Chapter Sixteen: A FIGHT FOR HICCUP

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A few days after the second task...

I was walking to my next class when Hiccup came along.
"Oh, hey Hiccup."
He looked at me oddly, "who are you?"
"Uhh... Merida? Princess Merida of Dunbroch?" I laughed, "are you messing with me?"
He shook his head, "ohh... oh yeah, I'm sorry. The poly- I... I mean, I hit my head on a pole."
"Alright." I said, "aren't you going to Dragonology?"
He looked at me oddly, "drago-what what?"
I laughed, "uhh, Dragonology? Your favourite subject?"
"Oh... yeah, of course!" he suddenly said, "I'm... I was just going there."
"Really?" I replied, "because I distinctly remember the class to be in this direction?"
He laughed nervously, "of... of course. I was... I was just going to get some stuff from Hufflepuff."
"Right... you're acting weird." I tell him, "you NEVER forget things, especially for class."
"Uhh... bye!"
He dashed past me.
I walked down the hallway, then I bumped into... Hiccup?
"Hey Mer."
I looked at him, confused.
"What?" he asked, self-cautiously.
I shook my head, "didn't I just see you run off to Hufflepuff?"
He chuckled, "are you messing around? I just came from the hospital wing. I've been there ever since the night of the Ball. Come to think of it, I only remember telling Astrid I'd head off to use the toilet."
I examined him, "I'm sorry, I'm confused."
He laughed, "yeah, I was too. I woke up with a massive headache and Sir Pabbie said I had a massive bald spot on my head. She had to give me herbs to have it regrow right away."
I nodded, "uhhh... right..."
"Anyway, what happened while I was at the hospital?"
I laughed, "is this one of your jokes, Hic?"
He looked at me, confused, "what? No!"
I smiled and chuckled, "you jokester!"
I playfully punched his shoulder.
He winced, "oww..."
I laughed and went to class.

I tried to stay as unseen as possible, but as the champion of Hogwarts, that's not quite possible.
"Hey beautiful."
It's Hiccup.
Man! That guy's been giving me the freaky-deakies.
It all started with that break-up with Astrid, then suddenly he was all over me.
"I'm sorry, Hiccup." I tell him, "but I'm booked with Jack."
He chuckled, "oh Elsa, Elsa, Elsa."
He reached and ran a hand over my hair. I cringed and moved away.
"That's really, uhhh..." I struggled for the right word, "nice of you, but I have a boyfriend."
He laughed and grabbed me by the waist, "so? That won't stop,"
He gestured to himself, "this..."
I pushed him away, "okay, first of all, what in the world is wrong with you?! You don't even know how to flirt with Astrid, and now suddenly, you're a flirt?! What have you been eating?!"
"What on Earth are you talking about, my sweet?" he asked, coming closer.
I cringed and moved away, "that's it. You're weird... er, and I'm going now."
What's wrong with him?!
His words replayed in my head...
What on Earth...?
Wait a minute, he never says that!
He always says 'What in Thor's name'.
Something is definitely going on here...
"You lied!"
I turned to see the infuriated face of Astrid Hofferson.
"What?" I asked.
She seethed, "you did steal Hiccup from me! I just saw it!"
I cringed, "okay, first of all, he's been giving me the creeps. Secondly, I have a boyfriend. And lastly, there's something going on with him, and I'm going to find out."
"You know exactly what's going on, Little Miss Innocent with all her flair and glamour." she mocked.
"No, I don't." I say.
She rolled her eyes, "so, just because you're the champion, you can have anyone you want, IS THAT IT?"
"Whoa, whoa, what's going on here?" Hiccup asked, walking towards us. He put an arm over Astrid, but she rejected it.
"What's wrong?" he asked, confused.
"Oh you know what's wrong!" she shouted, "you break up with me on the Valentine's Ball for HER?!"
"Wait, we broke up?" Hiccup asked.
"Stay away from me." I told him.
"What do you mean?" he asked her, "I was in the Hospital wing most of the night! Sir Pabbie just released me today!"
"Yeah right!" Astrid shouted, "Professor Del came after you went to do your business. He told me all about it, then you came back and we BROKE UP!!!"
Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck, "actually, I said I was going to the bathroom, then while I was heading back, I was knocked unconscious. I woke up in the hospital wing."
"Ha... I don't believe you." Astrid hissed, "and since you 'don't remember' our break-up, then I'll give you one right now! WE ARE DONE!"
She stormed away.
He looked at me, "I'm sorry, I'm confused. I w-"
"Stay away from me." I told him. "Just stay away."
He looked stung, but he left. I inhaled and exhaled and pulled up my gloves.

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