Chapter Thirteen: DRAGONS

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[thanks so much to @elsaxjack4eva for the likes and stuff. This is for you! 😊☺️😉]

I woke up early the following day.
Elsa's going to have her first challenge.
I got up and dressed quickly.
"Psst." I sneaked into the tent the Tournament competitors were preparing in, "Else?"
"Jack!" she whispered. She was in gear, and she was beautiful.
You're staring!
I shook myself and sighed, "Elsa... so, the Yule Ball's tomorrow, and..."
She laughed, "it's more of a Valentine's Ball now."
"Yeah, well..." I sighed, "will... will you go with me? You know. The Ball?"
She smiled and nodded, "of course!"
She grabbed me for a hug. I gasped in surprise, but I hugged her back.
"Where'd you go?" Hiccup asked me.
Merida laughed, "taking a peek at Elsa."
I shook my head, "what? No!"
"Sit down, Jack!" Rapunzel scolded, "it's starting!"
I sat down between Hiccup and Anna.
"We'll start with the eldest!" Littlemore announced, "from Durmstrang Institute, he's brave and strong, and today, he's going to battle a Hideous Zippleback! Give applause for Hans Westerguard!"
Everyone applauded except me, Anna, Rapunzel, Hiccup, and Merida.
"Brave and strong whatever." Anna snorted.
Hans entered the arena with a wand strapped to his side. He spotted the prize- a golden, egg shaped object.
A smile went to his lips as he made a desperate scramble for it.
Then the Zippleback jumped at him.
"Stupefy!" he shouted, wand aimed at one of the dragon's heads. He aimed his wand at the other head, "Aguamenti!"
The other head got soaked in water, and he made a scramble for the egg.
"That's wrong." Hiccup whispered, "he dampened the wrong head."
The head that was stupefied roared. The dampened head released gas. The stupefied head released static.
Hans reached the egg, but escaped with severe burns.
"Ha!" Anna shouted.
"Fantastic show, Mister Westerguard!" Littlemore announced, "next up, against a Deadly Nadder, it's one of Beauxbatons Academy's best and brightest, the willed and powerful, Mavis Dracula!"

A quick gust of wind sped out of the arena's entrance. The Nadder looked curiously at the entrance. Another quick gust sped by the egg. Then the egg was gone. The Nadder roared, then suddenly, the Nadder was dead. Two puncture wounds neatly on its neck. I felt like vomiting.
Then Mavis appeared at the centre- egg in hand- and... was that blood dripping down her... fangs?!
She wiped it off, but it just spread across her mouth. She lifted the egg and the Beauxbatons cheered.
"Vampire." someone, Rapunzel, whispered.
"Is that allowed?" Anna whispered.
"I guess..." Jack sighed, "the goblet chose her."
"Be quiet!" Anna hissed, "Elsa's next!"
"Beautiful surprise Miss Dracula!" Littlemore praised, "finally, she's quick, she's powerful, and she's brave. She's a queen, and she's up against... a Monstrous Nightmare!"
"Please tell me that's the easiest." Anna muttered.
I shook my head, "they're considered the king of dragons."
"Please welcome, Hogwarts' one and only, Queen Elsa of Arendelle!"
Everyone at Hogwarts stood up and applauded.

I heard Littlemore announce my name. I breathed deeply. It's my turn.
You can do it, Else!
I entered the arena as the crowd quieted down. I pulled out my wand, ready to project ice.
No, Elsa! Remember Hiccup's training!
I put my wand away and slowly stepped forward.
I heard a roar behind me as I turned around. The dragon blasted fire at me as I pulled out my wand and created an ice barrier. I didn't really need the wand, but it would make people not realise I'm an ice elemental.
I put away my wand and breathed. Under the ice barrier, I created a shield and stepped out. The dragon glared at me with hatred in its eyes. I looked at it head on. I slowly walked around it, not taking our eyes off each other.
I slowly lowered my shield. He didn't blast me. I slowly put my shield down and kicked it away. I put my hands up as he came closer.
I extended one of my hands. He glared at it.
Then, he came closer and nudged my hand. I smiled and petted his head. I slowly got around him and got on his back. From what Hiccup taught me, I flew this Monstrous Nightmare towards the egg. I scooped it up into my arms. The crowd cheered.
"That was fantastic, Elsa!" Anna praised as she hugged me.
"That was great, Else!" Jack said as he approached me.
I smiled, "Anna, I'm going to the Ball with someone."
"Who?" Anna asked.
I smiled and went by Jack's side.
Anna squealed, "oh my gosh you two! Since when?"
"Since when I disappeared before the first challenge started." Jack explained.
Anna squealed again, "no wonder!"
I giggled, "so, see you guys later?"
Anna nodded and left. I looked at Jack.
"I'm gonna prep up. See you?"
He nodded and lightly kissed my hand. I blushed.
I entered the girls' lavatory and entered a cubicle. I breathed. I pictured a dress in my mind. It was cyan blue, but faded into mid blue towards the skirt. It had a delicately designed, strapless top. I pictured the skirt. It was until my ankles and had a slit on the right side that reached my knee. I pictured the shoes. It was clear crystal with snowflake patterns on it. I lifted my arms and projected the image.
I exited the cubicle and looked at it in the mirror. It was better than what it looked like in my imagination.
"Nice dress."
I spun around. Standing- no, floating- there was a woman. A ghost to be exact.
"Sorry to surprise you." she apologised, "it's not everyday I meet an elemental. Helena Ravenclaw."
I curtsied, "Quee-"
She suddenly went less than an inch near my face, "I know who you are, Miss Elsa. And I suggest you don't trust everyone who seems trustworthy."
She floated back to where I had first seen her.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
She smiled, "don't trust that professor."
"Professor Del?" I guessed.
She nodded, "trust him if you must, but I warned you."
She dissolved into the ceiling.

I stitched the last touches onto my dress. Perfect. I looked at it. It was a pale pink dress with a corset top. I opened my trunk and pulled out some shoes to match the dress I had just made. I pulled on the dress. It fit perfectly.
"I like your dress." Diana said as she barged into the room. She held a glowing box in one hand. The box had white string attached to it and the string separated into two at the middle. Each separation had a white ball on their tips.
I pointed at the box, "what's that?"
"An iPhone 9C and earphones." she replied, casually.
I looked at her, confused, "a what?"
She launched into a full description on the box and string, how it's used, and what it does.
"I got it as a souvenir from time travelling. Try it." she handed me an earphone.
I took it from her and plugged it into my ear. I couldn't hear anything.
"I don't he-"
She lightly touched the glowing part of the box, and suddenly a loud noise filled my ears. I screamed and yanked it out of my head.
She laughed hysterically, "you don't like Macklemore?"
I moderated my breathing, "who?"
"Macklemore," she explained, "a totally awesome rapper. I can't believe you don't like Thrift Shop!"
"What?" I asked.
"C'mon," she said, handing me the earphone.
I shook my head, "I don't think I can do that again."
She gave me a look.
"Ugh, fine." said as I took the earphone.
"I'll let you choose the song," she said as she pressed the glowing part of the box. She handed it to me and explained to me how to scroll for songs, chose a song, change the volume, etc.
As I scrolled through the list, I came up upon a title that caught my eye. It was labelled: Say Something A Great Big World feat. Christina Aguilera
"What's Say Something A Great Big World feat Christina Aguilera?" I read.
She tapped the title, "it's featuring, not feat."

I put on the only dress I had. The green one I always wear back home. I smoothened the skirt and the sleeves.
"Mer!" Anna called as she exited a cubicle. She was wearing a green coloured dress as well, but it was girlier, "what do you think?"
I shrugged, as I put on my black flats, "ehh..."
She sat down infront of the vanity, "I wore this dress during my sister's coronation."
"I wear this dress all the time back home." I replied.
She bunned her hair, "won't you fix your hair?"
I shook my head, "I like my hair the way it is."
She pinned a green ribbon to her hair, "your accent just comes and goes, doesn't it? It comes when you're stressed and angry and nervous and stuff."
"I..." I came to that realisation, "I... I guess..."

I pinned a red ribbon to my hair and stood up. The red didn't match my all green attire, but it didn't matter. I would look like a complete Slytherin without it.
I smoothened the skirt. It was still a bit frozen from my fall into a river, and it still had frost on the ends, but it was less stiff now and the frost made it look a bit better. This dress was not only special because I wore it during my sister's coronation, but because I met Kristoff in it. I met Kristoff while it was frozen stiff.
"Ready?" I asked Merida.
She laughed, "I've been ready, I was just waiting for you."
I slipped on my black, inch high heels. "Let's go."

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