Chapter Twelve: PREPARATIONS

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Two months later...

"Today," Littlemore announced, "we will know who will participate in the Triwizard Tournament!"
The Hall filled with chatter.
"Let's find out!" he shouted. The goblet gave a cough, and a piece of paper- slightly scorched- flew out. He caught it and read the name, "Hans Westerguard!"
The Durmstrang students cheered as Hans walked up as if to say, 'who else but me?'
"Hans?" Anna seethed, "that... that SKANK!"
I remembered Rapunzel's story.
"I'm sure he wouldn't win." I assure her.
Another piece of paper flew out and Littlemore reached and grabbed it, "Mavis Dracula!"
Mavis, that girl who sassed me and the others back at Diagon. She walked and stood beside Hans like, 'of course I was chosen! I'm the best!'
The third paper flew out of the goblet. It was more of a piece of charred cloth than paper. He opened it.
"Elsa of Arendelle."
I gasped and looked at Anna. Anna gasped, "oh no."
We looked at Elsa. Elsa looked up confused, "but I didn't."
"Too late now," Littlemore said, "the goblet chose you."
Moana Waialiki*, a Hufflepuff, stood up, "I can take her place!"
Littlemore shook his head, "the Goblet chose Elsa."

I looked at Jack. He looked at me with a mixture of confusion, wonder, and question.
Why was I chosen?
What did I do?
I didn't even put my name in!
"Our Triwizard contestants, Hans Westerguard, Mavis Dracula, and Elsa of Arendelle!"
What did I get myself into?
"Else! Else!"
I faced Jack, "Jack, I swear I didn't-"
"I believe you." Jack assured me, "but if you didn't, then who did?"
I shrugged, holding my head, "I don't know, Jack! I... I can't be part of this!"
"I believe you can!" Jack assured me, "I know you can."
"What if... my powers..."
"They won't." Jack said, "you just have to avoid using your powers without a wand. If you use a wand, they won't realise it's you! They'll think it's another ice and snow spell!"
I shake my head, "but what if I lose my wand?"
"You won't. I believe in you." he told me.
I shrug, nervously.
"Jack... I'm scared."
He looked at me in the eyes, "I know, I know. But you'll be alright. It'll be fun. You'll have a little fun instead."
The following day, Mavis, Hans, and I meet up with journalist Sarah Scromfield.
"Oh, so here's this year's trio." she said, "let's get this over with, starting with you."
Naturally, that's me.
Avoiding Hans, I walked with Sarah into a small room. A quill pen and paper floated next to her.
"What is your full name?"
"Queen Elsa of Arendelle."
"Queen of Arendelle."
I walked out of the room. Hans was next.
I glare at him as he passed by me into the room.
"You seem avoidant of that Hans guy." Mavis noticed, "Mavis Dracula. Mavy for short."
"Elsa of Arendelle." I tell her, "and, it's because he tried to kill me in the past."
Mavis made a few streams of silver magic glitter cascade out of her wand, "using the Avada spell?"
I shake my head, "using a sword."
She chuckled, "then why didn't you use a spell to disarm him? You could have easily hexed him!"
I shook my head, "I didn't know how to use magic back then."
"That's a pity." she sighed, now the cascading glitter was gold coloured.
I agree.
"So, what's it like in Beauxbatons?" I ask her.
She launched into a highly described speech about Beauxbatons.
We were cut short by a little boy who ran at us. He looked like a miniature version of Robert Lovegood.
"What are you doing here?" Mavis hissed.
"I'm Robert Lovegood Jr.*, Ravenclaw, and may I just say-"
"Mister Lovegood!" Professor Cartel shouted, "you're not supposed to be here!"
"May I just say that your first challenge will involve fire."
"Mister Lovegood!" Cartel shouted again.
"Good day!" Robert finished, then he ran in the opposite direction, away from Cartel.
"Ugh!" Cartel groaned as she ran in his direction.
I looked at Mavis with wonder.
"Fire?" she asked me.
I shrugged, slightly blushing because I remembered that Jack had a tendency to shrug.
"Next!" Sarah shouted as Hans walked out and Mavis walked in.
I am NOT going to be left alone with HIM.
Absolutely NOT.
"May I use the lavatory?!" I shouted, not being a question. I ran to the girls' lavatory before anyone could give an answer.
So I basically hung out in the girls' lavatory for a solid 37 minutes until Mavis came in.
I was standing beside the sinks, so when she came in, I slipped.
"Calm down, Else. It's just me." Mavis said, "it's finished. We can go down for lunch."
I nod and follow her out.

"How was it?" I asked her as she sat down.
Elsa picked up the goblet and drank water, then she put it down, elegantly wiping her lips, "it was fine, really."
"And... Hans?" I asked.
She looked at me, "I am not going to let him win."
"That's good." I agreed, "don't."
She nodded, "but I did make friends with Mavis."
I spit out my drink, and it hit Fishlegs in the face.
"Aww... what?"
"Oh my, I'm so sorry Fishlegs." I told him, then I faced Elsa, "that smirking, I'm-the-best girl who insulted Mer, Hiccup, and Astrid at Diagon?"
She shrugged, "she seems really nice."
I shake my head, "well, be careful."
She stopped eating, "what do you think the first challenge would be?"
I looked at her, "what?"
"A kid told me and Mavis that the first challenge involved fire." she explained.
I looked at the floating candles, "maybe a hallway filled with candles and you have to reach the end without getting burnt?"
She shook her head, "I don't think it would be like that."
After lunch,we caught up with Anna. Elsa told her everything.
"I hope whatever it is," Anna began, "Hans gets a really big burn on his face."
We agreed with her.
"So," Anna said, "how's the supposed Yule Ball?"
I gasped, "oh my gosh! I totally forgot!"
"Technically, it's a Valentine Ball." Elsa corrected.
"It's... It's tomorrow!" I gasped, "oh my gosh! I don't even have a dress yet!"
"Calm down, Rap!" Elsa told me.
I shook my head, "gotta go! Gonna make myself a dress."
I ran towards the Ravenclaw common room.

"Hey, psst!"
I was walking down the hallways.
"Psst! Haddock!"
I spun around, not knowing where that sound was coming from.
"Over here! Behind the statue!"
I looked behind the only statue in the hallway.
"Professor Del?"
"Yes, yes. Now, listen carefully boy." he whispered, "you're a friend of that Elsa girl, right?"
I nodded, "sort of."
"Good, well. Her first challenge involved fire."
I look at him oddly, "what?"
"What breathes fire?"
A dawn of realisation came to me, "dragons?"
He applauded, "yes! Yes! Now, she has to know how to get past the dragon and take her prize."
"She has to kill it?!" I gasp.
He shook his head, "no, no! She has to learn how to get past a dragon, let me finish!"
"Oh..." I say.
He looked around, making sure no one was watching, "you have a pet dragon, am I right?"
I nod, nervously.
"Then go train Miss Elsa how to tame one! She'll be a crowd favourite!" he said, "you will do this, am I right? She is, after all, the Hogwarts representative for the Tournament."
I nodded, "alright."
"Good. You have to do this tonight, at the forest. The dragons would be delivered to the depths of the forest, so I suggest you train on the other side."
I shake my head, "but, Professor, it's dangerous!"
"You'll have a dragon with you!" he explained, "I sent for your 'Toothless'. Now, promise me this, Haddock. This will stay a secret between you, me, and Miss Elsa. Understood?"
I nod, "what if we get caught?"
"I'll take care of that. Good? Now you better get started."
"But it's still daytime!" I whine.
"Your dragon arrives after sun down. I suggest you go over the basics with Miss Elsa." he said, "now, go... scurry off."
I spot Elsa entering Muggle Studies class. Good. We have Muggle Studies together.
I enter and sit beside Elsa. Professor Cartel enters and begins the lesson.
"Psst... Elsa, I know what your first challenge would be." I whisper.
Elsa didn't look up from taking down noted, but she whispered, "oh really?"
"Yeah... It's dragons. You have to go obtain something being guarded by a dragon."
"Oh..." she stopped taking notes and looked at Professor Cartel.
"Lucky for you," I whisper, "I can help. I have a pet dragon. I can teach you."
"You would?" she whispered.
"I can hear whispering." Professor Cartel said while writing on a chalkboard.
I lowered down my voice, "you in?"
She lowered her voice, "sure. When do we start?"
"Now." I say. I passed her my dragon journal. The one I used as a 12 year old when I was still a nobody, "read it well."
After Muggle Studies, I followed her down the hallway, "later, after sun down, my dragon is coming." I whisper, "I can... I mean we can teach you how to tame a dragon. To make it trust you."
She nodded, "thanks."
"Are you sure, Hiccup?" she asked as Toothless growled at her.
"Yeah, Toothless is a good boy." I assure her, "now, put your arm forward. Slowly."
She did so.
"Open your hand, slowly."
She did it.
"Now, let Toothless come to you. Don't make any sudden movements, sounds, or... well, you get the idea."
I watched as Toothless sniffed Elsa's hand, then he touched her hand with his head.
"Now, Elsa." I instruct, "you can get on him now."
"What?" she whispered.
Toothless got down.
"Slowly make your way to his side and slowly get on him."
She did so. I got on Toothless.
"I'll teach you how to ride a dragon."

*Moana Waialiki is an upcoming Disney character in the upcoming film Moana (Disney's planning to rename it Spirited, LOL adjectives!) They said it would be released 2017 or 2018, I'm not sure. I don't know which house to put her in because I don't really know her personality, so Hufflepuff's just a guess.
*Robert Lovegood Jr. is the grandfather of Luna Lovegood. He is the son of earlier mentioned Robert Lovegood, who is at his final year at Hogwarts.

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