Chapter Six: FIRST CLASSES (G & R)

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I sit up, eyes still closed.
"Who is it?" I reply.
"Uhh... Merida?"
I open one eye. At first, I wonder if I'd been kidnapped and sent to a different place, but then I remember that I'm in Hogwarts, and that I chose to be here.
My eyes snap open as I jump out of bed. I run into the dressing room to change, then I run out into the common room.
"There's breakfast in the -"
I ran past Merida and into the main hall. I bump into someone along the way.
"Ohh!!! Sorr-"
She pulls me aside and removed the hood from her head.
She nodded, "shhh!!!"
I noticed the nervousness in her eyes and she wore gloves. And to my surprise and horror, they weren't fingerless. "What's wrong?" I ask.
She looked anxious, "Anna, I'm loosing control."
"What? Love is the key, right?" I remind her.
She shook her head, "I don't know, but I'm loosing control over it."
"Well, be careful." I tell her.
She shrugged, "Anna, please. I need help."
"And you will get help." I promised, "we just need to tell the-"
"NO!" Elsa shouted, making the other kids look at us.
Elsa looked around, cautiously, then she whispered through clenched teeth, "don't tell anyone."
She picked up her books, replaced her hood, turned around, and walked away.

I hugged myself as I brisk- walked to my first class, Potions.
I almost break into a run when I bump into someone. My books and his books went flying and my wand fell out of my Ravenclaw robe.
"Hey!" I whine, "watch where yo-"
I look at the boy I just bumped into. His white hair, blue eyes, and blue sweater seemed familiar.
Then, it hit me.
It's him, that boy who flew at me, sabotaged Anna, and I'm pretty sure is responsible for a thousand other things.
"You!" I spat, "why can't you just leave me be?!"
He smiled, "nice to see you too."
"No! Not nice!" I correct him. I kneel down to pick up my books, and he does too. He plucks my books off the floor and hands them over. Our hands accidentally touch.
I reel away in disgust, "I don't need your help!" I declare.
He shrugged, "you're welcome."
I stand up with my books and walk past him.
"Wait!" he shouted, "you forgot your-"
I run faster, missing that last part.
I enter the Potions classroom as professor Chullin takes his seat.
"You're late, miss...?"
"Elsa..." I curtsy, "Elsa of Arendelle."
Professor Chullin nods, and gives a mocking bow, "Professor Moor Chullin of... uhh... Gryffindor."
I nod, apologetically, "sorry I'm late."
He nodded, "and you just missed the potions grouping! Now, let's see who's left... Ahh, yes..."
I looked at Rapunzel. She was sitting with, I heard his name was Fishlegs, and Astrid. She waved.
I waved back.
"Ahh..." Professor Chullin gestured me to an empty seat, "since there are only three Ravenclaws and two Slytherin programmees, you'll be paired instead."
"With who?" I ask, nervously.
He walked over to his potions table, "with-"
Someone entered, "Sorry, I'm late."
Oh, no...
"Ahh, Mister Frost, say hello to your Potions partner for this year, Miss Elsa of Arendelle." Professor Chullin announced.
I slumped in my seat as he sat down beside me. Professor Chullin started the lesson.
"You... uhh..."
I looked straight.
He held out my wand, "you, sorta..."
I look at it from the corner of my eye.
"What are you doing with my wand?" I demand, without looking at him.
He shrugged, "you dropped it, so..."
I faced him, "why can't you just leave me alone?"
He shrugged again.
"Stop shrugging!"
"Oi!" Professor Chullin called. "Pay attention Miss Elsa, if you don't want to be behind your age's year level. A warning to you too."
He pointed at the boy, then resumed his position.
I take a breath, and without looking at him, "Elsa."
"Elsa, my name's Elsa." I continued, without looking at him, "since we're gonna be Potions partners for the rest of the year, we ought to know each other's names. So, I'm Elsa of Arendelle."
I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, he was still looking at me, curiously.
"You are?"
"Oh... oh, right." he started, "I'm... I'm Jack... Jack Frost."
"Like the winter spirit?" I say, sarcastically.
He chuckled, "that's the funny thing, because I am him. I am the winter spirit Jack Frost. THE Jack Frost."
I chuckle sarcastically, "yeah right."
"Now, go on and open your Potions books to page thirty- six, and start making the Carrel potion."
I take out my book and turn it to the page stated.
"Carrel potions make wizards lose their powers for a temporary six hours!" I gasp. I raise my hand.
Professor Chullin looked at me, "yes, miss Elsa?"
I point at the recipe, "professor, suppose an... uh, let's say, suppose an ice elemental wants to lose their powers. Can this potion also make ice elementals, uhhmmm, I don't know, lose their powers?"
The professor looked at me, confused. "Of course, but only for six hours, miss Elsa. But why would an ice elemental lose their powers? Even for a short while?"
"Who knows?" I reply.
He took two vials and set one on our table, "ice elementals are gifted with a very rare power, and they should be proud of this power."
He set one vial on Rapunzel's table.
"Now,go ahead and make the potion. Don't worry, this potion is very basic, it doesn't explode... well, most of the time. BEGIN!"

I sit beside Anna as our Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Peri, took her seat.
She had hair that looked like mine, except the colour, which was a strawberry blonde shade.
Her eyes were a piercing black colour, but she had a friendly smile on her face. The only thing that freaked me was her nose, which looked exactly like that woodcarver-witch's nose.
"Greetings!" she cackled, "I am Professor Moria Peri, and I'd like to guess your names!"
She pointed at us, naming us one by one.
"Hiccup, Anna, Ruffnut, Merida!"
We looked at each other in surprise.
"Only four in this class I see? Fair enough." she pulled out her wand, "let's get to know each other, shall we?"
She tapped the closet behind her... and Mor'du came out.
I screamed. We all screamed. Everyone except Professor Peri, of course.
"Hans!" Anna shouted.
"Bear!" I shouted.
"Alvin!" Hiccup shouted.
Ruffnut didn't shout at all, she just got up and ran.
"Ohh... I don't think so!" Professor Peri shouted, "Colloshoo!"
Ruffnut stopped running. She screamed as her feet got stuck to the floor.
Mor'du faced Ruffnut, then suddenly morphed into what looked like a male version of Ruffnut with plenty of riches and stuff.
"No!" Ruffnut shouted.
Professor Peri shook her head, then she aimed her wand at that... thing... "Riddikulus!"
It immediately lost all its riches and its clothes were replaced with a hot pink dress.
Ruffnut laughed really loud.
"That's it!" Professor Peri shouted, "laugher is the way to finish a bogart off... come on everyone, LAUGH!"
Anna, Hiccup, and I started laughing, uneasily.
The 'bogart', or whatever Professor Peri called it, went up to Anna and morphed into a man with red hair and what looked like professional clothing.
"Hans?" Anna whispered in terror.
Professor Peri shouted, "miss Anna! Take hold of your wand!"
She grabbed her wand from her desk.
"Now, point at him and shout... Riddikulus!"
Anna breathed, "Riddikulus!"
The man suddenly froze, solid. Anna laughed... hard.
"Alright, enough fun time!" Professor Peri shouted. He shouted, "Riddikulus!"
The bogart was sent flying into the closet, emitting a terribly funny sound.
Professor Peri locked the closet. "What you had just faced is a bogart, a creature that takes form of your greatest fears."

I mixed the concoction in the cauldron with a large ladle.
"Astrid, can you add in those troll warts?" I ask.
Astrid shook some into the cauldron, and the mix turned a sickly yellow.
"Cool..." Fishlegs murmured.
I looked at Elsa. She was having difficulty with her partner. Apparently, she didn't like him, but he wanted to be friends.
I shook it off and poured a handful of newts' tongues. The mix turned grey, and it started bubbling, the bubbles bursting slowly.
"Ewww..." Astrid decided.
I nodded, "gross..."
"So cool!" Fishlegs muttered.
"I see that this group is done!" Professor Chullin said, as he took the ladle. He poured some into the vial he gave us.
He walked to the front and said, "now, one of you has to try it."
We looked at each other, "what?"
"You'll have to test if it worked, now don't you?"
We nodded.
"Now, who'll try?"
"I'll try."
We all looked at Elsa, she walked forward.
"Alrighty, then." Professor Chullin said, handing her the vial.
She uncorked the vial and drank its contents without thinking twice. She gave back the vial to the professor.
"Well? Use your wand, see if it worked."
She took her wand, "which spell?"
"Say, Aguamenti!" The professor instructed.
"Aguamenti!" Elsa shouted.
Nothing happened.
"That's absolutely brilliant!" the professor declared, clapping, "expect your powers to return after the next six hours.
I saw Elsa remove her gloves and actually smile.

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