Chapter One: THE LETTER

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"A school? Me? You can't be serious!" I shouted at the moon. "What kind of school is Hogwarts? They won't even SEE me!"
I waved the scroll I had just received that acknowledged me as a student of 'Hogwarts'.
"Is this some sort of joke?" I shouted, "I've never even heard of this Hogwarts."
I flew up to face the moon. "Is this some sort of punishment for what I did to the Easter Kangaroo's big Easter bash?"
I waved the letter angrily. "Well, I'm not going!"
I floated down and tore up the scroll.
"What is this?!" I shouted as I kicked away countless numbers of scrolls.
I looked up at the moon, "fine! You win! But I'm-"
I stopped and looked around.
That voice... it's like I know it, but I've never heard it before...
"Who is it?" I replied. I followed the sound of the voice. I stopped and listened...
Now, it's a different voice. It sounded younger and more familiar than the first one.
"Jack!" both voices said at the same time.
I flew in the direction of the voice. I stopped and listened...
The voices stopped.

"Elsa! Elsa!"
I yawned groggily. "Anna, I'm trying to sleep."
Anna threw my blanket off. "I received a letter! And you've got one too!"
I created another blanket and buried my face into my pillow. "I'll check it in the morning. Anna, go to sleep."
I started drifting off, but then Anna threw my blanket off again.
"I want us to read our letters together!"
I sleepily sat up. "Alright, fine."
I read the envelope. "Hogwarts? I expected Rapunzel."
"I don't know either!" Anna exclaimed.
Anna opened her scroll all excited while I slowly opened mine.
"Queen E. Of Arendelle, we would like to say that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry..." I read.
Anna squealed. "That's also what mine says! Except, of course, it says 'Princess A. Of Arendelle' instead of 'Queen E. Of Arendelle'."
I looked at the letter curiously, anger and furiousness seeping up my throat.
What is this?
So, I'm a witch now?
Why does 'Hogwarts' want Anna?
"We're not going." I rolled up the letter and went back to trying to sleep.
Anna shook me. "Elsa! This is your big chance!"
I looked at Anna, "Anna, yes, I do want to learn to control my powers, but what about you? This must be some sort of joke."
"Maybe cousin has this letter too!"
"Anna, Rapunzel lost her powers, remember?"
I buried my face in my pillow and fell asleep.

I dipped my quill in the ink pot and continued the letter for my cousins in Arendelle on the faded, old parchment.
"Yes?" I replied.
"Sorry to disturb you ma'am, you've got a letter."
I opened the door. "No, no distraction at all. I wasn't doing anything."
The servant handed me the scroll. "From-"
"Arendelle?" I asked, grabbing the scroll and frantically opening it.
Pascal turned yellow.
He shook his head. "A place called Hogwarts."
Pascal turned pink.
"Oh." I said, disappointed. "Thanks anyways."
I closed the door and sat on my bed.
'Princess R. Of Corona' I read, 'we would like to say that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'
"Cool!" I told myself.
Pascal turned brown.
I was interrupted by a thumping sound at my window, Pascal changing colour with every thump. I opened the window and narrowly dodged a stone.
"Eugene!" I shouted playfully.
He dropped the stones in his hand, "let down your hair!"
I pointed at my head, "a tad bit too short for that!"
Pascal turned white.
He laughed, "fine, I'll take the front door."

"Don't stay out too long, Merida."
I groaned, "yes mum. Jus stop tryn tah untangle me hair. Ay like it wild an free."
My mum, pretending not to hear, continued brushing my hair. I felt embarrassed, especially because we're in a public place.
"Mum! Ay need tah go now." I got up with the brush tangled in my head. I grabbed my bow and quiver of arrows. "Ay won't go too far. Ay'll just be arund there."
"Be safe."
I jumped on Angus. "Don't worry yerself mum! Ay've got me bow, a quiver filled with arrows, and ay've got Angus."
Mum nodded. I hitched Angus and rode off.
I arrived back an hour or two later with a squirrel.
"Merida, you've got two letters." Mum said as she handed me two scrolls.
"Frum who?" I asked as I got off Angus.
Mum handed me the scrolls, "that bear lady and a certain Hogwarts."
That bear lady! She wouldn't stop bothering me with all her new sales and stuff about discounts on all bear figurines. I'm done with bears, especially magical, grizzly ones.
Hogwarts? Hmmm...
"Mum, what's Hogwarts?" I ask.
Mum looked at me, "looks to me like some sort of school. Merida, just open it."
I opened the scroll and read over the contents.
"Mum, this is madness... But ay want tah go."

"We don't need this!" I told them.
Astrid stood up, "Hiccup, this looks important. Only Fishlegs, Ruffnut, you, and I got letters."
"So?!" I seethed, "Gobber can teach us better things than this Hogwarts can ever-"
"But Hiccup," Fishlegs interrupted, "Gobber only knows how to kill dragons."
"This thing has Dragonology." Ruffnut added.
Snotlout rolled his eyes. "I still don't understand why I didn't receive a letter. I got the good looks, the smarts, the talent."
"I can't believe my sister got a letter and not me!" Tuffnut wailed.
Ruffnut stuck her tongue out. "Too bad!"
"Say whatever you like, Hiccup." Astrid said, "I'm going, and nothing you'd say would stop me."
Ruffnut shrugged, "hey, any place Tuffnut isn't accepted to is awesome already!"
I looked at Fishlegs.
"Give it a chance, Hiccup." he coaxed, "you might like it."
I frowned, "fine. But I'm taking Toothless."
Astrid shook her head. "The scroll says only an owl, toad, or cat."
"Either I go with Toothless," I snapped, "or I don't go at all!"
"Suit yourself." Ruffnut sighed, "I'm gonna get ready."
"Are you sure?" Astrid asked me.
I nodded and looked at Fishlegs.
"You won't go?"
I nod. "You don't have to not go for me, Fishlegs."
Fishlegs nodded. "You might regret it, Hiccup."
I shrugged, "me and Toothless come together. Right buddy?"
Toothless blinked at me.
"Ohh Toothless... don't give me that look."

I tapped my spoon on my plate.
Tap, tap, tap
Tap, tap, tap
Tap, tap
Tap, tap
I stopped tapping my plate.
I ran into the main entrance. There stood Olaf, with scrolls all over the place.
"Elsa!" I shouted.
Olaf waddled toward me. He shook a scroll out of his torso. "Hogwarts must really want you two."
"What?" Elsa, arriving, gasped.
"Hogwarts." I explained, "Elsa, we have to go, at least you anyway..."
Elsa looked at the scrolls.
"Fine, Anna you win."
"YAY!" I shouted, "I'll go and pack!"
I ran to my room.

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