My Burning Heart

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Someone, please, answer the door. Being awoken to the sound of a ringing door bell, wasn't the best way to start my morning. I sat up in bed, when I heard that the obnoxious sound had stopped. As much as I would love to return to my slumber, once I was awake, I was really awake. I looked at my phone to see more missed calls from my mom. I had been avoiding her completely. I never just stayed with Billy one night, I had been here for three days. I just couldn't bring myself to leave yet. Billy had been such an amazing host, I wasn't ready to say goodbye. He had turned into an amazing friend.
I completed styling my hair and applying a new face of make up. I wasn't sure who the house guest was, but I wanted to look as hot as I could if it happened to be Zak. Even though, I still continued to turn him down each time he would text me, to ask me out. As I slipped on a pair of ripped skinny jeans, and tight black tee, I was unaware that our house guest was the complete opposite of Zak.
"Dude, I still can't believe you invited a stranger into your home." Aaron laughed, after he took a big gulp of his steaming coffee.
"She had no where to go, man. I was just being a good guy." Billy replied. Aaron shook his head, with a roll of his eyes and another thought took over him.
"Oh, my god, bro. So, Zak told me about this hot girl he met on a plane. The mother fucker had the nerve to ask her out the same day he met her and she actually turned him down. Isn't that amazing?" Aaron took another sip of his coffee, finishing off what was left at the bottom of the cup, waiting for Billy to come back with a shocked reply.
"Yeah, well, she wasn't like the typical fan girls he usually asks out." Billy said, as Aaron looked at him with a curious raise of his brow.
"How do you know?" Billy pursed his lips and chuckled, as he waited for Aaron to catch on. Finally, Aaron's eyes widened, as if the light bulb suddenly flashed on above his head. "Bro, your roomie is the hottie?" Aaron exclaimed, while Billy confirmed with a nod. "Oh, so that's why you took her in, huh? How hot is she?"
"I already feel like she's my sister or something, I don't look at her like that."
"Come on, how hot?"
Unexpectedly, Zak rounded the corner into the kitchen, gripping a huge bottle of water, and looking quite sweaty and out of breath. "She's super fucking hot, bro." Zak sighed, as he walked past Aaron to sit at the table with Billy. Aaron turned to put his cup back under the keurig, and picked out another k cup.
"I thought you hated her?" Billy smirked.
"I do, she has a horrible fucking attitude, but she's still super fucking hot." Zak squirted a stream of ice cold water into his mouth.
"Why thank you, Zak. It's wonderful to see you too." I said, as I entered the kitchen. Zak coughed, as the water ran down his throat, causing him to spit up every last drop onto the floor. I giggled quietly to myself, then looked over to see a familiar man staring at me. "Oh, my god, Aaron, right?" I reached my hand out, as he continued to stare.
"Uh yeah..." Aaron finally took his eyes off me long enough to shake my hand. "I'm sorry, I never got a name."
"Oh, it's Addy."
"Nice to meet you, Addy."
"Likewise." I walked over to the keurig and took away the filled cup and reached it out to Aaron. I replaced the cup with my new favorite mug that Billy was kind enough to share with me. It was solid black with a GAC logo in red.
"Addy, I didn't think you'd still be here." Zak said, through his tight teeth, with an insincere grin.
"Don't worry, Zak, I'm leaving this afternoon."
"Oh, shucks, and before we got to know each other." Zak said, while snapping his fingers like a child. Aaron looked back and forth between the two of us, already sensing the awkward tension.
"Wow, so how long have you guys been in love?" Aaron joked.
"Thank you!" Billy yelled, as he stood from his chair, fists waving in the air with success.
"What I feel is far from love, believe me. She hasn't even let me rock her world yet, how could I possibly love her?" Zak said, while standing and walking towards me. I stood by the sink, clutching my coffee. Zak stood before me and leaned his body towards the sink, pouring his water out. "So, when are you going to let me rock your world?" Zak whispered in my ear with a smile.
"You're still having those wet dreams, I suppose." I whispered back. "Zak?"
"Keep dreaming." I winked and removed myself from the conversation. Aaron sealed his lips together, preventing the laughter that wanted to emerge. I heard Zak let out a frustrated sigh, as he reached into the fridge for another Fiji water to refill his bottle.
"I'm going to miss having you here." Billy said, as he stood to give me a hug. "You're a pretty awesome roommate."
"I know, I'm going to miss this place, and you of course."
"Give me a break." Zak said, as he and Aaron walked to the sliding glass door, leading to the pool. The door slid shut behind them, and I let out a loud grunt, along with a vibrating stomp.
"God, he's a prick. How do you possibly work with him?"
"I don't have tits." Billy shrugged. "You coming outside to hang out before you leave?"
"Yeah, I just have to call my mom real quick. I need to let her know I'm coming home today."
Billy joined Zak and Aaron outside and I sighed deeply, as the phone rang to my mother. As she answered, I was immediately hit with an unsettling tone. "Oh, dear god, Addy! Where have you been? Why haven't you answered my calls?" My mother yelled at me.
"I'm sorry, Mom. I've been enjoying myself. Why do you sound so flustered? What happened?"
"Oh, Addy...I..." I could hear her loud sniffles and sobs through the speaker. My mom was always a tough one, it took a lot to get her upset, so my heart sank when I heard her cries.
"Mom, calm down. Tell me what's wrong!" I begged.
Meanwhile outside, Zak took every opportunity he had to bad mouth me. Aaron and Billy couldn't strip the smiles from their faces, knowing that he was only trying to conceal his feelings. "She really needs to go home." Zak scoffed.
"Why, Zak, whoever will you flirt with?" Billy mocked, as he wore a sarcastic expression, with his fingers pressed against his chin, as if he were in a deep thought.
"I don't flirt with her."
"Dude, we all heard you in the kitchen. You want her, bro." Aaron laughed.
"She's obviously fine as hell, but that's it. She's a waste of time anyways. I don't have issues getting dates."
"Then why do you keep asking her out?" Billy asked, with a raised brow.
"Bro, just stop! I don't give a shit about Addy!" Zak yelled. He looked over at Billy and Aaron, who were both looking over his head. Zak closed his eyes, knowing who could possibly be standing behind him. He turned slowly to see me standing in the doorway, tears streaming down my face. Zak's face turned red with regret. Billy stood and rushed to me. Comforting me with his arm around my trembling shoulders.
"Addy, it's alright, just ignore him."
"No, he's not why I'm crying."
"Well, what happened? Are you okay?"
"I don't have a home to go back to."
"Wait, what are you talking about?"
"My apartment burned down." I sobbed into my hands, now covering my flushed face. Billy held me tighter, as Zak and Aaron inched closer to me.
"Oh, my god, Addy. I'm so sorry. How did it happen?" Aaron asked, showing more concern than Zak.
"They're not entirely sure. My mom said I could stay with her, I just really am not looking forward to that." I said, as I wiped the wetness from my cheeks.
"Addy, I told you, you're more than welcome to stay here. I'll help you find a job, get you back on your feet. You can take as long as you need." Billy wrapped his arms around me, and I looked up to see Zak looking down towards the grass. I'd be lying if I said his words didn't hurt me, but I ignored it, as I had much bigger things to worry about.
"Are you sure I won't be just a huge burden?" I asked, as Billy released me from his grip.
"Of course not." Billy assured.
"Thank you, so much, Billy."
"Guys, can you give me a minute?" Zak asked Billy and Aaron. Billy looked at him with a warning. Don't be a dick. Zak playfully swatted them away, and they walked inside. I wiped the remaining tears from my cheeks, and crossed my trembling arms over my chest. "Look, Addy, I'm sorry about what I said...I..."
"It's fine, I have bigger things to worry about, and honestly, I don't really give a shit if you like me or not." I turned to walk back inside, but Zak firmly grasped my arm, causing me to turn back to him.
"What if I make it up to you?"
"What are you talking about?"
"What if I could get you a job? A good paying one too."
"I'm not interested in being your personal escort." I scoffed, and turned back towards the door. I grunted intensely, as he turned me once again.
"Would you just listen to me, please?" Zak shouted. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. "My assistant moved away and I've been without one for a couple of weeks now. I can't handle everything on my own."
"You want me to be your assistant?"
"You wouldn't be my first choice, no, but I would be willing to look past our differences if it meant helping you out."
"Why do you care about helping me?"
"I'm trying to do a nice thing here, don't ruin it, alright?" I let out a long sigh, as I wore an unsure expression. Would I really be able to deal with Zak bossing me around all the time, while trying to get me in bed? "I want to help, Addy." I could finally see a hint of kindness in Zak's eyes, which inched me closer to my decision.
"Alright, fine, but you can't be so mean."
"Fine, and you can't be a bitch."
"I'll try, but you bring it out in me."
Zak shook his head and walked towards the door. "You're hired, Addilyn Rose. Oh, and by the way, you're moving in with me." My eyes widened at his remark and I quickly turned to follow him.
"Wait, what?!"

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