Chapter Fourteen: VALENTINE's BALL

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[hey guys
Sorry it took so long to update! I had to do research on the Yule Ball for this Chapter! Anyway, hope you liked it!
BTW: there's a Hiccstrid/Merricup surprise over here. WATCH OUT! 😜]

I waited for Elsa near Ravenclaw.
Apparently, all the competitors for the Triwizard have to make a 'grand entrance' with their partners.
I wore a suit that I borrowed from Professor Chullin. It belonged to his son, he said.
When Elsa walked out of Ravenclaw, my heart stopped.
Not literally, but you know what I mean.
She said something, but I didn't hear it.
You're staring!
I shook myself out of my fantasy and smiled at Elsa.
"Yeah, uhh..." I fumbled for the right words to say, "you... uhh... look... you look..."
She looked at me anxiously.
Say it!
No, don't say it!
Don't be a wimp and just say it!
"Jack?" she asked, "what were you going to say?"
I snapped out of it and looked at her, "You-look-beautiful-let's-go-to-that-Ball-hey-I'm-starving-you're-gorgeous-wait-what-?"
She interrupted my rambling and kissed my cheek.
"Uhh... let's... let's just go." I said, finally.
"Of course." she agreed.
I smiled as she took my arm.
The Ball started with the 'champions' entering the Hall with their partners, and by entering, I mean a GRAND one.
"C'mere!" Elsa instructed me as we lined up behind Mavis and her date, a Durmstrang student who I heard was called Johnny.
"Let's welcome, this year's Triwizard Champions!"
Hans and his date, a girl from Beauxbatons named Heather*, walked forward. Mavis and Johnny followed, then Elsa and I followed.

"Hey Hiccup." Astrid said. She looked so beautiful with her hair down like that. And she wore a grey dress that actually looked too girly for her, but hey. I'm not complaining.
"You look fantastic." I tell her. She blushed slightly.
We watched the champions enter the Hall.
"Wait... Is that HEATHER?!" Astrid gasped.
She was right. It was Heather.
"What's she doing with Hans?" I wondered aloud.
Astrid punched me on the shoulder, "she's his date, silly."
"Ow." I groan as I rubbed my shoulder, "I guess she doesn't know about him and Anna."
"Obviously," Astrid said, "if she did, she wouldn't be with him, now would she?"
Music started as the champions started dancing.
"Would you like to dance?" I asked Astrid in a joking accent.
"I've been waiting for you to ask." she replied in a fake British accent.

I stayed with Merida, Ruffnut, and Rapunzel. Merida watched Hiccup and Astrid enviously as Rap and Ruff and I watched her.
"I can't believe he chose her over me!" Merida sulked.
"Well, she is his girl." Ruffnut replied.
Merida faced us, "stop laffin! Ay'm not jehlus!"
"Oh really?" I taunted.
She sighed, "uh, may bee juss ah wee bit."
Rapunzel and I looked at each other knowingly.
"Your accent is surfacing." Rapunzel told her.
"It ain't!" she snapped.
"It only happens when she's scared." Ruffnut said.
"Or sad." I added.
"Or stressed." Rapunzel said.
"OR JEALOUS!" we said altogether. We laughed as Merida turned red.
"May I ask you to dance?"
We faced a boy who, apparently, is from Durmstrang.
"Macintosh?" Merida gasped.
"Oh, the princess Merida." he said, with a curt bow, "unfortunately for you, I was asking the girl in brown."
"Me?" Ruffnut asked, she was the only girl with us wearing brown, "sure."
Ruffnut grabbed Macintosh to the dance floor, confirming that Ruffnut was stronger than Macintosh.
"You know Macintosh?" I asked Merida.
Merida nodded like it was a bad memory, "yup. He was one of my... suitors."
She shivered at the word 'suitors' like it was poisoned.
"Too bad Berk didn't give a suitor!" I joked.
Rapunzel giggled, "yup! You'd be married now then!"
Rapunzel and I laughed as Merida went red.
A boy approached Merida.
"May I ask you to dance?"
"No." she replied.
The boy looked at Rapunzel.
"Yes." Rapunzel replied as the boy led her away, leaving Merida and I together.
"Why'd you say no?" I asked her.
She shrugged, "I wanted someone else to ask me."
"May we dance?" a boy asked me. I looked at Merida. But she was gone.

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