towards Zak's tidy bed. "Gracie, no!" As she spun around, the comforter and sheets were once again, out of place, but her unbelievable cuteness caused me to laugh anyways. I walked over to her and sat on the bed. Gracie laid beside me with her head in my lap. "You're such a good girl." I smiled, as I gave her some more love.
            Unexpectedly, Zak walked through the door and smiled, as he watched me play with Gracie. I looked up, as I heard him clear his throat. I quickly stood from his bed, and Gracie jumped down with me. I straightened the sheets, making sure they were neat enough for him. "Having fun?" Zak asked.
             "I was just cleaning, like you asked."
             "Yeah, I see that." He smiled. I smiled back at him, until I saw a skinny blonde grasp onto his shoulder from behind. She entered the room with me and gave me an annoyed scowl.
             "Um, Zak, who's this?" She asked, with her high pitched, obnoxious voice. You know, kind of like a Kardashian, and we all know how annoying that is.
            "Don't worry, babe, she's just my assistant. Addy, this is Becky. Becky, this is Addy."
            "Nice to meet you, Becky." I said, trying to force a genuine smile. I was starting to see the winners he chose, as she just harshly nodded back to me, not saying a word. Gracie pranced over to Zak and suddenly, jumped up on Becky. You would've thought she was being attacked, by the way she was screaming out in fear.
            "Oh, my god! Please, get her down!" Becky shrieked, as Zak pulled Gracie away.
            "She was just saying hello, she would never hurt you." Zak laughed.
            "I'm just not a dog person." Becky rolled her eyes, as she tried to wipe the dog hair off of her sparkly tight dress. I held back from laughing, and walked past them both into the hallway.
             "Come on, Gracie. We wouldn't want you to rip those lovely extensions out, would we?" I heard Becky grunt, as Gracie and I walked back towards the staircase.
             "Well, your assistant is kind of a bitch." Becky said, as she walked towards Zak's bed. Zak stood in the doorway, watching me walk down the stairs, with a soft smile on his face. "Zak, come to mommy..." Zak looked back to Becky, as she dropped her dress to the floor. Zak walked towards her, and shut the door behind him.
            Meanwhile, I tossed my empty Chinese boxes in the trash. I plopped back down to the couch and called Gracie up to sit beside me. I turned on animal planet and she cocked her head at the howling husky pups on the television. "Your daddy brought home a girl who doesn't like dogs. Can you believe that, Gracie? Absolutely disgraceful." Once again, Gracie rested her head on my lap, as I pet behind her ears. My eyelids were growing heavy, and I was ecstatic to know that I couldn't hear the nonsense that was most likely going on in Zak's bedroom. Finally, I drifted off into a deep sleep.
            Zak laid naked in bed, with his arm around Becky. She rested her head on his chest, as she tried to catch her breath. Zak remained calm, like nothing exciting even happened, but Becky acted as if it was the best she'd ever experienced. "Damn, Zak. That was amazing." She grinned. Zak steadily stared at the ceiling.
             "Yeah." He replied, not feeling any of the same emotions as her. Zak could feel her getting comfortable, and nestling into him. "You should probably go. It's late." Zak pulled his arm away from her, and sat on the edge of the bed, as he pulled his boxers on.
            "Oh, but I thought..."
            "Yeah, I have a busy day tomorrow, and I really need my sleep."
            "Well, I'm sure you'd sleep better with me beside you." Becky batted her blue eyes, as Zak stood and looked towards her.
            "Id rather you leave." Zak replied. Becky groaned, as she whipped the comforter off her body and climbed out of bed. She quickly slipped her dress and heels back on.
             "So, that's it, huh? You just wanted a hook up?" Becky yelled.
             "I guess so." Zak said, with his arms crossed. Becky walked towards the door and swung it open in a furious rage. "I'll walk you out." Zak said, calmly.
             I was awoken by the sound of her loud heels clanking on each step she took. Zak followed her to the front door, and I turned on the couch to watch the action unfold before me. "Fuck you, Zak Bagans! You'll never get this again!" Becky snapped, before she walked out. Zak walked towards the doorway and watched her walk further away.
            "That's alright, you weren't that great." Zak said, as he shut the front door. He didn't even notice me sitting on the couch with Gracie.
             "And she seemed like such a lovely girl." I laughed, as Zak jumped. He quickly turned to me, with a look of fear, like he just saw a ghost.
            "Seriously, Addy? What the fuck are you doing down here?"
            "Damn, calm down. Me and Gracie fell asleep." I said, as I stood. I walked to the kitchen to make sure the doors were locked, and to turn the lights off. Zak was still standing in the living room, wearing nothing but his tight black boxers, glaring at me.
            "I can't believe you saw that."
            "I can't believe you brought her here in the first place." I said, as I switched the lamp off and walked towards the stairs.
            "I thought she was nice."
            "No, Zak, you thought she was hot, but then you kicked her out after you got what you wanted because you knew she was just as stupid and shallow as all the other ones."
            "Hey, you don't fucking know anything about me. Don't act like you have the right to judge me!" Zak snapped.
            "Why did you bring her back here?"
            "What? You think I care enough to try and make you jealous, Addy?" Zak chuckled.
            "Whatever, Zak." I walked to my bedroom and shut my door and I heard Zak stomp his way up the steps. Without knocking, he swung the door open, banging it into the wall.
            "Why do you care?" Zak yelled.
            "I don't care!"
            "You obviously do, Addy! If you didn't care you wouldn't have insulted her before, you wouldn't have laughed about me kicking her out, and you wouldn't be so quick to judge me about the women I choose to date! You have jealousy written all over your damn forehead!" Zak was so angry, his face was turning red.
            "I just think you're too good of a guy to be wasting your time with these superficial  bitches!"
            "It's not your place to decide who I waste my time on, Addy! So, do me a favor, spare me your disrespectful judgements, and do what I'm fucking paying you for! You're my assistant, remember? Nothing more! You are not my friend, and you're sure as shit not my girlfriend. So, keep your damn mouth shut!" Zak walked out of the room and slammed the door.
            I stumbled back to my bed. I was expecting myself to break down in tears, but I had no feelings. I wasn't angry, or sad. I just sat there staring blankly at the door. I looked at the shiny red numbers on my alarm clock. It was well past three in the morning, but I knew the person I needed to talk to would be there for me. I pulled my cell of the side table and dialed. "Billy? Yeah, it's Addy. Could you come get me....please?"

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