Chapter Eight: REVEALED

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Christmas season, and it was snowing outside.

"All students who will go home for the holidays, please submit a written request to your house's head boy or girl. They will hand them over to your house's head teacher. Requests must be in by tomorrow. Good day!"
I stood up and wiped my mouth, "be right back!"
I ran over to the Ravenclaw table. Elsa was still reserved, and you'd expect that she made at least a hundred friends now, but she still didn't. She only ever stayed with Rapunzel, occassionally me, but being in different houses made it hard.
Then there's that white-haired boy, Jack, from Slytherin who would always flirt with Elsa, and I could see that they liked each other, but Elsa still wouldn't talk to him. She only ever said one word replies to him, like 'yes', 'no', 'maybe', 'okay' and occasionally two words, like 'go away', 'just leave', 'leave me', and the like. She only ever spoke whole sentences to him during potions.
Occasionally, she would remove her gloves, but she would keep them close.
I ran towards Elsa and stood beside her, "is it okay if I sit?"
"Sure." a Ravenclaw boy said, "just don't stay too long."
I sat down beside Elsa. Rapunzel sat infront of her.
"You're wearing your gloves?" I gasped as I looked at Elsa's hands, covered in blue fabric.
She drank some water, "I always wear gloves."
She put the goblet down.
"Yeah, fingerless ones!" I whispered.
She looked at me, "Anna, I'm loosing control."
"Let her be, Anna." Rapunzel defended, "it is winter after all."
I nod, "fine."
Rapunzel frantically put down her goblet, "Slytherin girl with red hair and green eyes approaching!" She whispered.
I did my best to try and see the girl without looking at her directly. The girl tapped Elsa's shoulder, hard.
Elsa turned around and looked at this girl, I looked at her too.
"Oh, hello." Elsa said, softly.
She laughed sarcastically, really loud, until everyone stopped eating and was watching us.
"Don't you 'oh, hello' me!" she shouted.
Elsa looked at her, confused, "uhh... excuse me, I'm confused."
I stand up, "you have something wrong with my sister?"
She rolled her eyes and did a mock curtsey, "ohh, sorry! I didn't mean to offend the 'queen' and 'princess' of Are En Del! Oh wait! I did!"
Elsa stood up, "it's Arendelle."
"I'm sorry, your 'highness'." she said, saying 'highness' like it was a word that could kill just by saying it.
Elsa stood up and walked away. She was halfway to the door when the girl grabbed her glove.
"Afraid of a little dirt? Bacteria? Germs?" she waved the glove in Elsa's face as Elsa tried to grab it, then she held her hand close to her chest.
I run between them, "that was too far! Give it back!"
She shook her head, "no!"
"Scarlett, please!" Professor Cartel said, brisk-walking towards us.
"Petrificus totalus!" she shouted, aiming her wand at the professor.
Professor Cartel dropped like a stone, then she pushed me aside.
"Colloshoo!" she shouted, with her wand aimed at me. I tried to move, but I couldn't. My shoes were stuck.
Elsa breathed, "alright. Scarlett, what do you want?"
"Jack is MINE."
Elsa looked at her, shocked, "what? I... I never said he was mine."
"Stop flirting!" she shouted.
Jack ran over and tried to break it up, "please stop."
"Shut up, Jack." Scarlett shouted. Then she pushed Elsa back.
Everyone gasped.
Rapunzel ran between Elsa and Scarlett.
"Scarlett, you mess with my cousin, you mess with me." Rapunzel threatened.
"So, you cheated on me with her too?!" Scarlett shouted at Jack.
Jack looked at her, confused, "what?! We were never even together!"
Scarlett rolled her eyes, "oh please! You gave me a promise ring the other day."
Jack shook his head, "no I didn't! I found it on the floor and you said it was yours!"
Scarlett slapped Jack, "liar!"
"So I'm the liar here?!" he demanded.
Scarlett pushed Rapunzel out of the way and aimed her wand at Elsa. Elsa gasped and moved back.
"I'm not afraid to do the Avada spell." she taunted.
"It's forbidden!" Merida shouted.
Scarlett smiled and slowly aimed at me.

I learned of the Avada spell and what it could do a few months ago, and I know it's forbidden.
I held my hand, my glove in Scarlett's free hand. Without it, my hand felt naked. Exposed.
Then she aimed her wand at Anna.
"NO!" I shouted. I shot her wand with ice. The wand flew across the room.
Everyone gasped.
"You're... you're a..." Scarlett stammered.
I looked at my hand. My gloveless hand. The hand that shot the ice at Scarlett's wand.
I glared at Scarlett; then, with one hand movement, I completely froze her to the floor.
She gasped and tried to wiggle free.
"You're a... you're... an... a..."
"She's an ice elemental!" someone shouted.
"That's dark magic!" another shouted.
"It is NOT dark magic!" Rapunzel shouted.
"It IS dark magic!"
"My mother told me only evil witches and wizards have ice powers!"
"She's evil!"
"My sister is NOT evil!" Anna shouted.
I started panicking.
It's happening again.
Their words flew into my head.
It's too much.
I turn and run out the door.
"Elsa!" Anna shouted.
I ran out the building and into the surrounding forest.

I followed Anna and Rapunzel out the building.
"Where'd she go?" Merida asked.
The viking, Hiccup, pointed at a fresh ice trail with a snowflake pattern, "I think I know."
"The trail leads to the forest!" Rapunzel gasped.
"We have to go after her." I declare.
"No you won't."
We turn around to face Professor Chullin.
"The forest is too dangerous at night. I'm afraid we'll have to wait until morning to find her."
"Too dangerous?!" I gasp, "that means she's in DANGER!"
"No she isn't." Professor Ogden, our transfiguration professor, said.
I shake my head, "what do you mean, she isn't?!"
Professor Peri stepped forward, "she's an ice elemental, Jack. She can defend herself."
"But she can't stay in there all night!" Anna demanded.
"I have to go after her!" I demand.
Peri shake her head.
"It's too dangerous."
"Too dangerous for me, but safe for Elsa?!" I shout in disapproval.
"Well, she is an ice e-"
Out of anger, I hit the ground with my staff, and ice spread around it.
"Y... you too?" Ogden gasped.
I lean against my staff, "now can I go?"
"No." Peri declared.
I shake my head and fly off into the woods.
"Too late!" I shouted.

"I wanna go too!" I beg the professors.
Peri shook her head, "Miss Rapunzel, the forest is too dangerous at night! And we can't afford to lose you! You're one of the Ravenclaw Quidditch members, and there is a shortage of members!"
"Elsa is a member!" I say, crossing my arms.
Peri didn't bother, "there are werewolves, and trolls, and unicorns, and-"
"Unicorns are not dangerous!" Anna declared, "and trolls aren't! A troll healed me once!"
Peri faced us, obviously having enough, "go back to your dorms, and not a word until morning!" Ogden shouted.
Merida grunted.
"Problem, Miss Merida?" Chullin asked.
Merida grunted, "no..."
"Good, now... be off!"
I walked towards the Ravenclaw common room.
"Oh, hey." I told Diana.
"You didn't tell me Elsa was an ice elemental!" she said.
I lifted my shoulders, "you never asked."
A boy pulled Diana back, "stay away from her!"
"Put a sock in it, Jerry!" Diana shouted, "uhh... sorry Punzie, this is my brother, Jerry."
"Hey." I said.
He crossed his arms, "Diana, she is related to the ice elemental!"
"Which is COOL!" Diana shouted.
"No, not cool!" Jerry replied, "she is related to a dark sorceress!"
"Hey!" I shouted, wagging my finger at Jerry, "my cousin is NOT a dark sorceress, and she is NOT evil! You mess with them, you mess with me, bub!"
Jerry moved back, "riiiggghhht..."

"Anna!" I ran towards Anna.
"What is it?" she asked.
"You never told me Elsa was an ice elemental!"
Anna shrugged, "well, it wasn't my secret to tell."
A Gryffindor boy, Renaud Frells, pushed Anna.
"You evil too?" he asked.
"No, I am not! And my sister's not evil!"
Renaud chuckled, "yeah... and I'm supposed to believe that?"
"Was it evil for her to freeze a girl who was going to kill her sister?" I shouted.
The boy groaned, "what?"
The girl, a Hufflepuff with brown hair and brown eyes, sashayed over and gently nudged Renaud.
"For once in your lifetime, be nice!" she demanded.
Renaud threw his hands up, "I am nice!"
The girl chuckled and walked towards us, "don't mind Renaud, he's vicious that way."
"So I've learned." I scowled.
"Amber. Amber Mercer. Hufflepuff." she said with a wide smile, "and you guys don't need to introduce yourselves, because I know who you guys are."
"Oh, you know Hiccup?" I asked, eagerly.
"Yeah, and his girlfriend, Astrid." she said.
"Merida has a crush on Hiccup." Anna teased.
I shook my head, "what? No!"
"Well sure. But between you and me, I see you and Hiccup as the perfe-"
I blush, "hey!"
"What?" Amber laughed.
Anna laughed along, "finally! Someone who sees my point of view!"
"Miss Mercer!"
Amber froze, "yes, Professor Ogden?"
"Dorm. Now."
Amber rolled her eyes, "fine."
She waved at us, "nice meeting you guys."
She walked towards Renaud and kisses his cheek, "see you tomorrow."

I lay down on my bed and just stared at the ceiling.
I couldn't sleep.
I know that I'm not that close to Elsa, but I can't help but relate.
People wouldn't accept me when I was younger. They didn't bother. I was considered a useless piece of scrap.
And no, I do not have a crush on Elsa, I still love Astrid.
But maybe, just maybe... I sort of like Mer-
Hiccup, get yourself together!
I shook it off and tried to sleep.

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