Chapter Seven: QUIDDITCH CLASS (S & H)

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"Good afternoon, ladies!" the professor said, handing us broomsticks, "I am Professor Del, and I'll be your Quidditch trainer! Any questions?"
A viking boy raised his hand.
"None? Okay, let's start!"
He lowered his hand.
He handed me a broomstick.
"Uhh..." I rejected it, "I have my own."
He looked at my staff, "looks like the weirdest broom I've ever seen.
"That's because it's a staff." I reply.
"Ahh... yes, I've heard of wizards and witches with staffs, they're both wands and flying tools, now aren't they?"
I nod.
He examined my staff, "what element?"
He looked at my staff's crooked end. "Staffs are usually limited to only ONE element. This element is also the ONLY form of magic its owner can use. What element does your staff use?Water? Fire? Earth?"
I shrug, "ice and snow?"
He gasped.
"What?" I ask.
"So, you're an ice elemental?" he asked in shock.
I shrug, "and snow."
"Come with me."
He grabbed me to his side, then he aimed his wand at my classmates.
They fainted.
"What did you do?!" I ask, "you killed them!"
"I did not." he defended, "I merely made them forget your little moment of admittance."
"Listen here, Jack..." he looked at me, "your powers must be kept a secret to everyone, and I mean EVERYONE! Being an ice elemental is a rare talent, much rarer than being a Parselmouth. If, per chance, a dark witch or wizard finds out; they will try to take your magic, and claim it for their own, leaving you powerless. They will hurt everyone in the way... including your family, friends, even your enemies. Keep it to yourself, understood?"
I nod, knowing he meant business.
"Only you and I would know of this little secret... alright?"
"Yes, sir."

I woke up with a massive headache. I spotted Astrid down, and I briskly crawled over to her.
"Astrid?" I gently shook her awake.
Her eyes fluttered open, "Hiccup? Ow, my head hurts."
"Alright, ladies!" Professor Del shouted, "since you've decided to sleep through the lesson, you're going to have homework!"
We all groaned.
"Page sixteen of the 'Quidditch Through the Ages' book in the library. Read it well, we'll have practicals about it tomorrow. Dismissed!"
"I don't remember receiving these." Ruffnut looked at the broom in her hands, she returned it to the professor.
"Maybe because you were so sleepy!" he replied.
I looked at him suspiciously, "right..."

{sorry guys, this is a short chapter, currently experiencing writers' block}

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