Chapter Ten: HANGOVER

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I woke up with a really bad headache.
"Anna..." I muttered, without opening my eyes.
I heard a groan on the bed beside me, "yeah?"
"Wow, me head hurts." I told her.
"Yeah, me too..."
I massaged my head with my fingers, then I slowly opened my eyes.
I looked at Anna, "hey, Anna. It's Tuesday, our first class is Defence, and ye know how strict Prof Peri is."
Anna rubbed her eyes, "oh, go let her blow her head up. My head hurts."
I slowly got up. Suddenly, the world spun as I crashed into a chest.
"Shh!!!" Catherine demanded, "massive headache here!"
"Sorry, me head hurts as well." I admit.
Mary Lovegood sat up on her bed, "it must be the side effect of a mass memory charm."
"Mary, you're making my head hurt even more with this knowledge." Idella Comilla joked.
"It must be a mass memory charm, to make us forget something." Mary added, "now, does anyone know what happened last week?"
Some of the Gryffindors explained what happened last week.
"How about yesterday?" Mary asked.
I shook my head, "well, we were eating supper... uhhh..."
"That's it!" Anna shouted, "no one remembers what happened last night!"
"What?" Idella wondered, "but, alcoholic drinks aren't-"
"That's bee cos it WASN'T a beer drink fest, it wuz ah mass memory spell! That's it! Juss like wat Mary said!" I declared.
"Then, why would they want us to forget?" Anna asked, curiously.
Mary shrugged, "I guess they wanted everything to stay secret."
Anna crossed her arms, "well, I wanna know."
"I know!" Sophie brightened, "let's ask someone from another house! They're bound to know!"
I shake my head, "unless they've been afflicted by the memory thing as well."
"Why not do a reverse spell on ourselves?" Anna suggested.
"We can't." Mary replied, "I don't know what happened either, so the spell won't work."
"We could try." Kate said.
"Too dangerous." Laura Gelltin warned.
"Let's ask the boys." I suggest.
I jumped out of bed as soon as the world stopped it's blur and ran into the common room.
I spot Charles lying down on the couch.
"Hey Charles!" I throw a throw pillow at him.
He groaned and let the pillow slide off his face, "uhh... Mer? If that's you, I'm really having a massive headache. I don't know."
I stand over him, "really? How about the others?"
He put an arm over his eyes, "yeah, all of us have it."
"Funny. Us girls got them too." I inform him, "just this morning. Mary says it might be-"
"- the side effect of a mass memory charm, yeah I know. Robert Lovegood said the same."
He yawned and turned the other way.
I look at the doorway to the girls' dorm. Anna and a few others stood there.
"Well?" Kate asked.
I shake my head, "they've been hexed too."
"Well, what now?" Anna asked.
"How about the others?" Sophie suggested, "you know, the other houses. They're bound to know something."
"I'll ask Elsa!" Anna shouted as she ran out of the common room.
"Elsa?" Idella asked.
I smile, "her sister... Uhh, I'll... go ask Hiccup. You know, Hufflepuff."

I fell off my bed and groaned. My cheek throbbed.
"Hey!" I looked up at the face that had just hit me.
"What are you doing in the boys' dorm?" I ask her.
She shook her head, "my name is Jane, and you're in Ravenclaw's common room."
I quickly get up and examine the place. Thor's hammer I am in Ravenclaw...
How did I get here?
"How did you get here?" she asked, echoing my thoughts.
I shrugged, "I don't know, okay. I'll just go."
I walked towards the exit.
"Oh, Hiccup!"
I turn around.
"Hey Rapunzel." I greet her.
She smiled and went down the steps, "what are you doing here?"
I shrugged.
"Have you seen Elsa? She's not in her bed." she asked.
I shook my head, "I don't know. Maybe Merida knows."
"Or Anna." she added.
"Yeah. To Gryffindor?"
She nodded.
The moment we stepped outside, Anna bumped into us.
"Punzie!" she squealed in delight, then she looked at me, "Hiccup? What are you-"
"Don't know either." I tell her.
"Where's Elsa?" Rapunzel asked.
Anna shook her head, "she's missing?"
I nod.
Anna looked worried, "then we better tell someone! A professor, perhaps."
We went straight to Professor Chullin. I knocked and entered his office.
He groaned and looked at us woozily, "I'm having a very bad headache, alright? Maybe later."
I nod and slowly step outside, "he's having the head pains too."
Rapunzel looked at the both of us with worry, "now what? Elsa is missing and even the teachers are having amnesia."
"Maybe she's at Slytherin." Hiccup suggested.
We walk along the corridor towards the Slytherin common room, which is somewhere in a dungeon-like place-thing.
We heard a shrill shout and Merida popped up from a bend in the corridor.
"My gods Hiccup! Where have you been?!"
"Ravenclaw." I said, confused.
"Ruffnut told me you went missing." she said, shaken.
I nod, "uhh... well, I woke up in the Ravenclaw common room, and I still have absolutely NO IDEA how I got there."
"Have you seen Elsa?" Anna asked her. Merida shook her head.
"We're going to Slytherin. Maybe she's there." Rapunzel told her.
I nodded, "and I haven't seen Astrid in two days! I hope she isn't upset."

Hiccup walked ahead of us after saying that thing about Astrid. Was that jealousy in Merida's eyes?
We reached the last bend of the corridor to reach Slytherin when suddenly, Astrid popped up from behind it.
"Hiccup!" she shouted. She ran up to Hiccup and hugged him affectionately. I tried not to notice Merida's flaming face.
"What happened?" Hiccup asked her.
She let go of Hiccup, "I woke up with a massive head ache from Thor knows where, and everyone else had it too."
"That's really creepy." I say, ruining their moment, "we all had that same head ache this morning."
"Where is it coming from?" Astrid asked.
Rapunzel lifted her arms as if to say, Dunno.
"And my sister's missing." I tell her, "is she in Slytherin?"
She shook her head, "why would she?"
"Hey, I woke up in Ravenclaw." Hiccup told her, "just sayin'."
A Slytherin girl ran out and shook Astrid, "he's missing!"
"Who?" Astrid asked.
She wailed, "JACK!"
"Calm down, Scarlett!" Astrid told her.
"My sister's missing too." I tell her.
She glared at me, "I DON'T CARE! JACK'S MISSING!"
She went hysterical and then, stared daggers at us.
"He's with your sister?!"
I shake my head, "she doesn't even like Jack!"
She rolled her eyes, "her royal highness of goody-two-shoes *vomiting noises* Jack's definitely mine. Tell her that!"
She ran down the corridor.
"Maybe she's in Hufflepuff." Astrid suggested.
Merida scoffed, "she isn't. I just came from there."
"Then where is she?" I asked in fear.
"Where's who?"
We turn around and face the white haired boy who was Elsa's potions partner.
"WHERE IS SHE?!" I shout at him.
"She's in the hospital wing." Jack replied, "I came to call you and Rapunzel."
"What?" Rapunzel gasped in disbelief, "what happened? Why is she there?"
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" I shout, positioning my wand less than a centimetre near his throat.
Jack raised his hands as if to say, I'm innocent, "nothing's wrong with her. She just asked to see the both of you in private."
I lower my wand, "fine. Let's go, Punzie."

We arrive at the hospital wing looking for Elsa.
"Elsa?" Anna shouted, "Elsa? It's me, Anna. Your sister? Rapunzel's here too."
We look towards the sound. It was from behind the curtain.
"Elsa?" I ask.
Sure enough, Elsa was there.
"What happened?" Anna asked her.
She didn't seem hurt, or shaken, but she looked pretty excited.
She told us all about what happened the night before.
"So, Scarlett almost killed me, but you froze her?" Anna repeated.
She nodded, "and turns out, Jack has the same powers as I do."
"Oh my gosh, Else!" I squeal, "you finally found someone."
She laughed, "whatever."
She playfully punched my shoulder.
"You can't tell anyone what happened last night, alright?" she demanded, "only Jack and I know. Professor Del knows too, he was the one that cast the memory spell while Jack and I were in the forest. Promise me you won't tell anyone, not a soul?"
I nod, "I promise."
Anna nodded, "promise."

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