Chapter Nine: LET IT GO

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{This chapter is basically narrated by Jack and Elsa because this focuses on their time together *cue 'awwww'*}

I stumbled through the forest and stopped before a large tree. I gasped, tired from running, and slumped down the tree.
Snow was everywhere, but at least I know it really is supposed to snow.
I breathed.
"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen."
The last time I had sung this song was when I ran from Arendelle, but I hum it to myself occasionally when I'm stressed or scared.
"A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm the queen."
I stand up, "the wind is howling like this swirling storm inside.
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried..."
I walked deeper into the forest.
"Don't let them in, don't let them see. Be the good girl you always have to be."
I heard a crunch on fresh snow. I stopped and looked around. There was no one.
"Conceal don't feel, don't let them know... well, now they know!"
I removed my glove and it dropped to the ground.
"Let it go! Let it go! Can't hold it back anymore!"
I created snow mosaics on the trees.
"Let it go, let it go! Turn away and slam the door!"
I created snowflake patterns on the rocks, "I don't care what they're going to say! Let the storm rage on, the cold never bothered me anyway.
It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small.
And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all.
It's time to see what I can do, to test the limits and break through.
No right, no wrong, no rules for me. I'm free!"
I spotted a clearing in the forest, I walked towards it and stopped in the middle.
"Let it go, let it go! I am one with the wind and sky.
Let it go, let it go! You'll never see me cry!
Here I'll stand! And here I'll stay!
Let the storm rage on..."
I stomped my foot on the ground and a giant snowflake emerged.
"My power flurries through the air into the ground.
My soul is spiralling in frozen fractals all around.
And one thought crystallises like an icy blast!
I'm never going back! The past is in the past!"
I stop when I hear a branch break. I look around, but still nothing.
"Let it go! Let it go! And I'll rise like the break of dawn!"
I removed my Hogwarts robe and set it aside. Then, I create a new dress for myself.
"Let it go! Let it go! That perfect girl is gone! Here I'll stand in the light of day, let the storm rage on! The cold never bothered me anyway..."
I heard a footstep.
I turned around. It's Jack.
I run behind a tree.
"Uhh... Elsa?"
I gulp.
"Uhh... hey, Elsa." he said, through the tree, could you... uhh... maybe step away from the tree?"
"No, go away." I demand.
Jack knocked on the tree, "I'm not leaving until you show me what you've been up to. I found your glove and your robe in the forest."
I sigh, "you alone?"

She stepped away from the tree.
"Uhh..." I look at her new dress. A cyan colour until her knees. It was a strapless piece.
"What do you want, Jack?" she asked.
I stepped closer to her, but she stepped away. "no, please. I... I don't want to hurt you."
"You can't hurt me." I assure her.
She shook her head, her hands close to her chest, "I can, Jack I can! Didn't you see?!"
I nodded, "I did see. Elsa, I did."
"Why aren't you afraid?!" she yelled.
I shrugged.
"Stop shrugging!" she demanded.
Suddenly, we heard a crunch on fresh snow.
We stopped yelling at each other... well, her yelling at me and me just replying casually.
I spun around and aimed my staff at whatever was making the sound.
"Is anyone else with you?" Elsa whispered.
I kept changing my staff's aim, man, there must be plenty of 'em. "Nope. Just me."
"Elsa, get behind me." I told her.
"I already am behind you." she said, like it was obvious, which technically was true.
I heard a growl. I moved back and bumped into Elsa.
"Watch it!" she whispered.
I squinted and suddenly, a pair of glowing eyes appeared in the darkness. I moved back and protectively put an arm to my side, you know, to prevent Elsa from charging in.
"What are they?" Elsa asked, stepping back.
"Stay behind me, Elsa." I order her.
"What are they?" she asked.
I spotted another pair of eyes. "I don't know. But they're big, and... growling."
"Large wolves?" Elsa asked.
Professor Peri's voice echoed in my head, "there are werewolves in the forest at the night of the full moon..."
"Elsa? You still there?"
"Yeah?" she whispered.
I spotted three more pairs of eyes, they were surrounding us.
"Is it... is it a full moon?"
"I can't see the moon." she replied.
"Right, umm..." I thought hard.
Suddenly, their growls got stronger as five of them stepped out of the darkness. I was right, they were werewolves.
"Uhh... Jack?" Elsa said, terrified.
I flew towards the head of the nearest one. I bounced off of it, hit the head of the one nearest to it, shot ice at another one, and basically knocked them out. I landed next to Elsa.
I looked at her in the eyes, "I'm like you."
Then I whipped my staff up as I heard more growls and I spotted more eyes.
"Jack? Jack, they're surrounding us." Elsa whispered.
"I figured." I reply, "are you good at fighting?"
I felt Elsa's back on mine. "Not really, but I'll try."
"Else? Else, if... you know, we die tonight and-"
"Don't talk like that!" Elsa murmured.
I shrugged, "I'm just saying."
"I felt you shrug." she replied.
I chuckle, "I just wanna say... uhh..."
"Hold that though, Jack. They're closing in on us."
I saw some werewolves step out of the darkness, "they're coming out on your side?"
"Yup." Elsa replied.
"Else? I just wanna say that you look pretty perfect to me."
"You heard me singing?"
"Well, yeah. And by the way, I think your voice was the voice I heard after I received all those scrolls, but I still can't put my finger on the other one."
The wolves stalked around us, waiting for the right moment to strike.
"Else?" I ask, "Else, you still there?"
"Yeah," she replied, "got a plan?"
"Yup." I reply, "can you make the ground freeze?"
"I can, just by stepping forward." she said, "but Jack, the ground already has snow on it..."
"Good, on three, we freeze the snow." I instruct, "one..."
"Two..." she said.
"Three!" we shout.
I hit the ground with my staff and she stomped on the ground with her foot.
The snow already there froze over into solid ice. The werewolves started slipping over.
I grabbed Elsa by the waist and pulled her towards me, "hold on."
"Hold onto what?" she asked.
I chuckled, "to me."
I looked up and flew up.
Elsa gasped and wrapped her right arm around my neck, left arm clutching my sweater, and buried her head in my chest.
I held her close and flew towards Hogwarts.
"Jack, don't let me go. Please." she pleaded.
I chuckled, "I would never let you go."
She buried her head into my chest and clutched my sweater.
"Promise?" she said, her voice muffled into my sweater.
I smiled, "promise."

I had my eyes closed the entire time, and although Jack and I never really socialised; I kinda enjoyed this moment with him, and I wished it wouldn't end.
"Elsa, Else?" he whispered, gently, "you can open your eyes now."
I shook my head and clutched his sweater.
"Come on." he coaxed, "trust me."
I slowly opened my eyes.
We were flying above the trees, closing in on Hogwarts.
I gasped and smiled.
"Jack, this is amazing..." I gasped.
He slowly touched down infront of the main door of Hogwarts.
I let go of his sweater- it was now crumpled up where I held it- and I removed my arm from around his neck. His smell still on my hands- he smelled like freshly fallen snow. You may not know what fresh snow smells like, but I do. And it's good.
Jack smiled at me, and for a brief moment, our faces were so close to each other... our lips an inch apart.
I looked down abruptly, then I stepped away from him, "I... I can't go back in there."
He stepped towards me, "why not?"
I looked at him, "they called me evil. A user of dark magic. An evil sorcerer! A monster!"
He shook his head and leaned on his staff, "that's because they don't know who you are, and to me; you're not evil, you're good; you're not a monster, a monster is not defined by their abilities. And you are NOT a monster. If they see you that way, SO WHAT? I don't see you like that. Your cousin doesn't. And your sister definitely doesn't."
I shrug, then I laugh.
"What's so funny?" he asked.
I laughed and wiped the tears off my cheeks, "now I'm shrugging."
He chuckled and we had a brief moment of eye contact...
The door burst open.
"Miss Elsa!"
"Professor Del?"
Del grabbed my arm and Jack's arm and dragged us all the way into his office.
"Am I in trouble?" I mutter.
He laughed, "of course not! In fact, I've saved your skins."
"Huh?" Jack and I say at the same time.
He chuckled, "I cast a spell on the entire student body and faculty of Hogwarts. Now, no one remembers you two have powers... well, except me and, of course the both of you."
"Really?" I gasp, "tha- wait, wait... what about Anna? And Rapunzel?"
"Well, they'll remember, but they won't remember last night's incident." Del replied.
"So, we still have to hide our powers from everyone else?" I added.
Del nodded, "it's for the best."
I look at my hands, "I..."
"You'll learn to control it. I know you can." Jack assured me.
I looked at him, "I've already learned after I thawed Arendelle, but it's not working anymore."
He reached for my hand, and soon my hand was in his, "of course it works, I believe in you."

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